◄ Injection ►

1. (n.) The act of injecting or throwing in; -- applied particularly to the forcible throwing in of a liquid, or aeriform body, by means of a syringe, pump, etc.

2. (n.) That which is injected; especially, a liquid medicine thrown into a cavity of the body by a syringe or pipe; a clyster; an enema.

3. (n.) The act or process of filling vessels, cavities, or tissues with a fluid or other substance.

4. (n.) A specimen prepared by injection.

5. (n.) The act of throwing cold water into a condenser to produce a vacuum.

6. (n.) The cold water thrown into a condenser.

Earth insertion LEM antitoxin apogee aside attitude-control rocket bag ballistic capsule bang booster booster dose booster shot brewing burn capsule deck deep-space ship docking docking maneuver dose draft drench drenching dropping drug packet ducking dunking embedment encroachment entrance entrenchment episode ferry rocket fix fuel ship graft grafting hit hypodermic hypodermic injection imbruement imbuement impaction impactment impingement implantation imposition impregnation incursion infiltration infix infixion influx infringement infusion inoculation inroad insert insertion insinuation intercalation interference interjection interlineation interlocution interloping interpolation interposition interposure interruption intervention introduction intromission intrusion invasion irruption jet injection leaching lixiviation lunar excursion module lunar module maceration mainlining manned rocket module moon ship multistage rocket narcotic injection narcotic shot obiter dictum obtrusion orbit overdose parenthesis parking orbit penetration percolation perfusion perigee permeation popping portion potion pulping reentry remark rocket saturation seething shooting up shot shuttle rocket side remark skin-popping soak soakage soaking soft landing sopping souse sousing space capsule space docking space rocket spacecraft spaceship steeping tessellation tossing-in transplant transplantation trespass trespassing unlawful entry vaccination vaccine


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