Civilian Reader

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“ “ Another day, another horrific shooting. An angry man with a grudge against his former workplace killed his former co-workers as they did their jobs. It’s so sickeningly common there’s even a name for this very specific form of mass...

Another day, another horrific shooting. An angry man with a grudge against his former workplace killed his former co-workers as they did their jobs. It’s so sickeningly common there’s even a name for this very specific form of mass killing: “going postal” after a series of workplace gun massacres by postal workers going back to the 1980s. Yesterday’s  had the unique and extra-disturbing characteristic of first taking place during a live TV spot and then further unfolding on twitter and Facebook where the shooter posted video of the murders from his own point of view. He was a failed celebrity who used all the modern forms of media to document his depraved acts.

But the unusual public nature of this particular crime does not mean that similar gun murders aren’t an everyday occurrence. The Washington Post published a shocking statistic yesterday: In the 238 days of 2015 America has had 247 mass shootings. This is happening more than once a day. We are so inured to it that we don’t hear of them most of the time unless there is something conspicuously different about it. (This is very likely attributable to the depressing fact that the vast majority of mass killings are perpetrated by men murdering innocent women and children in their personal lives.)

We have all the proof we need that something needs to be done about gun violence. And yet… nothing


That’s because liberals don’t need to claim that their policies will produce spectacular growth. All they need to claim is feasibility: that we can do things like, say, guaranteeing health insurance to everyone without killing the economy. Conservatives, on the other hand, want to block such things and, instead, to cut taxes on the rich and slash aid to the less fortunate. So they must claim both that liberal policies are job killers and that being nice to the rich is a magic elixir.

How Republicans’ hysterical claims about the Obama economy have been thoroughly discredited