Modern American History

Homeschool resources for studying about Modern American history. Free printables, hands on history ideas for studying about anything from US presidents to American government. #historyunitstudies
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Explore The Best American History Gifts For Kids And Educators
Explore The Best American History Gifts For Kids And Educators. For the child or adult that loves American history gifts you want to do something a little different, a little extra, a little fun. You know that I have you covered with different and unique ideas for all ages, time periods, and personalities- from puzzles and games to art. Within American History you have many different periods, and your American History buff can fall anywhere within this timeline.
How to Create a Creditworthy American History Course (& resources)
How to Create a Creditworthy American History Course (& resources). I'm showing you how to create a creditworthy American history course with resources. Also, look at my page How to Homeschool High School. Whether you want to create a standalone creditworthy American history course for your teen or you want to enhance the interest level of your current American history curriculum, you'll love these tips. Here's a tip. Use lower grade level resources to put important topics in a nutshell.
US Presidents -
Information about each of the US presidents to use for a president report
History Makers Notebooking Pages – Famous Persons from Ancient to Modern – Set 2
History Makers Notebooking Pages – Famous Persons from Ancient to Modern – Set 2. I created the history makers notebooking pages because I don’t use one book or curriculum anymore when teaching homeschool history. Too, look at my page Homeschool Geography for hands-on and simple ideas and tips. Earlier I shared set 1 of history makers notebooking pages because I do use a variety of reference books when creating unit studies. Keeping history lively, eventful and hands-on is my priority right now
6 Kids Movies About Paul Revere | How To Make A Lantern
6 Kids Movies About Paul Revere | How To Make A Lantern. In addition to 6 great kids movies about Paul Revere I’m sharing fun resources, hands-on activities, and an upcycled lantern craft. Also, look at my page American Revolution Unit Study and Lapbook 1775 – 1783. While some were still loyal to the British crown many colonists were not happy with the overreaching hand of their government. They wanted to decide who had the authority to impose taxes - Britain or colonial governments.
12 Free & Unique Geography Resource History Makers Pages
12 Free & Unique Geography Resource History Makers Pages. I have 12 free geography resource history makers pages. Too, look at my page Homeschool Geography for hands-on and simple ideas and tips. Because I want to stay on track somewhat with our school because of how crazy my summer has been, I am sharing my first set of history maker freebies. I've learned that at times history needs to be mixed up. Creating my history maker pages makes for a nice segue in your history day.
Pioneer Living and Cloth Dyeing (Hands-on History)
Pioneer Living and Cloth Dyeing (Hands-on History). If you're learning about pioneer living or westward expansion, you'll love this cloth dyeing hands-on history activity. Also, look at my BEST Westward Ho Unit Study and Lapbook. I wanted to focus on a science activity that pioneers living during that time would do, which is cloth dyeing. Pioneer living and cloth dyeing go hand in hand though I'm sure pioneers of that time weren't too concerned about many different colors in their clothes.
How to Build the Alamo With Kids And Free Texas Lapbook
How to Build the Alamo With Kids And Free Texas Lapbook. Learning how to build the Alamo was another fun change to our schedule as we have continued in our series of hands-on homeschooling learning. Also, you may love Free Texas Homeschool Lapbook and Fun Homeschool Unit Study Ideas. We thought it would be fun to sketch a quick layout of the Alamo as we read about it. Having studied about the Alamo before, we pulled out The Alamo, An Illustrated History, book by George Nelson.
Step Back in Time with These 12 Little House on the Prairie Gift Ideas
Step Back in Time with These 12 Little House on the Prairie Gift Ideas. Do you need some great Little House on the Prairie gift ideas for someone who is a big fan of the Ingalls clan? Little House has had what some would call a cult following. It made its debut as a book in 1931 and the same for the series that first aired in 1974. I loved both and enjoyed comparing the differences and seeing what was repeated faithfully in the television series.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Videos - Freedom Homeschooling
If you’re looking for free videos to teach your children about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., you’ve come to the right place!
How to Make a Civil War Style Upcycled Necklace | 7 Little Women Book Facts
How to Make a Civil War Style Upcycled Necklace | 7 Little Women Book Facts. We're going to learn how to make a Civil War style upcycled necklace inspired by the book Little Women set in the same period. My American Civil War or War Between the States Unit Study and Lapbook. We are going to make one that you can personalize by using photos printed from Google, pages from an old book like I did, or even your photos. I opted to go with the ribbon-style necklace to keep it simple.
16th President Abraham Lincoln Crafts and Facts | Cute Lincoln Toilet Paper Roll
Here are 8 fun Abraham Lincoln crafts to celebrate the day he delivered the Gettysburg Address – November 19, 1863. You’ll also love my free War Between the States or American Civil War Unit Study and Lapbook page.This craft is also great for presidents unit study or any Lincoln study you might be doing. The Gettysburg Address was given at the official dedication ceremony for the National Cemetery of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania. It was the site of one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War.
Fun American Civil War Crafts for Kids and Make Raspberry Jam
Fun American Civil War Crafts for Kids and Make Raspberry Jam. I have some American Civil War crafts for kids and a fun raspberry jam recipe. You'll also love the lapbook and unit study I have on my page War Between the States Unit Study and Lapbook. The American Civil War was fought between North and South when Abraham Lincoln was elected as president in 1860. Simply put, he wanted to keep the states of the union together and to end slavery.It was a war that pitted state against state.
Devotional: Historic Route 66
Route 66 is famous in highway lore. But what else do you think of when you see that number? map out the big picture of God’s epic book, get a sense of the overall story line, and learn about the key points and themes of Scripture ahead of time