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3 votes
2 answers

Code for saving / loading a class object

As I was advised, I broke my code into 2 classes. Could you take a look at the repository class and report what problems this code has ...
Destroyer's user avatar
  • 459
2 votes
1 answer

Populate an ArrayList of different instances of a class

First of all, here is an overview of my application. I want to create a multiple-choice app, on android, using data stored on a remote MySQL database. The DB has 100 questions that will appear in ...
Volpym's user avatar
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Updating UI in Retrofit onResponse

I have an Android project that queries the BART train API. I was curious if updating the UI inside the Retrofit onResponse method is correct or if there is a better way. Below is my code. Also, here ...
jmcs's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
1 answer

Kotlin Android request client

As part of an android app, I've written a simple wrapper that makes requests to an api and fetches stuff. ...
nz_21's user avatar
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Search GitHub users when text field changes in Kotlin Android app

Problem: Search for users by their name using the GitHub API (sorted by the number of followers) and display the results in a RecyclerView. Implementation: Hitting the GitHub API every time when user ...
Ankur_009's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Java/Kotlin JSON parsing improvement

I consume an API which gives me this type of JSON: ...
Ultimo_m's user avatar
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4 votes
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Dynamically creating login screen on Android devices

This has been an experience. I'm well above "hello world" java is not a language I use often when programming and I don't program too much. I find myself a lot on Google.... basically just about for ...
Nolan Robidoux's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

App to list books from JSON data

I recently submitted the code for this for an 2 hour interview but I was rejected. The app shows book information with a image, title, and author. Each entry has a title but some entries have no ...
John61590's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Android export browser history as JSON

I wrote a simple android app to export the browsers history as JSON, but I do not know if the resulting JSON is a format that the user will easily be able to parse and use. Is there any way that i ...
kyle k's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Populate views in Android application

I wrote these classes and I would like to know if this is a correct way. I created a new Project with Blank activity and "Scrollable Tabs + Swipe" as Navigation type. My main activity: ...
user3107388's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Optimize JSON insertion to SQLite (insert ... on duplicate key ignore)

In current task, I'm refactoring the code of converting JSON file into SQLite database on Android device. Code compliant with Java 6. As a benchmark, grabbing the code from remote server takes ...
Marek Sebera's user avatar