This easy to make Egg Salad is perfect for anyone following the Weight Watchers plans. A tasty WW lunch recipe that is 1 SmartPoint per portion on Weight Watchers Purple, Blue and (the old) Freestyle plans and 5 SmartPoints on the Green plan. #weightwatcherslunchrecipes #weightwatchers #freestyle #wwblueplan #wwgreenplan #wwpurpleplan #wweggsalad Weight Watchers Salad, Weight Watchers Lunch, Elegant Recipes, Ww Blue Plan, Weight Watchers Meals Dinner, Ww Lunch, Weight Watchers Lunches, Balanced Recipes, Easy Egg Salad

Egg Salad | Weight Watchers

This simple, low Point Egg Salad is perfect for anyone following any of the Weight Watchers plans. It makes an easy and delicious WW lunch recipe.