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0 votes
1 answer

Parsing shortcodes out of a string

I wrote this shortcode parsing and it runs in \$O(N^2)\$. Is there a way to better optimize this? ...
ericraio's user avatar
  • 151
1 vote
2 answers

Parse list of UserPrincipal objects into custom class

I'm wondering how I could optimize this method that takes in a list of UserPrincipal objects, filters them by Regex and inserts the new class instance into a list. It takes 4 to 5 seconds for an input ...
mvi2110's user avatar
  • 11
2 votes
1 answer

Text splitter using Regular Expressions in Python

I have been provided a text splitter class that will take a text input and use re.sub to make replacements when matches are found and also splits sentences up and stores them in a list. I had an idea ...
JackWeir's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Regex and pandas to read forecast sky condition string

DataFrame methods to parse the sky condition from a terminal aerodrome forecast. A line in a taf can report zero-eight cloud layers. Cloud layers are required in predominate lines, and optional in ...
Jason Leaver's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

using pandas and numpy to parse dirty .csv

I'm relatively new to Python have been writing for a few months now. I've started a Pandas Numpy project that starts with parsing large and somewhat sloppy formatted textfile, its not exactly csv but ...
Jason Leaver's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Parse file and make output in custom List [closed]

I have a file output like this and want to do parsing and put the output into a List. The biggest problem here is the name of a wake-lock which appears after ID and runtime, in some cases, it contains ...
Danijel Markov's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Parsing values from string into struct using match in Julia

My goal I am parsing from a string which contains token:value pairs into a type. Example: ...
Jessica Nowak's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Separating data from string representation of objects, with added extras

Given a string representation of data, I want to extract the information into its corresponding object. However, If the string has "|" separators then these should be considered options and ...
Lewis Morris's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

parse date and number from API results

I'm slurping up fields from an API that returns an array of fields. Each field in the array is a String that actually contains two separate fields (a number and a date). The number is enclosed in ...
user2402616's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Parse data from Input file and print results

I have written a script which does parsing to the input file and take out some values from them with respect to the node and print the data accordingly. Below is my script, and it works as expected: <...
vkk05's user avatar
  • 183
11 votes
3 answers

Convert a string like 4h53m12s to a total number of seconds in JavaScript

At the moment I have this: ...
Dirk Boer's user avatar
  • 640
18 votes
5 answers

Speeding up thousands of string parses

I have a mapping application which takes string arguments in the form of string arrays. I parse these and then perform an action on the map. One of these is ...
pfinferno's user avatar
  • 447
5 votes
1 answer

Analyzing a web access log to obtaining totals for requests

This program takes the filename as the input and outputs to a file the number of requests that were more than 1000 bytes and the total bytes. Log file example: ...
Olive.b's user avatar
  • 53
5 votes
2 answers

Parsing pairs of a number or number range

I need to process an array of number pairs. Here are the constraints on the pairs: The second item may be missing, in this case 0 will be used as second item - - 38...
user3132457's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Replacing Uri with a more convenient class

I needed some data structure for holding Uris so I thought I try the Uri class. It quickly turned out that it's very impractical because: it's missing an implicit ...
t3chb0t's user avatar
  • 44.3k
9 votes
1 answer

Minimal regex engine

A few months back, I posted a state machine for review. Thanks to the feedback, I was able to greatly simplify the implementation. I am posting the revised version, together with the Regex class which ...
User319's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Simple parser with regular expression

If I draw something in Illustrator and extract it with AI2Canvas I want it to be customizable so I wrote this simple program. It adds two variables: one to resize and one to shift the path coordinate. ...
DiDi's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Parsing an email string

My program needs to parse an e-mail string. There are two possibilities to enter an e-mail-address. Either with the alias or without one, plain the e-mail-address. 1st possibity: ...
Matthias Burger's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Parser and solver for percentage calculation problems

I'm working on a coding challenge to help with regular expressions, and how to write better comments in my code. The class parses a percentage question, and can return the answer. If anyone has any ...
user1154644's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Text cleaning script, producing lowercase words with minimal punctuation

I created following script to clean text that I scraped. The clean text would ideally be lowercase words, without numbers and at maybe only commas and a dot at the end of a sentence. It should only ...
TensorJoe's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Parsing airline reservation using JS regular expressions

I'm searching a set text for multiple values, which will later be stored in a database. I am using RegExp and worked with the official documentation and help to get the code to be two separate while ...
Julian E.'s user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Parse complex text files using Python

I'm looking for a simple way of parsing complex text files into a pandas DataFrame. Below is a sample file, what I want the result to look like after parsing, and my current method. Is there any way ...
bluprince13's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

a Python2 to Python3 print fixer in perl

Sometimes, I'm reviewing old questions written in Python2, with no parenthesis around print statements. Or I'm changing one of my older codes, also without ...
Ludisposed's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Parse a formatted string, which may have duplicate keys, into a map

I have a String which is coming in particular format so I want to parse that string into map. I have a below method which parses String to a Map and it works fine. ...
user1950349's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Parsing length of work experience using Composite design pattern

I want to get a number from given text (if it exists) which is about work experience in months. I assumed that number is in months when in the text one writes for example "27 miesięcy" or "27 miesiecy"...
wBacz's user avatar
  • 133
3 votes
1 answer

Java parsing and extract String from pattern String

I want to extract some string surrounded by certain patterns. For Instance, the original String something like 1234@{78}dasdh@{1}fdsfs@{fdf}ad@{ and I want extract ...
Juneyoung Oh's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Parse through text and extract dates in uniform format

I wrote a script to parse through text and extract all the dates. I would like it to be able to find as many different ways of writing text in dates as possible while containing as few false negatives ...
jss367's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Matching a set of conditions based on keywords to text

I am currently working on a function that should return true or false based on a condition written in string by a user. The condition will look something like this: ...
Axel Uran's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Regular Expression to Remove Comments

This was developed in response to a question on Stack Overflow, Removing comments using regex. What the OP needed was a regular expression to use in C# to remove comnents from lines of a file. All ...
Chindraba's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Parsing very simple CSS into selector and declarations (as as single piece)

The last part of my HTML genrator requries a few styles. Because all styles are inline and the styling is for emails there won't be any fancy selectors, just by element, id or class. The most ...
t3chb0t's user avatar
  • 44.3k
0 votes
1 answer

Slow RegEx to parse from log file

I have the following lines to parse from a log file with 8000 lines which takes about 5 minutes to parse: ...
user129004's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Extracting JSON from string using regex

I need to get the value of item inside of this string and parse it as JSON. I've got some working code but I feel like it could be optimized (a lot) and cleaned up (a lot). Any tips or pointers are ...
yourfavorite's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Using Python to tokenize a string in a stack-based programming language

As an avid user of esoteric programming languages, I'm currently designing one, interpreted in Python. The language will be stack-based and scripts will be a mix of symbols, letters, and digits, like ...
FlipTack's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Parsing and extracting all IDs from a document (using regex with capture)

I'm interested in parsing and extracting the IDs found in a document. The IDs are found throughout the document in the this format: IDStart=1FG3392MQ9&IDEnd The "1FG3392MQ9" is an example of ...
unnknown's user avatar
  • 223
1 vote
2 answers

Phone number/email regex verifier

Is there anything I can do better here? I tried looking for ways to simplify this with comprehension but could not figure out how and was told it is better to explicitly use ...
Aaron's user avatar
  • 113
4 votes
2 answers

Regular expression matching with string slice in Go

I have a slice of strings, and within each string contains multiple key=value formatted messages. I want to pull all the keys out of the strings so I can collect ...
Sienna's user avatar
  • 463
6 votes
3 answers

Parsing a complex number using regular expressions

Requirements were to create a constructor for a complex number, that receives a string. For example: \$3+5i\$. The regex extracts positive or negative numbers from the string with optional decimal. ...
rickyjoepr's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

RFC 4180-compliant CSV parser in Java

While looking at a recent question, I realized that there is no CSV parser in the standard Java library. I decided to write one that complies with RFC 4180. Highlights of the standard include: ...
200_success's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Parsing "mailto:"

Can you help me to review my "mailto:"-parsing function ? Since I'm trying to write less code, that is as simple as possible. I'm not sure there if there is some bug or better solution. ...
l2aelba's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

PHP class for reading DTD

A very long time ago, I started development of a code generator for HTML. And some time ago I rewrote it and published it under LGPL v3.0 on It is very universal because one of its ...
Václav's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Solution to part 1 of Day 7 Advent of Code in Scala

Does someone want to review my solution to part 1 of Day 7 Advent of Code in Scala? The assignment is here: Without repeating the whole text, in short: Given a text file ...
Michiel Borkent's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Tokenize s-expressions in Rust

I'm writing an s-expression tokenizer in Rust. I have the following code written, but it is not idiomatic Rust - it is quite ugly. TokenizerI is simply an ...
erip's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Port of NLTK tokenizing code from Python to Rust

I'm working on a port of NLTK to Rust. I am fairly new to Rust, so I wanted to post a small file to check if I was writing idiomatic Rust. I've included the original Python. The Python has docstrings ...
erip's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Parsing a component of a regex followed by an optional quantifier character

I have a piece of parsec code that parses a unit optionally followed by ?, + or ...
akonsu's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Parsing a string to an object

I have this string containing this block of code: ...
Noitidart's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Writing an IRC Bot from scratch

I have been learning C# for a couple years now, and using small projects to help myself learn. My most recent project is a complete rewrite of my first C# project that just got out of hand (the old ...
Chris Woodward's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Parsing logs in sed efficiently

I have an application which log file has most lines start with a time/date, followed by a debugging level and the actual log message. Often I want to watch the output live and colors make it a lot ...
Hugo G's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

I think I might be having a regex nightmare

I've been working on the Rubberduck (an add-in for the VBA Editor /"VBE"), specifically here the VBA.Parser namespace. Here's how I ended up implementing ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Parsing Lua 5.2 strings with patterns

I wrote some code to parse Lua 5.2 strings in Lua 5.1, using patterns. It works perfectly as far as I tested. ...
SoniEx2's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

The Bucketizer Script

This code is written in a SSIS Script Component that basically accomplishes what I previously had as a T-SQL script, that was reviewed here. I need to split a 80 character string that contains 20 ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar