Showing posts with label Panacea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Panacea. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Like A Dragon

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Be kind to yourself so
you can be happy enough
to be kind to the world.
Misha Collins

It's never what you expected
once you get there.

Turkeys know their names,
come when you call, and
are totally affectionate.
They're better than teenagers.
    Elayne Boosler

When turkeys mate
they think of swans.
    Johnny Carson

Confidence is like a dragon
where, for every head cut off,
two more heads grow back.
Criss Jami

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


Travel Tuesday 

Happy Tuesday 

Tuesday Treasures

My Corner Of The World

Wild Bird Wednesday


Nature Thursday

Wordless Wednesday

Friday, July 29, 2022

Profound Beauty, Mystery & Wise Delight

A L O H A From Honolulu!

The government of
mutual love is
heavenly government.

Grace woke you up
this morning,
grace started you
on your way and
grace enabled you to
survive until
this very moment.
   Charles E. Blake

You are not the
darkness you endured.
You are the light that
refused to surrender.
 John Mark Green

War and conflict
hold our attention, but
so can profound
beauty and mystery.
Solomon Enos

Fools are tormented by
the memory of former evils;
wise folk have the delight of
renewing in grateful remembrance
the blessings of the past.  

I have never wished to
cater to the crowd;
for what I know
they do not approve,
and what they approve
I do not know.

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

Friday, December 31, 2021

Horses & Flowers

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Focus on doing
the right things
instead of a
bunch of things. Mike Krieger

Sometimes big problems
are best solved with
lots of small and
creative solutions.
    Ricardo Salinas Pliego

Greatness comes by
doing a few small and
smart things each
and every day.
Comes from taking
little steps, consistently.
Comes from a making
a few small chips against
everything in your
professional and personal
life that is ordinary,
so that a day eventually
arrives when all that's
left is The Extraordinary.
Robin S. Sharma

Plato's Bicycle,
Plato's Cave

Great things are done by
a series of small things
brought together.
Vincent Van Gogh

In their eyes shine stars
of wisdom and courage
to guide men to
the heavens.
Jodie Mitchell

Perhaps the most comforting
thing about growing old
gracefully is the increasing
ability not to take things
too seriously. One of
the big differences
between a genuine sage
and a preacher is gaiety.
    Henry Miller

It's a small world, but
I wouldn't want to
have to paint it. Steven Wright
