Drafts by Andrea Bridgewater
While polyamory is undoubtedly still a somewhat taboo subject, it is gaining more visibility now ... more While polyamory is undoubtedly still a somewhat taboo subject, it is gaining more visibility now than ever. With roots in early human history, polyamory is known to have existed continuously throughout the last several thousand years. Many well-known artists and writers of the last few centuries are known to have had multiple partners, but the "free love" movement of the sixties paved the way for modern polyamory that can be practiced by everyone as opposed to being limited to only specific social circles or subcultures. When California's Proposition 8 was ruled Unconstitutional, ending the ban on same-sex marriages, outraged supporters of the proposition were outraged, asking "What's next? Marriage between more than two people?" This clearly illustrates the taboo status of polyamorous relationships, prevalent even in the society of increased acceptance that we live in today.
Drafts by Andrea Bridgewater