33 Pins
Kindness Jar Printable Template and Kindness Activity - Natural Beach Living
Kindness Jar Printable Template and Kindness Activity - Natural Beach Living
Kindness Activities with A Little Spot of Kindness - Megan Mitchell
These kindness activities are a perfect way to promote kindness in your classroom. It is perfect for back to school or any time of the year. Spread kindness and build character with this fun unit. #kindnessactivities #alittlespotofkindness #backtoschool
How to Use The Skittles Game to Encourage Your Kids to Be Kinder
Skittles Game for Kids to Encourage Kindness and Friendship by having meaningful discussions and conversations about hard topics. This is perfect for youth groups, Scouts, classrooms and family dinners. #skittlesgames #skittles #kindness #discussion #familydinner #scouts #coffeeandcarpool #kindness
6 Promising Ways to Inspire Acts of Kindness for Kids
Encourage kids to perform random acts of kindness during a school challenge or all year with these ideas and strategies for a kinder classroom. Host a classroom kindness month or week at school for RAOK Day on February 17th. Intentional kindness lessons and activities, such as writing notes, roleplay, and games, help build a kinder school environment. Add kindness to your lesson plans and grab the free printable RAOK list for your kindergarten, first, second, third, and fourth grade classroom!