Category:Ammunition cartridges

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<nowiki>cartucho; патрон; cartuș; کارتوس; náboj; cartocha; kartocho; 탄약통; kartoĉo; náboj; metak; কার্তুজ; cartouche; metak; patrona; patroon; чаура; cartucho; chhèng-chí; patron; giliz; ತೋಟಾ; cartridge; الخرطوش; kartouchenn; 子彈; töltény; kartutxo; cartutx; Patrone; Patrone; cartús; փամփուշտ; 子彈; patron; ვაზნა; 実包; כדור; कारतूस; patruuna; cartridge; வெடிபொதி; cartuccia; 子彈; 子弹; padrun; патрон; metak; патрон; φυσίγγιο; fishek; cartocciu; cartucho; patron; cetrisen; патрон; šovinys; naboj; ramia; fişek; патрон; selongsong peluru; amunicja strzelecka; കാട്രിഡ്ജ്; patroon; فشنگ; ботуруон; метак; патрон; набій; 彈; cartridge; patron; tipo di munizione per armi da fuoco; munition; снаряд для огнестрельного оружия; Typ von Munition; vrsta ambalaže za municiju koja uključuje metak ili metak, pogonsku supstancu i prajmer u metalnoj, papirnoj ili plastičnoj kutiji; врста амбалаже за муницију која укључује метак или метак, погонску супстанцу и прајмер у металној, папирној или пластичној кутији; 火器類槍械的彈藥; type af ammunition med tændsats, sprængladning og projektil; ateşleme cihazı; tipo de munição formado por um recipiente metálico, que contém a pólvora; amunicja wykorzystywana w broni strzeleckiej; prosjektil; munitie; תחמושת אחודה לכלי יריה חמים; type of ammunition packaging that includes a bullet or shot, a propellant substance, and a primer within a metallic, paper, or plastic case; ampumatarvike; type of ammunition packaging that includes a bullet or shot, a propellant substance, and a primer within a metallic, paper, or plastic case; tipo de munición formado por un recipiente metálico, de papel o plástico llamado vaina o casquillo, la bala, la pólvora y el fulminante; typ munice obsahující projektil, zápalku a výmetnou náplň; munizzioni; Etui; Douille; оружейный патрон; стрелковый боеприпас; cartoccia; cartuccia; патрона; метак; mermi; Patronhylse; enhetspatron; enhetspatroner; nabój; nabój strzelecki; റൗണ്ട്; patrona; metek; патрон; набої; унітарний патрон; töltet; patron (munisi); round; ammunition round; round of ammunition; bullet shell; shell; ammunition cartridge; 총탄; 탄약; round; ammunition round; round of ammunition; bullet shell; shell; ammunition cartridge; kartouchenn (arm-tan)</nowiki>
Typ von Munition
Medium hochladen
Ist ein(e)
  • Waffenfunktionsklasse
Unterklasse von
Entdecker, Erfinder oder Konstrukteur
Besteht aus
Datum der Gründung, Erstellung, Entstehung, Erbauung
  • 1812
Verschieden von
Wikidata Q37144
GND-Kennung: 4173559-6
LCAuth-Kennung: sh85020534
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BNCF-Thesaurus: 26887
NKČR-AUT-Kennung: ph123370
BabelNet-Kennung: 00016332n
J9U-Kennung der Israelischen Nationalbibliothek: 987007284726305171
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Firearm cartridges can be referred to by a wide variety of names and designations. See this list for some common synonyms for common cartridge sizes. For cartridges with designations based on their metric dimensions, a standard format of "diameter x length mm name" is used for category names. In all cases where a notable synonym exists, a category redirect should be created to allow users to quickly find the desired category.


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Medien in der Kategorie „Ammunition cartridges“

Folgende 138 Dateien sind in dieser Kategorie, von 138 insgesamt.