Alternative Medicine

Complementary and alternative medicine includes practices such as massage, acupuncture, tai chi, and drinking green tea. When considering alternative medicine, think balance — taking the best health care from both the traditional and alternative sides of medicine could be your best option.
35 Pins
Emotions effect on bodily organs
Emotions, their effect on organs & the inner smile The emotions are considered the major internal causes of disease in Chinese medicine. Emotional activity is seen as a normal, internal, physio…
Important Aspects to Consider When Applying Energy Healing Techniques
Energy healing is energy therapy or energy medicine. Energy healing is all about accepting that you are an energy being. A being that is much more complicated than just a physical body. #energyhealing, #energy, #healing, #energyhealingfacts, #facts, #howdoesenergyhealingwork, #energyhealingtherapy