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13 votes
2 answers

Is there a theory/abstraction behind OOP?

Functional programming has the very elegant Lambda Calculus and its variants as a backup theory. Is there such a thing for OOP? What is an abstraction for the object oriented model?
Viclib's user avatar
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9 votes
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Difference between multimethods and overloading

Context I've been programming in java for a few years now. And atm i'm learning something totally different: Clojure. There the expression problem can be solved by using multimethods whereas in java ...
tgoossens's user avatar
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Is there any research to indicate programmers are/are not moving to a hybrid of functional and object-oriented?

I am converting the OCaml Format module which does I/O and maintains state in a record with mutable values. As such it is a good candidate for me to convert to pure F#, pure C# and a hybrid. Since ...
Guy Coder's user avatar
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