A downloadable game for Windows

Genre :

  • Platformer
  • Metroidvania

Lore :

Falling to ridge and end up trapped in Lush cave, there is abundance of plants and seed, use them to your own good, and survive till getting out from the hellish lush cave.

Goal :

  • Collecting Seeds to grow Magical Beanstalk Seed to escape from lush cave

Game Mechanic :

  • Pick seed in the level or harvest it from plants or drop from plant enemies
  • Plant seed by throwing seed as ammo and plant will grow
  • Throwing seed to already growing plant will upgrade the plant / leveling up plant that boost their combat

Features :

  • Rolling / Dash
  • Jump and Double Jump 
  • Wall Jump
  • Wall Slide
  • Jump Buffers
  • Coyote Jump
  • Shooting Seed
  • Ground pound to damage enemies nearby
  • Jump and stomp to damage enemy

Boss Level Design :

There will be wave 1 to 5 that player must survive until the boss appears, Surrounded by enemies wave by wave with seed coming down from top, use that seed to grow plant to attack and repel swarm of enemies

Gameplay :

  • Explore area
  • Platforming from start to end collect seed in the way and beat enemies or obstacle
  • Avoid hazards and enter next level

Seed / Plant type :

  • Combat type :
    • Projectile : Nuts
      • Type kacang ijo shoot to enemy
      • Type kacang tanah canon / meriam
    • Trap type : carnivorus
      • Venus plant eat it (land enemy trap)
      • Pitfall (air enemy trap)
    • Special : Mushroom
      • Hypnotic enemy to become ally
      • Mushroom Explode damage area
  • Platform type :
    • Taro plant : Big Leaf for jumping
    • Morning glory : for ladder
    • Ivy / Vine : for clinging
    • Flower and herbs : for healing and boosting
    • Water lilly / Lotus : for step on water

Pitchdeck : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11gHOViACzejBLSwSM2iH36DplHqajLzZHiFIIOv7...


Botanist n' Seeds.zip 30 MB

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