
11 Pins
Visual Summary Sapiens: A brief history of Humankind (Yuval Noah Harari)
A visual summary of the book Sapiens (Yuval Noah Harari). Understand how homo sapiens conquered this world. Excellent book everybody should read. With this visual memo you will remember the main insights from the book. For book lovers. Notebook. Perfect gift for book club members. teachers. history.
Visual Summary The Element (Ken Robinson)
How to find your Element. Your passion. Visual summary of The Element. Read the book written by Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica. education, self knowledge, book lovers, books, nonfiction lover, visual summary, visual book, book summary, passion, purpose, creativity, teachers, motivational, mentors.
Different books with description Welcome to the library. Vertical poster for library with different books. Advertising template for library.
Book Care Rules — Theresa Hattinger
BOOK CARE RULES Please take good care of your library books. Poster and bookmarks for the library of the University of Applied Arts Vienna. To raise awareness...