◄ Countenance ►

1. (v. t.) To encourage; to favor; to approve; to aid; to abet.

2. (v. t.) To make a show of; to pretend.

Buddha-like composure Oriental calm abet abetment accept acceptance adherence admiration admire advocacy advocate aegis aid and abet air applaud approbation approval approve approve of ask for auspices authority authorization back backing bear bear with bearing bless blessing blink at brook brow calm disposition calm of mind calmness care carriage cast cast of countenance certification champion championship charity clearance color comfort commend complexion composure condone connive at cool coolheadedness coolness demeanor dial easy mind embolden empowerment enabling encourage encouragement endorse endorsement endure enfranchisement entitlement esteem face facial appearance facies favor favorable vote feature features feed fiat foster fosterage garb give encouragement go for goodwill grin and abide guidance guise have hear of hearten hold with icy calm imperturbation indisturbance indulge interest invite keep in countenance kisser let go by let pass lineaments lines looks map mental composure mien mug mush nod nourish nurture obey overlook pan patronage peace of mind peacefulness philosophic composure philosophicalness philosophy phiz physiognomy placidity port posture presence puss put up with quiet quiet mind quietude ratification respect rise above sanction sangfroid seal of approval seconding serenity shine upon shrug shrug it off smile upon soothingness sponsorship stamp of approval stance stand for stomach submit to subscribe suffer support sympathy take kindly to think well of tolerate traits tranquillity turn tutelage unruffledness uphold view with favor visage voice vote warrant warranty wink at yea yea vote yield to


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