Commons:Wiki Loves Earth 2023 in Wales

This competition is now closed / Caewyd y gystadleuaeth
Find protected natural areas
There are plenty of protected natural areas all over Wales!

Capture Images
For example: Here are some examples from last year

Upload your photographs of natural heritage here

Please visit the winning photographs from this year's competition

Wiki Loves Earth WALES
About the competition
Wiki Loves Earth 2023 Wales is an international photo contest about protected natural areas, within Wales.
Images must be licensed under free licenses, see COM:Licensing.
This year, the competition in Wales will be held throughout June and July (2023).
The event is arranged by:

National Library of Wales and Wikimedia UK and supported by
The Welsh Government.

Prizes: TBC

Ynglyn a'r gystadleuaeth
Mae Wici'r Holl Ddaear 2023 Cymru yn gystadleuaeth ffotograffig fyd-eang am gadwraeth natur yng Nghymru.
Mae'n rhaid i'r ffotograffau fod ar drwydded agored: gweler COM:Licensing.
Eleni (2023) cynhelir y gystadleuaeth dros gyfnod o ddau fis: Mehefin a Gorffennaf.
Caiff y gystadleuaeth yma ei threfnu gan:

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru a Wikimedia UK

a'i chefnogi gan

Lywodraeth Cymru .

Gwobrau: I'w cadarnhau



Only Images which are uploaded during June and July 2023 will be entered into the competition

Past Winners
Cyn Enillwyr

Canlyniadau Rhyngwladol 2022 (Cymru'n Ail)

2022 International Results (Wales came 2nd)


The full WLE rules can be read at Wiki Loves Earth - rules. In short, each image must be:
two megapixel minimum image
taken by you
of a protected area in Wales can include flora and fauna of the area
described with details such as name of mountain / species and co-ordinates if possible
uploaded between 1 June and 31 July, 2023



You don't need to register here, but if you do then we'll contact you when we have further news or events

Contact the organizing team

*Robin Owain (WMUK)
*Jason Evans (National Library of Wales)
