Commons:Upload Wizard feedback/Archive/2015/09

Logo Messe München 2015

Pressestelle Messe München (talk) 12:22, 2 September 2015 (UTC)

Wie lautet die Frage? --Atamari (talk) 12:44, 2 September 2015 (UTC)

"Another reason not mentioned above"

This phrasing is, of course, completely correct, but it sounds very off-putting when a newbie reads it, like saying "I dare you to choose this seemingly vague option which will probably get you in trouble somehow", which is not at all what it means. Could we rephrase it as something like, "One of the many other legitimate reasons" (the "not mentioned above" is redundant anyway, and the proposed rephrasing doesn't make it sound like you will screw yourself by selecting it). Please consider the request. I mean it wholeheartedly. Thanks!

KDS4444 (talk) 03:20, 4 August 2015 (UTC)

So... No takers, I guess. Did anyone even read this suggestion? Any thoughts or comments? KDS4444 (talk) 22:17, 4 September 2015 (UTC)
I agree that "not mentioned above" is redundant and could be omitted, but I disagree that the current wording is off-putting. "Another reason" is perfectly neutral. There is no reason to assert that the other reasons are "many" (how many is many, and according to whom?) or to point out that the only reasons we accept are legitimate reasons. LX (talk, contribs) 08:49, 5 September 2015 (UTC)

Wiki Loves Monuments

Nel caricare la foto se trova un titolo identico già inserito non mi permette più alcuna azione di carico

caba2011 15:02, 5 September 2015 (UTC)

the same for me, quite annoying. It wasn't that way before --Herzi Pinki (talk) 16:46, 5 September 2015 (UTC)

error in file name - please provide exact reason and allow to reupload

Hi, I got an error in filename Parkhotel Schönbrunn‎ - entrance , no idea why, it was just refused. I suspect, there was a non-printable character inside the name (?) or it was just the space at first position in my first try. Nevertheless. Please give a hint, what character is not allowed. Otherwise it is difficult to find. And, please, allow to change the name and reupload. At the moment the process terminates with Das Hochladen aller Dateien ist fehlgeschlagen. (in the German version). This is ugly as I have entered all that lengthy descriptions already at this step in the process. --Herzi Pinki (talk) 22:34, 12 August 2015 (UTC)

>Same here Dirk1981 (talk) 12:50, 7 September 2015 (UTC)

Name des Fotos IMGb2451

Hochladen wiederholt abgebrochen, warum?

Drku (talk) 06:53, 9 September 2015 (UTC)

to change the title of the file during uploading

Hi, when we have to change the title of the file "during uploading", the button "next" disappear, and we have to re-launch the upload. When the file make longer to upload because of video file that convert with firefogg during uppload, upload can take many time. And re-done the upload is sometimes discouraging.

If you don't understand me, perhaps this video will help:

(why change the title? because often the title is already taken for another file)

thanks to notify me here

I am not often on common and rarely on english common.

Vatadoshu (talk) 19:48, 13 September 2015 (UTC)

@Vatadoshu: Bonjour,
Tu peux demander le renommage avec {{rename|<donner la raison ici>}}. PS: Commons n'est pas "anglais", mais multilingue. Tu demander de l'aide en français ici : Commons:Service d'aide‎. Et il y a aussi le Bistro. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 20:02, 13 September 2015 (UTC)
Yann Non, le problème est que lors de l'import, si on a donné un titre au fichier qui est déjà pris. L'import se stop. On peut changer le titre, mais on n'a plus le bouton suivant, et on doit recommencer un nouvel import.
Quand les fichiers sont longs à importer, genre vidéo mp4 avec conversion firefogg et que ça dure 10 min ça fout un peu les boules. Et ça m'est arrivé de laisser tomber.
Tu parle de renommage, mais c'est la "phase d'après" une fois que la vidéo est importée.
Moi je parles que l'import est stoppé et ne se fait pas, il n'y a pas de possibilité de renommage avec ton modèle puisque le fichier n'a pas été importé. (On ne peut pas importer un fichier avec le même nom qu'un autre)
Ok pour l'anglais.
Vatadoshu (talk) 20:15, 13 September 2015 (UTC)
@Vatadoshu: Je viens de tester ça. Au tout début de l'importation, j'ai un message d'avertissment "Il y a déjà un autre fichier présent sur le site avec le même contenu." Pas toi ? Yann (talk) 20:22, 13 September 2015 (UTC)
Yann J'ai fait une vidéo pour montrer le problème, l'a tu regardé? .
Bien sûr j'ai le message d'avertissement , et après ce message, tu change le titre et on est bloqué, il dit "aucun téléversement n'a réussi" et non suivant. Sil te plait , regarde la vidéo.
D'ailleurs ce n'estpas au tout début, c'est après les 10 minutes de téléchargement. On choisit un titre, et on se rend compte qu'il est déjà pris.
Vatadoshu (talk) 20:27, 13 September 2015 (UTC)
@Vatadoshu: Oui, j'ai regardé. Moi je peux changer le nom et poursuivre l'importation : File:Blank JPEG file, test2.jpg. Quels navigateur et système utilises-tu ? Yann (talk) 20:29, 13 September 2015 (UTC)
Yann mozilla firefox 40.0.3 et windows vista. La vidéo n'est pas d'aujourd'hui. Et aujourd'hui, je viens de tester et ça fonctionne effectivement, j'ai le bouton suivant. C'est étrange, étant donné que ça m'est arrivé très souvent. La vidéo a été faite le 11 septembre. Ce doit dépendre des moments alors. Parfois ça marche et parfois non. Vatadoshu (talk) 20:55, 13 September 2015 (UTC)


Bei Fehlschlagung durch einen redundanten Titel kann man nicht mehr auf erneut hochladen drücken, womit man die Arbeit umsonst wiederholen muss.

Wikiolo (talk) 10:55, 13 September 2015 (UTC) --Steinsplitter (talk) 11:42, 14 September 2015 (UTC)

Interner Fehler: Der Token ist fehlerhaft.

Upload mit WLM-Formular im Moment nicht möglich. Obige Fehlermeldung taucht im Moment ständig auf, "verbleibende Zeit" zum Hochladen spring bei 16 Bildern nach einer Stunde von 30 Minuten auf 24 Stunden

Anika (talk) 11:28, 14 September 2015 (UTC)

Auf phabricator:T112514 gemeldet. Schlimm das der UploadWizard nicht mal während WLM funktioniert. Aber ist ja nichts neues, bei der WMF haben andere "Dinge" Priorität. --Steinsplitter (talk) 11:49, 14 September 2015 (UTC)
@Steinsplitter: Danke dir. Noch so ein seltsames Ding: heute Abend funktionierte der Upload bis zum "Beschreiben". Bei einem der Bilder verpasste ich den Namen anzupassen. Die anderen wurden veröffentlicht. Im Formular mit den grünen Haken erschien dann der Rote Rahmen um den Namen des besagten Bildes, das Kreuzchen zum Löschen der Beschreibung aber leider kein Button "erneut hochladen" oder so. Musste den Upload dieses Bilders also noch einmal ganz von vorne beginnen. Normal/Nicht normal? k.A. --Anika (talk) 17:29, 14 September 2015 (UTC)
Glaube ist ein weitere Bug (an dem niemanden Arbeitet). --Steinsplitter (talk) 17:40, 14 September 2015 (UTC)
Könnte das gleiche Problem sein, wie eins oben drüber: #Uploading several files - unique file name? --Anika (talk) 17:54, 14 September 2015 (UTC)
Kann sein. Wird aber sicher nicht in den nächsten Wochen behoben (vermute ich). --Steinsplitter (talk) 18:03, 14 September 2015 (UTC)

Chunked upload crash

I am trying to upload a 587 MB video file by means of chunked upload. I am using both chrome and firefox 40.0.3. It starts fine but it freezes, usually after it appears to have uploaded all the chunks and the progress bar steadily moves (time remaining...), it never seems to end and eventually it freezes.

Iñaki LLM (talk) 19:37, 14 September 2015 (UTC)

Upload from the Internet

The current means to upload a file is only from a user's system. If the user finds a file in the public domain on the Internet, they have to download the files onto their computer and then upload it to commons. Can't there be an online uploader as well?

Arunasank (talk) 17:53, 15 September 2015 (UTC)

Hi, In this case, you can use this tool. Regards, Yann (talk) 20:32, 15 September 2015 (UTC)


You if you support copyright submitting your website become more beautiful and educated and sure more donation come

Speedy McQueen (talk) 11:57, 6 July 2015 (UTC)

We are here to make free knowledge, not to get donations. --Nemo 06:31, 18 September 2015 (UTC)


If i upload files "Filename 0001.jpg", "Filename 0002.jpg", "Filename 0003.jpg"..... and then when i get to the next step, to fill in description and categories and stuff the files are not sorted. It would be logical to have "Filename 0001.jpg" first and then "Filename 0002.jpg" underneath and so on. It makes it so much easier for me to add descriptions in chronological order. Can this be fixed or can i sort it in some way? What makes it come up "in the wrong order"? /Hangsna (talk) 10:23, 7 August 2015 (UTC)

I experienced this problem too. --Nemo 06:35, 18 September 2015 (UTC)

Uploading several files - unique file name?

1.) I just tried to upload several SVG files. The Upload "Wizard" tells me, that there is already a file with this name on Commons. That is NOT right. There is however a file with a different extension (.PNG instead of .SVG). I have this problem already since months! Please correct this error! Thanks. 2.) After correcting the file name to something unique, I cannot retry my uploads, as there is no more button to click. All I can do now, is start the whole procedure from the beginning! Would be nice, if this could be fixed, too. Thanks.

hdamm (talk) 09:58, 14 September 2015 (UTC)

@Hdamm: This bug was fixed and should be on the way to Commons within the next week. Thanks for the report :) --MarkTraceur (talk) 14:54, 17 September 2015 (UTC)
Lookin' forward, thanks for the info. --hdamm (talk) 15:03, 17 September 2015 (UTC)

Thomas Binotto.jpeg

Siehe Ticket#2015090710004966

Spartanbu (talk) 13:00, 16 September 2015 (UTC)

I have 50 files in the upload stash that I don't seem to have access to because I've been logged out during the last stage of uploading

I have 50 files in the upload stash that I don't seem to have access to because I've been logged out during the last stage of uploading. I had everything done up to the very last "publish" stage, at which point I encountered the "You must be logged in to save files in the upload stash." failure message for my first three files in the stash, and then nothing (except the "Remove" option) for the other 47 files. Like I said, everything is in the system (the files, descriptions, categories, geocodes, etc.), so this should simply be a case of verifying that I'm logged in (which I am again now). Considering that, due to my slow upload speeds and thorough approach to describing uploads, I've invested almost four hours in this batch of 50 files, I really, really don't want to lose my work. All of the files are photos of the University of North Texas campus, with the first in the stash being File:University_of_North_Texas_September_2015_01_(Maple_Street_Hall).jpg and the last being File:University_of_North_Texas_September_2015_50_(Apogee_Stadium).jpg. I will be deeply grateful to anyone who can successfully retrieve for me everything I've entered into UploadWizard and/or complete the final publication step of the upload for me. [Fingers crossed...] Michael Barera (talk) 02:29, 18 September 2015 (UTC)

@Michael Barera: It seems that this board is not really monitored by the people who could help you with this. Actually, I'm not quite sure who could to this. Maybe the Administrators' noticeboard or the Commons IRC-channel would have been a better place to get help. However, it may already be too late by now, as uploads get flushed from the stash after a while :-/
I've filed a bug report, but you might want to have a look at alternative upload methods as well (Vicuna would be my personal recommendation). --El Grafo (talk) 14:07, 18 September 2015 (UTC)
Thanks so much, El Grafo. I've now accepted that I'll probably have to re-upload everything, but I'll also take your suggestion and post at the administrators' noticeboard as well, just in case there is something that can be done. I really do appreciate you filing a bug report; this was not a fun technical problem to deal with, and it would be great if a solution could be found and implemented. Thanks again, and all the best! Michael Barera (talk) 23:36, 18 September 2015 (UTC)

Cсылки на переведенные (русскоязычные) лицензии

Во время работы с "мастером загрузки" на русском, когда доходишь до вкладки "Авторские права", ссылка на лицензию Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 ведет на переведенную (русскоязычную) страницу. Однако если мы нажмем на "Воспользуйтесь другой лицензией", то в раскрывшихся вариантах, все ссылки ведут на английские версии. Например ссылка лицензии Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 ведет на англоязычный текст лицензии в то время как есть переведенная страница Прошу заменить все ссылки на русскоязычные лицензии (сделал бы это сам если мог, но нет доступа к редактированию). Прошу прощения что пишу на русском, английский знаю плохо, а машинный перевод думаю не верно донесет мою мысль. Volovik Vitaly (talk) 04:59, 7 August 2015 (UTC)

Volovik Vitaly, please register on translatewiki: and correct translations there. [1] --Nemo 06:01, 18 September 2015 (UTC)

While working with "master boot" in Russian, when it comes to the tab "copyright", a reference to the license Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 leads translated at the (Russian) page. However, if we click on the "Use a different license", then the pop versions, all references are to the English version. For example reference license Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 leads to the English-language text of the license while there is a translated page Please replace all references to the Russian-speaking license (I would have done it myself if I could, but do not have access to editing). --Volovik Vitaly (talk) 15:47, 21 September 2015 (UTC)

Assistent zum Hochladen von Dateien

Es fehlt eine Vorschaufunktion.

FraCbB (talk) 19:09, 31 August 2015 (UTC)

FraCbB, Vorschaufunktion for what? Nemo 06:31, 18 September 2015 (UTC)
Bei gibt es keine Vorschau, so wie beim Bearbeiten von Artikeln oder dieser Diskussionsseite. Man kann nur Speichern und eventuell hinterher korrigieren. FraCbB (talk) 14:36, 23 September 2015 (UTC)

Homer & Thucydides Originale, Zustand 1975

Photographien von Dr. Ernst Theodor Mayer

Peter Burket (talk) 14:16, 24 September 2015 (UTC)


Liebe Redaktion,

bei dem Punkt "Erstellungsdatum" fehlt in der Erklärung ("?") ein Komma ("Das Datum, an dem...").

Wikidingsbums (talk) 20:35, 24 September 2015 (UTC)


Magdalenakamieniarczyk (talk) 13:29, 26 September 2015 (UTC)


Magdalenakamieniarczyk (talk) 13:30, 26 September 2015 (UTC)

Berkin Krasniqi

shpresoj se do te pranohet kjo fotografi e imja

Berkin Krasniqi (talk) 14:47, 26 September 2015 (UTC)

Copying information into several files uploaded at the same time

Titles of photos should be fairly explicit and they have been given before the upload. If you upload multiple photos and want to copy When information, such as the geographical coordinates into the other photo files you have to DESELECT the automatique numeration of the files. If you forget to do this it wreaks havoc with the file names that you wanted to use.

Looking at the files names in lots of different categories, it is rather rare to find files with a common name, but numbered consecutively. Would it not be better to have this option DESELECTED, like the date and geographic coordinates ? William Ellison (talk) 15:57, 26 September 2015 (UTC)

Alle Daten mehrfach eingeben nervt

Unten auf der Seite gibt es die Möglichkeit, "weitere Dateien zu diesem Objekt" hochzuladen. Aber man muss alle Daten wieder von vorne eingeben! Wenn es sich um 3 Fotos des selben Objekts handelt, also 3 x alle Daten eintippen. Es müsste doch technisch so lösbar sein, dass die Daten vom 1. Foto gespeichert sind und man nur die Beschreibung an das neue Foto anpassen muss. So wie es jetzt ist, verliere ich die Lust, mehrere Fotos von einem Objekt hochzuladen!

Maimaid (talk) 15:35, 27 September 2015 (UTC)


Upload Wizard is not working.Everytime I try to upload pics nothing happens? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 12:29, 11 September 2015 (UTC)