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2 answers

What are the modern alternatives to Backus–Naur form and what are their advantages?

I am very new to the whole concept of context-free grammars to represent the syntax tree of formal languages (i.e., programming languages). It seems that the Backus–Naur form (BNF) is the oldest of ...
Foad's user avatar
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What are the known ambiguities in C language grammar?

I have found this reference for the C syntax Backus-Naur Form (BNF). I was wondering if there are any other ambiguities in this grammar other than the infamous "dangling else"? Also how we ...
Foad's user avatar
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defining a programming language grammar for doing arithmetic

I'm studying programming language design, and I've been taught the grammar below which lets you write basic math expressions. ...
Shiny_and_Chrome's user avatar
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Simple example for Higher Order Abstract Syntax (λ-tree syntax)

I am reading and for trying to understand encoding of linear logic using HOAS into Coq. But I ...
TomR's user avatar
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Is there a correspondence between the syntaxes and the type systems of programming languages?

I was reading the first chapter of Robert Harper's Practical Foundations for Programming Languages in which it introduced abstract binding trees, aka abt. It seems pretty like typed lambda calculus. ...
盛安安's user avatar
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Why are syntax trees used in genetic programming?

Reading a course on genetic programming, the first chapter describes the syntax tree as the basic representation of programs in genetic programming. What are the reasons leading to the choice of a ...
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