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Satisfiability of a boolean formula with two occurrences of each variable with a special ordering

I am interested in the complexity of a special case of the boolean satisfiability problem: We are given a boolean formula, consisting only of the logical operators $\land$ and $\lor$ (that can be ...
SimonNW's user avatar
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Finding a common variable value among all SAT solutions

Let $F$ be a boolean formula on $n$ variables $x_1, \cdots, x_n$. $\textbf{SAT}(F)$ asks whether there exists an assignment of truth values to variables under which $F$ is true. I'm curious about ...
csaltachin's user avatar
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Tseitin formula on 2-connected graph

How can we prove that for $\\\\$ every $\\\\$ 2-connected graph G with an odd number of vertices, the unsatisfiable Tseitin formula for it is minimally unsatisfiable, that is, if we remove even a ...
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Resolution on weakening rule by derived clause

How to prove that every clause that is implied by the input formula (learned or not) can be derived using resolution with weakening rule: $\frac{C} {C \vee D}$ (A clause $C$ is implied by $F$ if for ...
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SAT for clauses of the form "At most m out of n are false"

Recall some terminology: Let $\mathsf P$ be a finite set of propositional atoms, and let $\Phi$ be a proposition over $P$ that is generated from $\top$, $\bot$, $\neg$, $\wedge$, and $\vee$. Then: A ...
Jim's user avatar
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How to get the formal model using propositional logic

Input There are three chairs (1,2,3) in the same row. We need to find a seat for three guests (a,b,c). Constraints The first guest does not want to be seated next to the third one (neither left nor ...
yeahman14's user avatar
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Logical Consequence - Equivalent Assertions

I have the following slide in my notes and I'm having trouble understanding how the three assertions are equivalent. I understand to a degree how the 2nd and 3rd assertions are equivalent, but the ...
A. Boy's user avatar
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Simple Skolemization Question

Is it correct that, under a certain signature S, two First Order Logic formulae F and G are equisatisfiable if (F is satisfiable under S iff G is satisfiable under S)? But in Skolemization I’m ...
Abhishek Manikandan's user avatar
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Stalmarck's method: x ≡ x → z, does z have to be true?

I have been researching Ståmarck's method 1. In the paper cited here, some rules are given. Rules are made of triplets (x, y, z) such that: y $\to$ z $\equiv$ x where x, y and z are booleans which ...
Leop's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is SAT based on the CNF?

I have been reading up on Boolean logic and, specifically, the Boolean satisfiability problem. I have seen several people mention that the expression must be converted to conjunctive normal form (CNF) ...
user3670473's user avatar
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Is there a $L$-complete variant of SAT?

Many complete problem of different class of complexity has SAT variant. Like 3-SAT or $k$-SAT is $NP$-complete, Horn-SAT is $P$-complete, 2-SAT is $NL$-complete, and so on. So I was wondering if there ...
Ozlo Rahmin's user avatar
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Incomplete definition of function- first order logic

Let $\Sigma=\{c,f^1,R_1^2,...,R_k^2\}$ where $c$ is constant, $f$ is one argument function, and $R_i$ are binary relations. Let $\Sigma_2=\{c',g^2,R_1'^1,...,R_k'^1\}$ where $c'$ is constant, $g$ is ...
Ella's user avatar
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Is it generally possible to convert CNF to Horn clauses?

My intuition is that it is not generally possible, but I cannot think of a proof.
apen's user avatar
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Equivalence of Horn formulas tractable?

Assume I have two Horn formulas $\phi_1, \phi_2$. Horn formulas are CNF formulas so that each clause has at most one unnegated literal. For example: $x_1 \wedge (\neg x_1 \vee \neg x_2 \vee x_3 )\...
D.W.'s user avatar
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Equivalence of Krom formulas tractable?

Assume I have two Krom formulas $\psi_1, \psi_2$. Krom formulas are propositional formulas in CNF that have 2 literals in every clause. Each literal can be negated or unnegated. In other words, $\...
Pepe's user avatar
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Is Monotone 3-SAT with exactly 3 distinct variables untractable?

I have given the following SAT variation: Given a formula F in CNF where each clause C has exactly 3 distinct literals and for each C in F either all literals are positive or all literals are negated....
Pepe's user avatar
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Programming in Propositional Logic article notation question

I was reading this article about propositional logic and transforming problems to SAT. The author often uses the following notation (taken from Dominating set section): I don't understand what $[v,i]$...
Michael Scott's user avatar
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Definition of 2-CNF (a.k.a Krom) formula

In my lecturer's notes, the following definition for a 2-CNF wff is given: A 2-CNF formula, or Krom formula is a CNF formula F such that every clause has at most two literals. However, there is ...
Daniel Philpott's user avatar
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Significance of quantifier ordering in quantified boolean formulas (kQBF vs. QBF)

I am studying solvers of quantified boolean formulas (QBF) as a generalization of SAT solving. The standard DIMACS format of SAT specification is extended to QDIMACS, which adds "a ..." and "e ..." ...
user1318416's user avatar
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Does the naive conversion of a Boolean Formula to CNF have a polynomial or exponential complexity?

I am reading the naive conversion to CNF, this procedure is explaining in this book book, but I have not found a conplexity analysis of this algorithm: elimination of equivalence Elimination of ...
TheDimitruss's user avatar
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Is there a correspondence of steps between DPLL and sequent-calculus?

Is there a correspondence between the steps in using DPLL to find out that a formula in propositional logic is unsatisfiable and using sequent calculus to prove that its negation is valid? And given ...
Alex's user avatar
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Preserving a propositional formula

I know I must be getting stuck on notation. However, I'm having trouble following the logic in Example 1.2 in They define what preserving a propositional ...
Alex Williams's user avatar
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Are there any techniques for checking whether a clause is subsumed by another clause when adding it to a cnf formula?

When doing variable elimination on a formula in cnf form, there is created a lot of new clauses. Is there any efficient way to check if these are subsumed by other, already existing clauses?
jørgen k. s.'s user avatar
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Does exist NP language that is Cook Levin deterministic reducible to xor satisfiability in polynomial time?

We say that the language $L$ is Cook Levin deterministic reducible to xor satisfiability in polynomial time if and only if for each word $w\in\Sigma^*:w\in L\iff f(w)\in XORSAT$ where $\Sigma=\{0,1\}$ ...
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Is this possible to solve satisfiability by using Quine McCluskey algorithm to simplify the whole given boolean formula by simplifying subformulas?

In this question Farewell Stack Exchange suggested to use karnaugh maps to solve the satisfiability problem by simplifying the entire/whole boolean formula by simplifying subformulas until you have ...
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How to adapt DPLL to solve HORNSAT?

This question wask asked in a homework of Computer Theory in Rome, Italy. How to simplify the DPLL algorithm in order to solve HORNSAT? My Approach: I know that an Horn clause is an OR of ...
Jack's user avatar
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Is this possible to solve boolean satisfiablility by using karnaugh maps to simplify the whole given boolean formula by simplifying subformulas?

Building karnaugh map for the whole given boolean formula always costs Θ(2n) both time and space complexities, where $n$ is the number of boolean variables in the given boolean formula. It is ...
Farewell Stack Exchange's user avatar
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What is the complexity of determining whether or not conjunction of positive CNF and negative CNF is satisfiable?

Definitions: positive CNF is a conjunctive normal form formula, where all literals are positive, i.e. the unary connective ¬ does not exist in the formula. negative CNF is a conjunctive normal ...
Farewell Stack Exchange's user avatar
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Proving unsatisfiability of a propositional formula

I have a propositional formula $F$ and an assignment of truth variables $A$. The assignment $A$ assigns a truth value to each variable in $F$ and then it can be evaluated. I have a function which for ...
PlsWork's user avatar
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Is this possible to solve 4SAT in polynomial time? [closed]

I know and admit that this is long, but please read it slow and understand everything. I think that this is one of the most interesting questions asked in computer science ever. I don't expect for ...
Farewell Stack Exchange's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Find hamilton cycle in a directed graph reduced to sat problem

I need to find a Hamiltonian cycle in a directed graph using propositional logic, and to solve it by sat solver. So after I couldn't find a working solution, I found a paper that describes how to ...
Dor Cohen's user avatar
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Non-deterministic algorithms and Tautologies

I am studying the lecture The Complexity of Propositional Proofs. ​Here there is a definition together with a discussion (page 3). I don't understand that discussion. Let $F$ denote the set of ...
juaninf's user avatar
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Complexity of a SAT related problem

Given a set of (propositional) formulae $\Phi$, two formulae $\phi$ and $\xi$, determine whether there exists $\Psi\subseteq \Phi$ such that $\Psi\models \phi$ and $\Psi\not\models \xi$. Question: ...
user35715's user avatar
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Efficiently decidable logics

So propositional logic (PL) is efficiently (in P) decidable because I can convert formulas to an equisatisifiable CNF-formula, negate and convert (efficiently, by De Morgans laws) to DNF. I can then ...
Jake's user avatar
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Getting a variable assignment of a Tseitin transformed formula

Let $\phi$ be a Boolean formula and $\mathrm{Tseitin}(\phi)$ the corresponding Tseitin transformed equisatifiable formula. It is well-known that one can get a variable assignment for $\phi$ by ...
John Threepwood's user avatar
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Satisfiabilty 2-sat

Im trying to work out whether the following clause is satisfiable: {x, y},{x,¬y},{¬x, y},{¬x,¬y},{x, z},{x,¬z},{y, z},{y,¬z} My basic understanding is to work ...
joker's user avatar
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Resolution and what it means to derive the empty set

When using resolution, if the empty set {Ø} is derived from a formula like {¬x,¬y} {x,y}, does that mean the formula is unsatisfiable? If this is the case, why is ...
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