1. (v. i.) To move in or pass through the air with wings, as a bird.

2. (v. i.) To move through the air or before the wind; esp., to pass or be driven rapidly through the air by any impulse.

3. (v. i.) To float, wave, or rise in the air, as sparks or a flag.

4. (v. i.) To move or pass swiftly; to hasten away; to circulate rapidly; as, a ship flies on the deep; a top flies around; rumor flies.

5. (v. i.) To run from danger; to attempt to escape; to flee; as, an enemy or a coward flies. See Note under Flee.

6. (v. i.) To move suddenly, or with violence; to do an act suddenly or swiftly; -- usually with a qualifying word; as, a door flies open; a bomb flies apart.

7. (v. t.) To cause to fly or to float in the air, as a bird, a kite, a flag, etc.

8. (v. t.) To fly or flee from; to shun; to avoid.

9. (v. t.) To hunt with a hawk.

10. (v. i.) Any winged insect; esp., one with transparent wings; as, the Spanish fly; firefly; gall fly; dragon fly.

11. (v. i.) Any dipterous insect; as, the house fly; flesh fly; black fly. See Diptera.

12. (n.) A hook dressed in imitation of a fly, -- used for fishing.

13. (n.) A familiar spirit; a witch's attendant.

14. (n.) A parasite.

15. (n.) A kind of light carriage for rapid transit, plying for hire and usually drawn by one horse.

16. (n.) The length of an extended flag from its staff; sometimes, the length from the union to the extreme end.

17. (n.) The part of a vane pointing the direction from which the wind blows.

18. (v. i.) That part of a compass on which the points are marked; the compass card.

19. (v. i.) Two or more vanes set on a revolving axis, to act as a fanner, or to equalize or impede the motion of machinery by the resistance of the air, as in the striking part of a clock.

20. (n.) A heavy wheel, or cross arms with weights at the ends on a revolving axis, to regulate or equalize the motion of machinery by means of its inertia, where the power communicated, or the resistance to be overcome, is variable, as in the steam engine or the coining press. See Fly wheel (below).

21. (n.) The piece hinged to the needle, which holds the engaged loop in position while the needle is penetrating another loop; a latch.

22. (n.) The pair of arms revolving around the bobbin, in a spinning wheel or spinning frame, to twist the yarn.

23. (n.) A shuttle driven through the shed by a blow or jerk.

24. (v. i.) Formerly, the person who took the printed sheets from the press.

25. (n.) A vibrating frame with fingers, attached to a power to a power printing press for doing the same work.

26. (n.) The outer canvas of a tent with double top, usually drawn over the ridgepole, but so extended as to touch the roof of the tent at no other place.

27. (n.) One of the upper screens of a stage in a theater.

28. (n.) The fore flap of a bootee; also, a lap on trousers, overcoats, etc., to conceal a row of buttons.

29. (n.) A batted ball that flies to a considerable distance, usually high in the air; also, the flight of a ball so struck; as, it was caught on the fly.

30. (a.) Knowing; wide awake; fully understanding another's meaning.

abscond absquatulate advance aeroplane airlift airplane applique arachnid arise arthropod ascend aspire bait ball the jack balloon barnstorm barrel be airborne be annihilated be consumed be destroyed be gone be no more be wiped out bear beat a retreat become airborne beetle birdlime bola bolt boom bowl along brandish break breeze breeze along brush bug bunk carry caterpillar cease cease to be cease to exist centipede chilopod claw skyward clear out clip coast cobweb conduct continue control convey copilot cruise cut along cut and run cut out daddy longlegs dance dart dash decamp dematerialize depart desert die die away die out diplopod disappear dispel disperse dissipate dissolve do a fade-out dragnet drift drive dwindle elapse elope endure erode evanesce evaporate exit expire fade fade away fade out ferry fishhook flap flaunt flee fleet flicker flit flitter float flourish flow flow on flutter fly aloft fly low foot freight fugitate gain altitude gill net glide glissade go AWOL go away go by go fast go on ground bait hang harvestman hasten hexapod hide highball hightail hook hop hover hurry hydroplane ice-skate imbrication insect jet jig jump jump bail kite lap lapse lariat larva lasso last leave no trace leave the ground leave the scene levant lift lime lug lure maggot make knots make off make tracks manhandle manipulate melt melt away melt like snow meshes millepede millipede mite mount navigate net nip noose nymph outstrip the wind overlap overlapping overlay overlayer pack pass pass away pass by pass out peel off perish peter out pilot plane plug poise pound net pour it on press on proceed purse seine retire from sight retreat rip rise roll on roller-skate run run along run away run away from run away with run for it run its course run off run on run out rush sail sailplane scamper scape scoot scorch scorpion screw scud seaplane seine shake shoot show the heels sideslip sink sink away sizzle skate skateboard skedaddle ski skid skim skip skip out sled sleigh slide slip slip the cable slither snare sniggle soar solo speed spider


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