Commons:Copyright tags/Various free licenses/sl
A variety of license tags other than the GNU licenses or Creative Commons licenses indicate that a file may be freely used.
Dovoljenja Copyleft Attitude
The Free Art License published by Copyleft Attitude is an example of a "copyleft" license, which lets users freely distribute copies and modified versions of a work with the stipulation that the same rights be preserved in derivative works created later. The GNU and Creative Commons licenses are other examples, and many other licenses apply the concept to some degree.
- {{FAL}} - dovoljenje proste umetnosti (Free Art Licence), prosto dovoljenje, ki ga je izdala organizacija Copyleft Attitude, se lahko uporablja tako za digitalno kot tudi nedigitalno umetnost. Z dovoljenjem proste umetnosti smete, vse dokler spoštujete pravice avtorja, umetniško delo prosto razmnoževati, razdeljevati in spreminjati. Vključujte le slike pod dovoljenji Free Art, ki dopuščajo njihovo komercialno uporabo!
Custom public domain licenses
Many custom public domain licenses are listed at Category:Custom PD license tags. The works may be released into the public domain by an organization or individual, or may be extracts from a major work that is in the public domain, such as the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary (1890-1907). A small sample follows.
- {{PD-Acid}} – for screenshots of the Acid test suites
- {{PD-Demis}} – for images derived from the maps in the Demis examples gallery; see also Template talk:PD-Demis for explanation.
- {{PD-Gutenberg}} – slike projekta Gutenberg, ki izhajajo neposredno iz na spletišču objavljenih del v javni domeni. Pazite, saj niso javna domena vsa dela ali slike s tega spletišča.
- {{PD-LACMA}} – for images released to the public domain from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art Image Library.
- {{PD-OpenClipart}} – slike Knjižnice prostih izrezkov (Open Clip Art Library).
- {{PD-PDFnet}} – for material from All material from this website is released to public domain.
- {{}} – slike v javni domeni na
- {{}} – for audio files from public domain.
- {{PD-SabuCat}} – Screenshot of a movie trailer physically owned by SabuCat Productions, Inc. and first published in the United States.
Alternative free use licenses
Several organizations have developed specialized free use licenses that define terms compatible with Wikimedia Commons requirements. Many of the corresponding license tags may be found in Category:License tags. A sample is listed below.
- {{Apache}} – Apache v2.0 license
- {{Beerware}} – Beerware-License (Revision 42)
- {{BSD}} - dovoljenje BSD
- {{BSDu|username}} - dovoljenje BSD z uporabniško spremenljivko
- {{BSD-2c-KDE|Author=name|Year=years}} – 2-clause BSD-derived license used by KDE
- {{CeCILL}} – The CeCILL license, a French Free Software license crafted to be compatible with the GNU General Public License.
- {{CPL}} – IBM's Common Public License 1.0
- {{Expat|<copyright holder>}} – Expat license.
- {{MIT|<Author>|Expat}} – File is licensed under the Expat License, sometimes known as the MIT License.
- {{ODbL OpenStreetMap}} – Open Database License for maps from or based on data from
- {{OGL}} – Open Government License
- {{OFL}} – for fonts or characters licensed under the SIL Open Font License
- {{WTFPL}} – WTF Public License Version 2
- {{WTFPL-1}} – WTF Public License Version 1
- {{X11|<authors or copyright holders>}} – the X11 license, used by some software like Xfontsel.
Copyrighted but may be used
There are many tags for cases where a work is protected by copyright but may be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons using a generic or source-specific license. A small sample follows. See Category:Custom license tags for more licenses like this.
- {{Attribution}} – avtorske pravice pridržane, a se ob zahvali avtorju sme prosto uporabljati. Nezaželeno: namestotega raje uporabljajte {{Cc-by-2.5}}.
- {{Copyrighted free use}} – avtorske pravice pridržane, a njihov imetnik dovoljuje uporabo dela vsakomur za kakršen koli namen.
- {{Free screenshot|license=<free license>}} – for screenshots containing pictures of not copyrighted programs, or programs released under a free license, or by some other way following the requirements of Commons. The actual free license should be indicated as a parameter to the tag. (See {{Screenshot}} for screenshots of copyrighted software or operating systems). If the screenshot shows original work by someone else, make sure it's under a free license and indicate that license using a separate license tag from above. If it shows your own work, say so explicitly and select a license tag of your liking from above.
- {{AerialPhotograph-mlitJP}} – images from
- {{Bmz}} – images from are copyrighted but may be used if the source is acknowledged as the Amsterdam Municipal Department for the Preservation and Restoration of Historic Buildings and Sites (bMA). This applies only to images for which bMA does not mention some other source.
- {{IPPAR}} – for images from
- {{NZTA-Sign-Spec}} – copyrighted but can be used for commercial or noncommercial use (just not on a New Zealand road)