A cuddly wrap or scarf with columns of flying geese and cattail motifs, to keep even the coldest north wind away from neck and shoulders. Knit from hem to center back in two halves and grafted, the wrap is patterned for two lengths and the scarf for one. Shown here in Ball and Skein Artisan Merino & Silk, color End of WinterSuggested Yarns: Confection Sport, Shetlandia Sport, Targhee Tango Sport, Modern Deco Sport, Finn Dandy 3-ply Sport, Chebris Sport, or any light DK or sport-weight yarn. Subs Brown Knitted Shawl For Fall, Knit Shawl Scarves For Fall, Knitted Shawl Scarves For Fall, Knitted Shawl Pattern For Fall, Knitted Scarves For Fall, Winter Knitting Pattern For Scarf Shawl, Winter Knit Shawl Scarves, Hand Knitted Shawl Wrap For Fall, Hand Knitted Scarves For Fall