Category:Vietnam War in July 1965
Media in category "Vietnam War in July 1965"
The following 57 files are in this category, out of 57 total.
1 RAR soldiers after disembarking US helicopters in July 1965.jpg 639 × 640; 248 KB
166 - Communications - 1965 - July 16, 1965 - DPLA - eeaf455ff53daafd18455660449a5415.jpg 3,332 × 2,097; 2.25 MB
1RAR and 173rd Airborne Brigade troops deploy from U.S. UH-1s.jpg 639 × 437; 159 KB
1RAR soldiers fill in a VC trench.jpg 640 × 649; 280 KB
1RAR soldiers guard VC suspects at Vo Xu village.jpg 640 × 649; 256 KB
1RAR soldiers load jerrycans of water into an M113.jpg 640 × 442; 156 KB
1RAR soldiers move out after being landed by U.S. UH-1s.jpg 640 × 651; 203 KB
1RAR soldiers prepare to board U.S. UH-1s.jpg 640 × 579; 224 KB
1RAR soldiers relax after overnight operation.jpg 640 × 648; 232 KB
1RAR soldiers shopping in Saigon.jpg 640 × 652; 259 KB
202 - Explosions and Fires - July 13, 1965 - DPLA - fd6cb1b0e0af8d7191f11393098fbb02.jpg 3,300 × 2,094; 2.93 MB
202 - Explosions and Fires - July 28, 1965 - DPLA - b9ae4d385c2a30e240f0fdc53530a865.jpg 3,320 × 2,107; 2.32 MB
222 - Helicopters UH-34 - July 27, 1965 - DPLA - 6cf0f1dfb08b3272626839ed08af9538.jpg 3,324 × 2,108; 2.31 MB
283 - Patrols - 1965 - July 16, 1965 - DPLA - b54bb0b89c1e33db49bf42c39633821f.jpg 3,304 × 2,126; 2.44 MB
283 - Patrols - 1965 - July 16, 1965 - DPLA - d9c1bd4bb7b94ed7a327a66c3c0b95f4.jpg 3,304 × 2,097; 2.32 MB
283 - Patrols - 1965 - July 21, 1965 - DPLA - eed0c7fca2237bd1a329aab4b3577c83.jpg 3,312 × 2,097; 2.35 MB
2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry troops arrive on an LCU at Vung Tau.jpg 1,359 × 1,089; 571 KB
85 - Combat - 1965 - July 27, 1965 - DPLA - 12633bbc7e5b4bfa3d57494f95768281.jpg 3,320 × 2,081; 2.2 MB
85 - Combat - 1965 - July 9, 1965 - DPLA - 7a01c55b0f7a908d39c9953b8b46da02.jpg 3,292 × 2,076; 2.2 MB
Command Chronology Report of Marine Aircraft Group-11 - DPLA - 0bf8255b5e4b503a77b1ca9191023a2e.pdf 1,270 × 1,643, 98 pages; 5.33 MB
Command Chronology Report of Marine Aircraft Group-13 - DPLA - 8ccad9da45ff32291648aaa3d1580b0f.pdf 1,270 × 1,647, 30 pages; 1.42 MB
Funeral services for two Australian soldiers.jpg 640 × 650; 230 KB
HMM-261 helicopters refuel at Da Nang Air Base.jpg 2,807 × 1,830; 1.44 MB
Maxwell D. Taylor and General William Westmoreland at Dong Ba Thin.jpg 1,568 × 1,600; 119 KB
Maxwell Taylor Resignation - NARA - 194044.jpg 2,584 × 4,200; 1.72 MB
Meeting on Vietnam (001).jpg 1,992 × 2,000; 1.07 MB
Meeting on Vietnam (002).jpg 2,000 × 1,992; 973 KB
MG Ben Sternberg and LTC Lloyd Burke observe arrival of 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry.jpg 1,628 × 2,019; 204 KB
NH 93792.jpg 1,280 × 1,029; 283 KB
NH 93793.jpg 1,280 × 1,034; 236 KB
Peter Arnison AWM DNE-65-0103-VN.JPG 640 × 635; 212 KB
Thomas Taylor and General Maxwell Taylor meet in Vietnam.jpg 2,869 × 1,878; 807 KB
U.S. UH-1 resupplies 1RAR at Vo Dat.jpg 640 × 444; 182 KB
USA Airmobile TOE.png 2,183 × 1,541; 143 KB
USCG 82-foot cutters at Da Nang 1965-07-24 1.jpg 748 × 704; 40 KB
USCG 82-foot cutters at Da Nang 1965-07-24 2.jpg 797 × 745; 78 KB
USIA 65-2112.jpg 1,023 × 761; 201 KB