Commons:Photo challenge/2016 - January - Wheels/Voting/Result

  • Nbr contributors: 61
  • Nbr voters: 39
  • Nbr images: 128

The Score is the sum of the 3*/2*/1* votes. The Support is the count of 3*/2*/1* votes and 0* likes. In the event of a tie vote, the support decides the rank.

Image Author Rank Score Support
Ermell 1 45 19
Wald1siedel 2 13 8
File deleted CKCMCD 3 12 8
Ermell 4 9 8
CatalpaSpirit 5 9 7
Famberhorst 6 8 5
Dreirik 7 8 4
F. Riedelio 8 6 7
SKas 9 6 4
Colin 10 5 9
Heinz Eßer~commonswiki 11 5 6
Learicorn 12 5 4
YvoBentele 13 5 3
Jacek79 13 5 3
Kora27 14 4 6
Kora27 14 4 6
Ivan2010 15 4 4
Doalex 16 4 3
Heinz Eßer~commonswiki 17 3 6
Tequask 18 3 4
ZedBoy Slim 19 3 3
F. Riedelio 19 3 3
F. Riedelio 19 3 3
Albarubescens 19 3 3
Mk2010 19 3 3
F. Riedelio 20 3 2
Heinz Eßer~commonswiki 20 3 2
Albarubescens 21 3 1
DeFacto 21 3 1
P e z i 21 3 1
Kora27 22 2 4
File:Vallerano street art.JPG Tulumnes 22 2 4
Ronengrinberg 23 2 3
Nicola Quirico 23 2 3
Vaido Otsar 24 2 2
Palamède 24 2 2
Ermell 24 2 2
Abderitestatos 25 2 1
Denise Hastert 25 2 1
Wezy 25 2 1
DeFacto 25 2 1
Laurent Bélanger 26 1 4
Tequask 26 1 4
Tulumnes 27 1 2
Denise Hastert 27 1 2
YvoBentele 27 1 2
Hasenläufer 28 1 1
Maasaak 28 1 1
Ibex73 28 1 1
Roumpf 29 0 6
Mk2010 30 0 4
P e z i 30 0 4
Tulumnes 31 0 3
Maasaak 31 0 3
AlixSaz 32 0 2
Kora27 32 0 2
YvoBentele 32 0 2
Famberhorst 32 0 2
Levin Holtkamp 32 0 2
Famberhorst 32 0 2
Palamède 32 0 2
DeFacto 32 0 2
Jebulon 32 0 2
Benreis 32 0 2
Zetpe0202 32 0 2
Doalex 32 0 2
Роман Дергунов 32 0 2
Pcany 33 0 1
AlixSaz 33 0 1
CatalpaSpirit 33 0 1
Jacek79 33 0 1
Su1dakra 33 0 1
Kmtextor 33 0 1
Girishkedare 33 0 1
Mk2010 33 0 1
Pudelek 33 0 1
Doalex 33 0 1
Mk2010 33 0 1
Farrah0001 33 0 1
GabrielleMerk 33 0 1
Ermell 33 0 1