Papers by Volodymyr Nikorych

PLOS ONE, Nov 24, 2020
Grassland biodiversity is vulnerable to land use change. How to best manage semi-natural grasslan... more Grassland biodiversity is vulnerable to land use change. How to best manage semi-natural grasslands for maintaining biodiversity is still unclear in many cases because land-use processes may depend on environmental conditions and the indirect effects of land-use on biodiversity mediated by altered abiotic and biotic factors are rarely considered. Here we evaluate the relative importance of the direct and indirect effects of grazing intensity on plant communities along an elevational gradient on a large topographic scale in the Eastern Carpathians in Ukraine. We sampled for two years 31 semi-natural grasslands exposed to cattle grazing. Within each grassland site we measured plant community properties such as the number of species, functional groups, and the proportion of species undesirable for grazing. In addition, we recorded cattle density (as a proxy for grazing intensity), soil properties (bare soil exposure, soil organic carbon, and soil pH) and densities of soil decomposers (earthworms and soil microorganisms). We used structural equation modelling to explore the direct and indirect effects of grazing intensity on plant communities along the elevation gradient. We found that cattle density decreased plant species and functional diversity but increased the proportion of undesirable species. Some of these effects were directly linked to grazing intensity (i.e., species richness), while others (i.e., functional diversity and proportion of undesirable species) were mediated via bare soil exposure. Although grazing intensity decreased with elevation, the effects of grazing on the plant community did not change along the elevation gradient. Generally, elevation had a strong positive direct effect on plant species richness as well as a negative indirect effect, mediated via altered soil acidity and decreased decomposer density. Our results indicate that plant diversity and composition are controlled by the complex interplay among grazing intensity and changing environmental conditions along an elevation gradient. Furthermore, we found lower soil pH, organic carbon and decomposer density with elevation, indicating that the effects of grazing on soil and related ecosystem functions and services in semi-natural grasslands may be more

The aim of this research was to identify variations of the morphogenetic features of the Precarpa... more The aim of this research was to identify variations of the morphogenetic features of the Precarpathian`s brownish-podzolic soils (Albeluvisols) depending on the biogeocenosis type. The morphology of the 20 soil profiles in the Precarpathians in Ukraine and the Carpathian Foothills in Poland was analyzed. Factors and conditions for the formation of these soils were studied. Macroand micromorphological studies of conventional soil science techniques have been conducted. Cluster analysis (Ward's method using software packages Statistica 8) for the mathematical interpretation of the data was applied. The quality attributes of the soil in the cluster analysis were converted according to the relative point scale: soil texture, the dominant type of structure, and consistence (rated from 1 to 4 types and subtypes of the selected features according to the range found in the studied soils). The presence and quantity of the roots, nodules and cutans, as well as the degree of different types of gleysation within the profile were converted according to the same technique: from 0 to 4 (0-feature or pedofeature is missing; 1-very poor expression or single content; 2-weak expression or little content; 3-average expression or average content; 4-pronounced feature or high content). Some features (depth of occurrence of upper boundary of gleyic horizon in cm and thickness of A, AE, and E horizons in cm) were characterized by actual data, which were included into the matrix. The diagnostic features of the studied soils were as follows: 1) bleached eluvial and darkened illuvial parts of the profile; 2) domination of light grey and especially brown colors; 3) loamy texture; 4) domination of the angular and subangular structure; 5) dense consistence; 6) presence of the albeluvic tonguing; 7) Fe-Mn nodules (especially in Bt and BC horizons); 8) clay cutans and their stagnic color pattern. It is determined that the majority of soils within the Precarpathians belong to the profiledifferentiating group and the edaphotop PIY-9/UK-IF-KA (near Piylo, Kalush district, Ivano-Frankivsk region) is the most similar to the archetype of the brownish-podzolic soils. The analysis of the micromorphological properties of the studied soils regardless their geographical location confirmed their genetic similarity, but they have some variations associated with the heterogeneity of parents materials, variety of the profile gleysation and type of biogeocenosis. The obtained results show that all studied soils were grouped into two irregular clusters. In first cluster, only the GB-1/PL-MP-MY profile was present due to lack of gleysation. In second cluster, the rest soil profiles (19) were grouped what indicates the genetic similarity of these soils. Analysis of second cluster revealed the tendency to the soil grouping according to the biogeocenosis type and geographic location of the soils and heterogeneity of parent material were less important. The results showed that soils covered by spruce formed special subcluster with minimal distance and maximal similarity (Sto-2/UA-CE-ST, Kra-11/UA-CE-ST, Roj-16/UA-IF-RO). This type of biogeocenosis

Ecology and Noospherology, 2014
Based on the analysis of literature data, the genesis, distribution, morphology, composition and ... more Based on the analysis of literature data, the genesis, distribution, morphology, composition and properties of Fe-Mn pedofeatures (mainly nodules and concretions), taking into account their unique geochemical role, review of general scientific information was done. Terminology and classification problems concerning pedofeatures of this type were shown. The need for difference of concepts between ‘nodules’ and ‘concretion’ was highlighted. The morphological and physical properties of Fe-Mn pedofeatures (shape, color, size, and consistence), depending on soil conditions, were discussed. Additionaly, mineralogical composition of Fe-Mn pedofeatures including determination of mineral prevalence were shown. The role of nodules and concretions in accumulation of macro- and microelements was analyzed. The possibility of using the enrichment factor (EF), which is calculated as the ratio of elements in pedofeatures to the elements in corresponding soil material for evaluation their geochemica...

Cutans occurring in Albeluvisols of the Precarpathians in the Ukraine were studied. The morpholog... more Cutans occurring in Albeluvisols of the Precarpathians in the Ukraine were studied. The morphology of the cutans and their components were described. The obtained results show that the studied cutans are composed mainly of colloidal clay. Clay cutans in the studied soils are characterized by smooth surface, microlamination, and clear optical orientation of clay domains. It was found that the microlamination of the clay cutans is a result of cyclic material deposition due to translocation of colloids (i.e. eluviation-illuviation). Complex layered cutans containing layers of pure clay, microlaminated clay and silt were also found. It was shown that the colour of clay cutans depends on their composition. Domination of brown, dark brown and rusty-brown cutans indicates that clay minerals and Fe-oxides are main component of such microstructures. Several morphotypes of cutans were determined: sandy-silty, clay, humus-clay, humus-silty-clay, silty-clay, and iron-clay. Most of the identifie...

Geoderma, 2014
The occurrence of interlayer fillings in clay minerals in the slightly acidic soils of humid temp... more The occurrence of interlayer fillings in clay minerals in the slightly acidic soils of humid temperate zone is a very common and characteristic feature. According to the research literature, the interlayer fillings may be composed of mineral and/or organic materials. The formation of mineral-interlayered clay minerals in soils is related to weathering, which leads to the liberation of cations from the crystalline structure of soil minerals and their subsequent sorption and fixation as a hydroxyl sheet within interlayer spaces of swelling clay minerals, or it may be due to the weathering of chlorite and partial removal of the hydroxyl sheet from interlayer spaces. The formation of organic interlayering within clays is related to interactions between organic and mineral colloids occurring in soil environment. The main aim of the present study was to determine the nature and formation of the interlayer fillings in clay minerals in four Albeluvisols from the Carpathian Foothills in southern Poland showing the occurrence of a fragipan and various degrees of bleaching due to periodic stagnation of water as well as ongoing land use (i.e. forest soils vs. arable soils). This was done using research results obtained from X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR and FTIR-ATR), and chemical analysis. The obtained results show that Albeluvisols from the Carpathian Foothills in Poland are characterized by the occurrence of clay minerals with interlayer fillings, which are the most developed in the upper soil horizons (A, AE, and E). The nature of interlayer fillings in clay minerals in the Albeluvisols studied is mainly organic; however, an additional presence of very small amounts of metal-hydroxy polymers in the interlayer space of clays cannot be completely excluded. Clay minerals with interlayer organic fillings found in the upper soil horizons are formed from swelling clays (smectite and vermiculite) due to the accumulation of organic matter in the interlayers during pedogenesis. The same pattern of clay mineral transformation (i.e. swelling clays into interlayered clays) is observed in Albeluvisols showing strong bleaching and slight bleaching and subject to different forms of land use (i.e. forest soils vs. arable soils). Most likely, this is related to quite similar physical and chemical properties of the soils as well as similar environmental conditions (except of ongoing land use). Quantity of organic matter does not play a crucial role in the formation of organic interlayered clays in soil environment. The most important is low pH (below 5.5) of soil solution and the presence of expandable clay minerals in soil material.

Problems of actual designation of illuvial genetic horizons in Ukrainian soil science were analyz... more Problems of actual designation of illuvial genetic horizons in Ukrainian soil science were analyzed. It was found that the current system does not reflect all the subtleties of illuvial horizon and it is not in accordance with the current trends in international soil science. On the basis of the brownpodzolic gleyed soils of the Precarpathians, which are being studied for along time, it is stated that modification of designation is very necessary. Possible schemes of these soil profiles, taking into account of their morphogenetic variability, are offered for discussion. In addition it is proposed for discussion system of designation of illuvial horizons, which will take into consideration not only their illuvial character, but also kind of illuvial material. It is recommended the necessity of updating system of designation of illuvial horizons using superscript, which indicate their origin: І t-argic (texture); І fe,al-spodic; І h-sombric; І к-calcic; Sl (or I n)-natric. The authors hope that the proposed debate will be continued and this paper will encourage discussion about this problem in the Ukrainian national soil science community.
Luvisols and Albeluvisols prevail within the Carpathian Foothills in Poland and the Precarpathian... more Luvisols and Albeluvisols prevail within the Carpathian Foothills in Poland and the Precarpathians in the Ukraine. Genesis of the soils is related to translocation of colloids (i.e. clay minerals and iron oxides) from upper part of the soil profile to the lower horizons (so-called lessivage). Higher bulk density and lower total porosity of the illuvial horizon due to lessivage restrict the infiltration of water and penetration of roots. It leads to periodic stagnation of water above illuvial horizon and occurrence of redox processes in the upper soil horizons. Main aim of the present study is to compare morphology, micromorphology, chemical and physical properties of Albeluvisols formed from loess-like deposits within the eastern part of the Carpathian Mts. in Poland and the Ukraine
Foothill and mountain agriculture and stockbreeding, 2020
впливає на головні ґрунтово-гідрологічні показники. It is our opinion that the final resolution o... more впливає на головні ґрунтово-гідрологічні показники. It is our opinion that the final resolution of researched question requires further thought and examination.
Вивчали ґрунтові водорості бурувато-підзолистих ґрунтів Передкарпаття різних екосистем. Встановле... more Вивчали ґрунтові водорості бурувато-підзолистих ґрунтів Передкарпаття різних екосистем. Встановлено видовий склад, систематичну структуру, екологічні спектри синьо- зелених водоростей. Виявлено 17 видів синьо-зелених водоростей з 1 класу, 2 порядків, 4 родин, 5 родів. Серед екобіоморф найбільш чисельні Р- та Cf-форми The soil algae of brown-podzolic Ciscarpation's soils of different ecosystems were studied. The species composition, taxonomic and ecological structure of blue-green algae was determined. 17 species were found from 1 classes, 2 orders, 4 families, 5 genera. Among the algae life forms P-and Cf-forms are domination.

The microbocenoses of brownish-podzolic gleied soils of Ciscarpathia is investigated. The high in... more The microbocenoses of brownish-podzolic gleied soils of Ciscarpathia is investigated. The high in-tensity of processes of release and accumulation of aluminium regardless of depth is established. It is proved that in investigated soils mobilization of aluminium can be accessory under the influence of microflora which is able to dissolve Al-phosphate. Introduction. Aluminium – one of the most common soil elements. Soil minerals and differ-ent aluminium content combinations include it. Transformation of aluminium combinations, their migration and accumulation, are better expressed in the conditions of moist climate [3], including Ciscarpathia [6]. In obedience to traditional conceptions, descending motion of aluminium and fixing in lower horizons depends on physical and chemical factors: the mechanical moving, dissolution or sedimentation is under the influence of change of pH and others [4,7]. There are few scientific hy-potheses about biogenic origin of aluminium deposits. But they ...

1 Чернівецький національний університет ім. Ю. Федьковича 2 Мелітопольський державний педагогічни... more 1 Чернівецький національний університет ім. Ю. Федьковича 2 Мелітопольський державний педагогічний університет Проаналізовано видовий склад, систематичну структуру альгофлори хвойних лісів Украї-ни. Наведено результати досліджень альгоугруповань хвойних лісів Передкарпаття та Степо-вої зони України, виділені їх специфічні риси. Ключові слова: грунтові водорості, альгоугруповання, хвойний ліс. The species composition, taxonomic algae of coniferous forests of Ukraine was analysed. The results of investigation of algogroupping coniferous forests of Ciscarpathia and Steppe of Ukraine, their peculiar features was determined. Ліс як екологічний каркас території стабілізує природні складові (атмо-, гідро-та педосфери) та розвиток геосистем. Еволюція біосферних процесів і розвиток людсь-кого суспільства пов'язані з функціонуванням та динамікою лісового покриву. Вивчення грунтів лісів – важливий аспект природоохоронних досліджень. Грунти визначають приуроченість лісових порід, їх конкуре...

Soil algae of Ciscarpathia brownish-podzolic soils of different ecosystems have been studied. Spe... more Soil algae of Ciscarpathia brownish-podzolic soils of different ecosystems have been studied. Species composition, systematic structure, algae ecological spectra and their ecobiomorph structure have been established. It has been found out in total 104 algae species, including. It has been established the lack of blue-green algae and decreasing of diatoms species richness in the natural forest ecosystems. It has been proved dominance of green algae with a great variety of yellow-green, blue-green algae and diatoms in algogrouping of anthropogenic transformed ecosystems. The total spectrum of life forms (ecobiomorph) for brownish-podzolic gleied soils (Albeluvisols) of Ciscarpathia's different ecosystems is the following Ch 31 C 19 X 19 P 9 B 8 H 6 Cf 6 M 1 Nf 1 amph 1 hydr 3 (104). Ch-, C-and X-forms are the most numerous among ecobiomorphs. With increasing of anthropogenic pressure degree ecobiomorph spectrum is changed: species of C-and B-forms play the main role in the spectru...

Problems of actual designation of illuvial genetic horizons in Ukrainian soil science were analyz... more Problems of actual designation of illuvial genetic horizons in Ukrainian soil science were analyzed. It was found that the current system does not reflect all the subtleties of illuvial horizon and it is not in accordance with the current trends in international soil science. On the basis of the brown-podzolic gleyed soils of the Precarpathians, which are being studied for along time, it is stated that modification of designation is very necessary. Possible schemes of these soil profiles, taking into account of their morphogenetic variability, are offered for discussion. In addition it is proposed for discussion system of designation of illuvial horizons, which will take into consideration not only their illuvial character, but also kind of illuvial material. It is recommended the necessity of updating system of designation of illuvial horizons using superscript, which indicate their origin: І t – argic (texture); І fe,al – spodic; І h – sombric; І к – calcic; Sl (or I n) – natric. ...
Luvisols and Albeluvisols prevail within the Carpathian Foothills in Poland and the Precarpathian... more Luvisols and Albeluvisols prevail within the Carpathian Foothills in Poland and the Precarpathians in the Ukraine. Genesis of the soils is related to translocation of colloids (i.e. clay minerals and iron oxides) from upper part of the soil profile to the lower horizons (so-called lessivage). Higher bulk density and lower total porosity of the illuvial horizon due to lessivage restrict the infiltration of water and penetration of roots. It leads to periodic stagnation of water above illuvial horizon and occurrence of redox processes in the upper soil horizons. Main aim of the present study is to compare morphology, micromorphology, chemical and physical properties of Albeluvisols formed from loess-like deposits within the eastern part of the Carpathian Mts. in Poland and the Ukraine.

The aim of this research was to identify variations of the morphogenetic features of thePrecarpat... more The aim of this research was to identify variations of the morphogenetic features of thePrecarpathias brownish-podzolic soils (Albeluvisols) depending on the biogeocenosis type. The morphology of the 20 soil profiles in the Precarpathians in Ukraine and the Carpathian Foothills in Poland was analyzed. Factors and conditions for the formation of these soils were studied. Macro-and micromorphological studies of conventional soil science techniques have been conducted. Cluster analysis (Ward's method using software packages Statistica 8) for the mathematical interpretation of the data was applied. The quality attributes of the soil in the cluster analysis were converted according to the relative point scale: soil texture, the dominant type of structure, and consistence (rated from 1 to 4 types and subtypes of the selected features according to the range found in the studied soils). The presence and quantity of the roots, nodules and cutans, as well as the degree of different types ...
Soil Science Working for a Living, 2017
Polarizing microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used to determine the distribution, s... more Polarizing microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used to determine the distribution, size, shape, and chemical composition of Fe–Mn nodules in Albeluvisols (Retisols) from south-western Ukraine and the relationship of these pedological features with redox processes. Intrusive, impregnative, and depletion features were observed. The highest content of hard nodules is present in the upper part of the solum, indicating that cyclic redox processes occur most often above the illuvial horizon. The nodules are enriched in Fe and Mn (4–14 and 7–40 times, respectively). The chemical composition of the surface of the nodule in contact with microorganisms indicates their crucial role in the accumulation of Fe and Mn and nodule formation.

Grassland biodiversity is among the most vulnerable to land use. How to best manage semi-natural ... more Grassland biodiversity is among the most vulnerable to land use. How to best manage semi-natural grasslands for maintaining biodiversity is still unclear in many cases because processes may depend on environmental conditions and indirect effects are rarely considered. Here we evaluate the relative importance of direct and indirect effects of grazing intensity on plant communities along an elevational gradient on a large topographic scale in the Eastern Carpathians in Ukraine. We sampled 31 semi-natural grasslands exposed to cattle grazing in two years. Within each grassland site we measured plant community properties such as the number of species, functional groups, and the proportion of undesirable weeds. In addition, we recorded cattle density (as proxy for grazing intensity), soil properties (bare soil exposure, soil organic carbon, and soil pH) and densities of soil decomposers (earthworms and soil microorganisms). We used structural equation modelling to explore direct and indirect effects of grazing intensity on plant communities along the elevation gradient. We found that cattle density decreased plant species and functional diversity but increased the proportion of undesirable weeds. Some of these effects were directly linked to grazing intensity (i.e., species richness), while others (i.e., functional diversity and proportion of undesirable weeds) were mediated via bare soil exposure. Although grazing intensity decreased with elevation, the effects of grazing on the plant community did not change along the elevation gradient. Generally, elevation had a strong positive direct effect on plant species richness as well as a negative indirect effect, mediated via altered soil acidity and decreased decomposer density. Our results indicate that plant diversity and composition are controlled by the complex interplay among grazing intensity and changing environmental conditions along elevation. Furthermore, we found lower soil pH, organic carbon and decomposer density with elevation, indicating that the effects of grazing on soil and related ecosystem functions and services in semi-natural grasslands may be more pronounced with elevation. This demonstrates that we .
Polarizing microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used to determine the distribution, s... more Polarizing microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used to determine the distribution, size, shape, and chemical composition of Fe–Mn nodules in Albeluvisols (Retisols) from southwestern Ukraine and the relationship of these pedological features with redox processes. Intrusive, impregnative, and depletion features were observed. The highest content of hard nodules is present in the upper part of the solum, indicating that cyclic redox processes occur most often above the illuvial horizon. The nodules are enriched in Fe and Mn (4–14 and 7–40 times, respectively). The chemical composition of the surface of the nodule in contact with microorganisms indicates their crucial role in the accumulation of Fe and Mn and nodule formation. Keywords Fe–Mn nodules Á Fe–Mn concretions Á Redox Á Albeluvisols Á Micromorphology Á Scanning electron microscopy
Проаналізовано видовий склад, систематичну структуру альгофлори хвойних лісів України. Наведено р... more Проаналізовано видовий склад, систематичну структуру альгофлори хвойних лісів України. Наведено результати досліджень альгоугруповань хвойних лісів Передкарпаття та Степової зони України, виділені їх специфічні риси. Ключові слова: грунтові водорості, альгоугруповання, хвойний ліс. The species composition, taxonomic algae of coniferous forests of Ukraine was analysed. The results of investigation of algogroupping coniferous forests of Ciscarpathia and Steppe of Ukraine, their peculiar features was determined.
Papers by Volodymyr Nikorych