Spirit animal

50 Pins
Tybalt by Kawiku on DeviantArt
Blue demon ~ you can only be lucky that u didn't meet him ..... Yet ~ he is a hacker and could control your mind be careful
Zahkiin by Akonis on DeviantArt
Zahkiin by Akonis.deviantart.com on @DeviantArt
Freeze, brave she wolf who wants to be a warrior. No mate or pups, cypresses daughter. Can be a bit pushy because of this, but has a soft side. Rank skilled she wolf.
War God by NukeRooster on DeviantArt
War God by Tatchit on DeviantArt
Chibi Batch 2 by Kamirah on DeviantArt
3,4,5 & 8 is mine adopt the rest Plz but if u want 1of these we can share
It's a feathery white Toothless<<<animal creature species design drawing with wings that are white and blue like Toothless dragon
This is Sprite, she's funny and playful but is very easy to scare. She has a good heart but isn't strong. Her mother is Starfighter and her father is Blizzard. She was adopted and her brother Quinn was too.
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Ack! Sorry Dragon, this one is too femme to be you so it's me in Vixie Dragonette form!