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Application of a formal definition of $max, min$ to evaluate an expression

For an Algorithms course we are studying propositional calculus. As an excercise we are given formal statements which we are to explain in natural language first and then evaluate with specific values....
lafinur's user avatar
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Is Conjunctive Normal Form or not?

I have one formula that I do not understand why it is CNF and one that is not CNF, namely. p && !q (NOT NCF) and !!p(CNF). According to the exercise where I found these examples, 1 is not ...
mattssoncode's user avatar
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"State of the art" algorithms deciding entailment of propositional formulas?

I fail to find much about how to efficiently calculate whether a propositional formula entails another. Considering the following two points... We can check, for each truth assignment which makes the ...
Higemaru's user avatar
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Non-Boolean SAT

I was wondering about the complexity of SAT tests with variables $x_i = 0 \lor 1 \lor 2 \dots \lor n$, with clauses being of the form $x_i = a \implies x_j \neq b$. When $n=2$, we have 2SAT, which has ...
Zach Hunter's user avatar
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Knight and knaves

I have these in my lecture notes, its about the rules where knights always tell the truth and knaves always lie: If A says “The statement ‘there is gold on the island’ and the statement ‘I am a ...
Astoach's user avatar
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Is this possible to solve satisfiability by using Quine McCluskey algorithm to simplify the whole given boolean formula by simplifying subformulas?

In this question Farewell Stack Exchange suggested to use karnaugh maps to solve the satisfiability problem by simplifying the entire/whole boolean formula by simplifying subformulas until you have ...
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How to estimate how many assignments satisfy a given DNF formula using Monte Carlo?

Admittedly, homework. For the purpose of this question: $\phi$ is a DNF formula similar to this one: $(x_1 \wedge \neg x_3 \wedge x_4) \vee (\neg x_1 \wedge x_2)$ Also $C_i$ is a clause in this ...
gaazkam's user avatar
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How to adapt DPLL to solve HORNSAT?

This question wask asked in a homework of Computer Theory in Rome, Italy. How to simplify the DPLL algorithm in order to solve HORNSAT? My Approach: I know that an Horn clause is an OR of ...
Jack's user avatar
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Is this possible to solve boolean satisfiablility by using karnaugh maps to simplify the whole given boolean formula by simplifying subformulas?

Building karnaugh map for the whole given boolean formula always costs Θ(2n) both time and space complexities, where $n$ is the number of boolean variables in the given boolean formula. It is ...
Farewell Stack Exchange's user avatar
5 votes
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How to find a minimum set of axioms within a set of propositions?

I have a set of propositions, for example $\{a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n\}$. Some propositions depend on others (for example, $a_1,a_2\Rightarrow a_3$, means if $a_1,a_2$ are true, then $a_3$ is true). I want ...
maple's user avatar
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Learning a small disjunction

I have a boolean function $f: \{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\}$ that I know takes the form $$f(x_1,\dots,x_n) = x_{i_1} \lor x_{i_2} \lor \dots \lor x_{i_k},$$ but I don't know the values of $i_1,\dots,i_k$. ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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Resolution and what it means to derive the empty set

When using resolution, if the empty set {Ø} is derived from a formula like {¬x,¬y} {x,y}, does that mean the formula is unsatisfiable? If this is the case, why is ...
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