Hi there!
Did you have a good start into the new year? I am sickish since Christmas but it is getting better (I think). :) I am still on holiday til next Monday and am enjoying the free days a lot. Lots of crochet and napping involved! :D
Last weekend, we tackled the office/studio. We have been talking about decluttering the rooms for ages but never got around to it. Too much on our plate and so we ended up pilling stuff into the room. You see, we basically live in the living room/kitchen anyway, so we didn't miss the room. Still, the clutter and the stuff made us both feel uneasy and unhappy. Clutter tends to to that to me.
So, we tossed, scanned (we own a document scanner now - it is wonderful! Far less paper, in fact we are heading towards a paperless office), donated and sold. Three moving boxes of paper, three boxes of books, two boxes of yarn (gasp!) and heaps of other stuff out of the room. And woah, there is still heaps of stuff in the room but it is far better than beforehand. I wonder where all the stuff came from - the office must be like a black hole which collects clutter and stuff!
The decluttered room feels good. But I discovered that I have more yarn I can ever use (well, not ever but in the next years), even yarn I am not sure I will ever use. I bought it at some point for some project I never got around to make. Or I lost interest in the yarn because I didn't like to work with it. Oh and with some I am not even sure when I got it. Oops. I have the strong feeling that I have too much yarn.
Gasp! Yes, there seems to be something like too much yarn!
Of course I tried to declutter the yarn too and two boxes isn't too bad but boy, there is still too much. Now, my problem begins. I know there is too much, I know I should give some away but... I can't decide which! Whenever I take the yarn into my hand, my brain is full of ideas what I could make with it. Or I remember who gave it to me or the special moment I bought it. Sighs.
Any ideas what I should do?
Take care