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Book references for combinatory logic as applied in Haskell?

I am looking for book references on combinatory logic. Is there a book focused on how combinatory logic is applied in the context of pure functional languages like Haskell? I found "Combinators: ...
Brian's user avatar
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How, if possible, can we efficiently compute with lazy data structures in 𝜆-calculus?

In Haskell, we can use the following code to define fibonacci numbers, fibs = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs) And its time complexity is linear. I cannot find ...
Lin Jin's user avatar
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Computation equivalence of functional and procedural programming

I'm really interested in the idea of functional programming, it seems like a very modular way of doings things. I've seen some suggestion that functional programming is just as powerful as procedural ...
Java Machine's user avatar
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Is there a combinator that introduces brackets to a combinatory logic expression using just B?

Suppose I have the expression $abcdef$ and I want a combinator $X$ that does this: $Xabcdef=a(bcd)(ef)$. Is it possible to express $X$ using just the $B$ combinator, defined by $Babc=a(bc)$? Is ...
baronbrixius's user avatar
7 votes
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Y combinator, function composition

I am trying to understand Y combinators. Could you please explain why the following are equivalent (Y (f ∘ g)) (f (Y (g ∘ f))) (Y is a fixed point combination)...
David's user avatar
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10 votes
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Are combinatory logic terms always larger?

So there is an algorithm to convert lambda calculus terms to combinatory logic using SK combinators. It produces things that explode in size. I would like to know more about this explosion in size. I ...
Jake's user avatar
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Simply Typed Combinatory Logic?

As there is an untyped lambda calculus, and a simply-typed lambda calculus (as described, for example, in Benjamin Pierce's book Types and Programming Languages), is there a simply-typed combinatory ...
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What is the name of this combinator?

I've recently started casually reading into combinatorial logic, and I noticed that a higher-order function that I regularly use is a combinator. This combinator is actually pretty useful (you can use ...
Róisín Grannell's user avatar