12 Nutrients To Optimize Gut Health (Probiotics, Prebiotics, & Soluble Fiber)
Get it, *gut* it, good. 🥄 Optimize your microbiome, get things moving (you know what we mean), and nourish your gut-brain axis with these 12 critical nutrients. Want to learn all about how to master your gut health? Click the link and download our FREE guide! #prebiotic #probiotic #guthealth #gutbrainaxis #chickpeas #sauerkraut #tempeh #coconutyogurt #avocado #oats #flaxseed #fiber
A healthy & balanced diet - tiphandnutrition
This is a huge misconception for a lot of people, that healthy eating is boring, repetitive, and restrictive… A healthy and balanced diet is: 🥙 Eating enough to support your body so it can thrive. 🍎 Eating as much variety as possible - fruit, veg, grains, cereals, etc. It’s not about eating “perfectly”. 🍪 Not ‘restricting’ your favourite foods and eating them without guilt, fear or anxiety. Overall, try to make your diet as varied, colourful, and tasty as you can 🌈
Home - Dherbs - The Best All Natural Herbal Remedies & Products
Sweet Potatoes are high in #fiber and #antioxidants, which protect your body from free radical damage and promote a #healthygut and #healthybrain. Just one sweet potato gives you 400% of the vitamin A you need each day, resulting in keeping your eyes and immune system #healthy! #SeptemberProduce