I wrote a simple zoopla real estate scraper for just practicing what i learned so far in python,requests,BeautifulSoup overall web scraping fundamentals and by looking at my code i feel like there would be a better and elegant way to write it but unfortunately as a beginner i don't know yet.So, i believe i should let experienced guys here at SO to review my code for enhancement.
import requests
import json
import csv
import time
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
class ZooplaScraper:
results = []
def fetch(self, url):
print(f'HTTP GET request to URL: {url}', end='')
res = requests.get(url)
print(f' | Status code: {res.status_code}')
return res
def parse(self, html):
content = bs(html, 'html.parser')
content_array = content.select('script[id="__NEXT_DATA__"]')
content_dict = json.loads(content_array[0].string)
content_details = content_dict['props']['initialProps']['pageProps']['regularListingsFormatted']
for listing in content_details:
self.results.append ({
'listing_id': listing['listingId'],
'name_title': listing['title'],
'names': listing['branch']['name'],
'addresses': listing['address'],
'agent': 'https://zoopla.co.uk' + listing['branch']['branchDetailsUri'],
'phone_no': listing['branch']['phone'],
'picture': listing['image']['src'],
'prices': listing['price'],
'Listed_on': listing['publishedOn'],
'listing_detail_link': 'https://zoopla.co.uk' + listing['listingUris']['detail']
def to_csv(self):
with open('zoopla.csv', 'w') as csv_file:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=self.results[0].keys())
for row in self.results:
print('Stored results to "zoopla.csv"')
def run(self):
for page in range(1, 5):
url = 'https://www.zoopla.co.uk/for-sale/property/london/?page_size=25&q=London&radius=0&results_sort=newest_listings&pn='
url += str(page)
res = self.fetch(url)
if __name__ == '__main__':
scraper = ZooplaScraper()
Basically in this scraper i mostly did is json parsing.Problem was all the data on the website was coming from javascript under the script tag so i have to select that tag and then pass it to json.loads() and parse the json dict to find the right key value pair.