End of Year

13 Pins
End of Year Student Gift
My favorite end of year gift for students! A sweet poem and a fun friendship bracelet. They always leave the last day of school saying they will never take it off and I love seeing how many of them still wear it the next school year. 😄
Back To School Activities For The Crayon Box That Talked
This is a great first week of school activity. Students will read a short poem, either from the excerpt provided in your download, or from the book itself. It will open the window for a class discussion on why it is important to be different and how our differences contribute to our daily environment. Included in your download: * 1 story poster * 1 poem poster * 3 differentiated writing prompts: If I were a crayon I would be the color ____ because____. (Size and number of lines available to
Farewell Message to Students from Teacher
End of the Year Activities - Teach Create Motivate
How do you celebrate the end of the year? Make the end of the year fun wth this adorable countdown sign for free!