Jing LI
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Address: Hong Kong
Address: Hong Kong
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Papers by Jing LI
游仙诗是晚唐诗人曹唐最具特色的部分。对曹唐大游仙诗的研究, 学者往往先从典故考证入手。但研究不应止步于考证典故的来源,因为诗人可以化用和改变典故在作品中的意义。以曹唐大游仙诗中的一首《萧史携弄玉上升》为例,研究者极易望题生义,以为本篇所涉典故即为《列仙传》中的萧史弄玉之典。而本文从诗中的“缑山”等意象出发,认为该诗的抒情主人公其实是王子乔。不同的故事在诗中相互作用,从而生发出不同的境界。最后,本文认为曹唐在典故的运用方面独具匠心,其用典之技巧与后结构主义者所提出的互文性有较多共通之处。
In one word, Xie’s trip was motivated by seeking the medicine for immortality, searching for the immortals, and exploring the unknown remote sea, blending pragmatism, romantic imagination, and scientific search. The themes of the poem should be as follows: having no self-interest as the most noble one does; acting according to his inner mind without regard to the outside world; keeping low profile for self-protection. Finally, the whole poem speaks of the same idea of keeping healthy.
The key to the above-mentioned questions lies in the references to Mount Kun and Mr. An Qi. This article will demonstrate that Mount Kun is an allusion to the goddess Madam Tai Zhen (太真夫人), while the character of Mr. An Qi is not the original one appeared in The Legendary Biographies of Taoist Immortals of Antiquity (Liexian zhuan, 列仙傳) or The Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji, 史記),but a new character derived of the Hagiology of Master Ma
Moreover, Xie Lingyun included the statement that An Qi is the master of Ma Mingsheng in his “Ode on Dwelling in the Mountain” (山居賦). This relationship between Mr. An Qi and Ma Mingsheng also derives from the Hagiology. Xie had the great fortune to gain easy access to the Hagiology because his mother was the granddaughter of Liu Xia (劉遐), one of the authors of the text.
The final content will offer a new interpretation of the poem based on the above-mentioned background research of the Hagiology and a detailed analysis of the link between Xie Lingyun and the Hagiology, focusing in particular on his unique comprehension of this text and the reasons for the integration of specific imagery and related concepts in his poetry.
《三洞群仙錄》二十卷,南宋紹興間陳葆光編纂。是書乃採集從古盤古到北宋一千餘名得道者的傳奇故事,每個故事用四字麗語概括,兩個故事合為一則。人物的排列並無時代的先後。全書內容從盤古開天闢地 開始,而書中明確出現的最後記事年代為北宋徽宗崇寧(1102年-1106年),記南康軍進士彭天寵得道士贈金銀鑰匙返家事 。因此,與五代時王松年所編《仙苑編珠》一樣,《三洞群仙錄》亦可以視作一部特殊體例的仙道傳記通史。由於是書之編纂以引述為主,因而可以看作宋前古文獻的淵藪,書中保存了不少已佚道書的片段。筆者曾對這部作品進行全面整理,而本文將對這部《蒙求》體仙傳集的作者與成書、內容與價值、引書與體例等,逐一進行考辨與評述。
This paper argue that in xie lingyun’s poem titled as "a Poem on Stone House Mountain", the stone house (shishi,石室) cannot be looked the same as the Stone House Mountain(Shishi Shan, 石室山). It is a spiritual field,not a material one.
謝靈運 石室山 靈域 地仙 洞天
The paper intends to shed some light on the author’s efforts to restore the work, and to provide some evidence and additional information regarding the biography of Jia Shanxiang, the background to his writings and the time when the book was lost. The biography of Jia Shanxiang was first found in a chapter titled “Twelve Immortals in Pengshan (蓬山十二仙),” in the Yudi jisheng 輿地紀勝 (Geographical Records of Chief Sights). The grouping of those immortals had everything to do with He Gefei 何格非, a native fellow of Jia Shanxiang, and thus Jia’s biography was most probably written by He, in the author’s opinion. The paper finds that The Biographies should have been compiled between 1087 and 1118. The Lishi zhenxian tidao tongjian 歷世真仙體道通鑑 (Complete History of the Perfected and the Immortals) mentions that Jia Shanxiang wrote The Biographies during the reign of Zhezong 哲宗 of the Northern Song (1086–1100). It seems that the written record is a reliable source. As to the time when it was lost, Ding Peiren 丁培仁 judged on the basis of the Daozang quejing mulu 道藏闕經目錄 (Missing List of Daoist Canon) that when the Daozang 道藏 (Daoist Canon) was compiled during the Ming dynasty, the book had already been lost. Yan Yiping thought that the book should have been lost during the transitional period between the Yuan and the Ming dynasties. However, Wang Shizhen 王世貞 had quoted from The Biographies in one of his books during the Wanli 萬曆 reign (1573–1620), which is an evidence of proof that the book should have been lost after the Wanli reign.
游仙诗是晚唐诗人曹唐最具特色的部分。对曹唐大游仙诗的研究, 学者往往先从典故考证入手。但研究不应止步于考证典故的来源,因为诗人可以化用和改变典故在作品中的意义。以曹唐大游仙诗中的一首《萧史携弄玉上升》为例,研究者极易望题生义,以为本篇所涉典故即为《列仙传》中的萧史弄玉之典。而本文从诗中的“缑山”等意象出发,认为该诗的抒情主人公其实是王子乔。不同的故事在诗中相互作用,从而生发出不同的境界。最后,本文认为曹唐在典故的运用方面独具匠心,其用典之技巧与后结构主义者所提出的互文性有较多共通之处。
In one word, Xie’s trip was motivated by seeking the medicine for immortality, searching for the immortals, and exploring the unknown remote sea, blending pragmatism, romantic imagination, and scientific search. The themes of the poem should be as follows: having no self-interest as the most noble one does; acting according to his inner mind without regard to the outside world; keeping low profile for self-protection. Finally, the whole poem speaks of the same idea of keeping healthy.
The key to the above-mentioned questions lies in the references to Mount Kun and Mr. An Qi. This article will demonstrate that Mount Kun is an allusion to the goddess Madam Tai Zhen (太真夫人), while the character of Mr. An Qi is not the original one appeared in The Legendary Biographies of Taoist Immortals of Antiquity (Liexian zhuan, 列仙傳) or The Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji, 史記),but a new character derived of the Hagiology of Master Ma
Moreover, Xie Lingyun included the statement that An Qi is the master of Ma Mingsheng in his “Ode on Dwelling in the Mountain” (山居賦). This relationship between Mr. An Qi and Ma Mingsheng also derives from the Hagiology. Xie had the great fortune to gain easy access to the Hagiology because his mother was the granddaughter of Liu Xia (劉遐), one of the authors of the text.
The final content will offer a new interpretation of the poem based on the above-mentioned background research of the Hagiology and a detailed analysis of the link between Xie Lingyun and the Hagiology, focusing in particular on his unique comprehension of this text and the reasons for the integration of specific imagery and related concepts in his poetry.
《三洞群仙錄》二十卷,南宋紹興間陳葆光編纂。是書乃採集從古盤古到北宋一千餘名得道者的傳奇故事,每個故事用四字麗語概括,兩個故事合為一則。人物的排列並無時代的先後。全書內容從盤古開天闢地 開始,而書中明確出現的最後記事年代為北宋徽宗崇寧(1102年-1106年),記南康軍進士彭天寵得道士贈金銀鑰匙返家事 。因此,與五代時王松年所編《仙苑編珠》一樣,《三洞群仙錄》亦可以視作一部特殊體例的仙道傳記通史。由於是書之編纂以引述為主,因而可以看作宋前古文獻的淵藪,書中保存了不少已佚道書的片段。筆者曾對這部作品進行全面整理,而本文將對這部《蒙求》體仙傳集的作者與成書、內容與價值、引書與體例等,逐一進行考辨與評述。
This paper argue that in xie lingyun’s poem titled as "a Poem on Stone House Mountain", the stone house (shishi,石室) cannot be looked the same as the Stone House Mountain(Shishi Shan, 石室山). It is a spiritual field,not a material one.
謝靈運 石室山 靈域 地仙 洞天
The paper intends to shed some light on the author’s efforts to restore the work, and to provide some evidence and additional information regarding the biography of Jia Shanxiang, the background to his writings and the time when the book was lost. The biography of Jia Shanxiang was first found in a chapter titled “Twelve Immortals in Pengshan (蓬山十二仙),” in the Yudi jisheng 輿地紀勝 (Geographical Records of Chief Sights). The grouping of those immortals had everything to do with He Gefei 何格非, a native fellow of Jia Shanxiang, and thus Jia’s biography was most probably written by He, in the author’s opinion. The paper finds that The Biographies should have been compiled between 1087 and 1118. The Lishi zhenxian tidao tongjian 歷世真仙體道通鑑 (Complete History of the Perfected and the Immortals) mentions that Jia Shanxiang wrote The Biographies during the reign of Zhezong 哲宗 of the Northern Song (1086–1100). It seems that the written record is a reliable source. As to the time when it was lost, Ding Peiren 丁培仁 judged on the basis of the Daozang quejing mulu 道藏闕經目錄 (Missing List of Daoist Canon) that when the Daozang 道藏 (Daoist Canon) was compiled during the Ming dynasty, the book had already been lost. Yan Yiping thought that the book should have been lost during the transitional period between the Yuan and the Ming dynasties. However, Wang Shizhen 王世貞 had quoted from The Biographies in one of his books during the Wanli 萬曆 reign (1573–1620), which is an evidence of proof that the book should have been lost after the Wanli reign.