Conductive thread

LED Shoe Clips - Make:
Twinkle toes! Make LED ruffles to customize your shoes in this CRAFT tutorial and video. This easy soft circuit project can get you started in wearable ele
How to Work With Conductive Fabric
Conductive fabric is idea for wearables, soft circuitry, e-textiles, and other projects that take advantage of its properties.
Sew Electric combines craft, electronics, and programming and presents them in a wonderfully clear but whimsical way. - Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab
My First Soft Circuit! A modern sampler.
Kristin Henry's sampler on how to sew electronic circuits with conductive thread. A workshop at GAFTA in San Francisco 2010.
Made with Code + Sew Electric
Sew Electric | Now that you’ve experienced the power of code through Made with Code, there are so many other things to try. Learning to code opens up a world of physical things to craft too. Sew Electric will teach you how to use coding to make your own unique interactive clothing, accessories, and plushies.
Tinkering Project: Sewn Circuits
Sewn Circuits: a lab that utilizes conductive thread and metal snaps to create electronic softies! Like a DIY snap circuits.