fried chicken cakes

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A 50th birthday cake for someone whose first ever job was at K.F.C!! :-)
A 50th birthday cake for someone whose first ever job was at K.F.C!! :-)
KFC Bucket Birthday Cake. The bucket is cake, the chicken is Rice Krispie treats
食べ物からかばんまで…本物そっくりの「ケーキ」を作る女性職人がスゴイ! - U-NOTE[ユーノート] - 仕事を楽しく、毎日をかっこ良く。 -
This is cake!? Amazing! Laura Loukaides Cakes
Coolest KFC Bucket of Chicken and Sides Cake
Coolest KFC Bucket of Chicken and Sides Cake... This website is the Pinterest of birthday cake ideas
KFC bucket cake (Lyn's Cake Art) Tags: chicken cake 3d bucket kfc fried fondant
This greasy bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken is actually a cake
Deceptive Take-Out Cakes
"Take-Out Cakes".....These fast food cakes will cause you to do a double take. Created by Jayne McCool, the deceptively decorated desserts look just like take-out meals from various fast food chain restaurants but taste much sweeter than you might anticipate. From a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken to a McDonalds breakfast and even a whip-topped Starbucks beverage, these fast food cakes are clearly the creme de la creme. They make unique cakes that are a certain conversation starter.