Emphasis - A Principle of Art

Emphasis has to do with determining a focal point or the point on which you'd like the viewer most focused. Its about what element you choose to be dominant, what the eyes are drawn to first, what grabs your attention, the center of interest. Emphasis is usually on the element that is different, by its size, contrast, color, shape, texture, or surroundings, creating an area of focused attention, giving a dramatic climax to the work.
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ODC Focal Point
This photo shows emphasis. The pencil in the picture with the most focus on it is the focal point of the picture. It is the part that your wye is immediately drawn too.
Contrast is represented throughout this photo with how the red onion is staged on top of the green apples. Contrast gives us a visual eye appeal as it draws us in two the most vivid color.
Optical Design. Colored pencils abstract coloring. Art lesson.
Art 1. Optical Design - Fun summer art project
Principles of Design In Art- A Printable for Kids - The Kitchen Table Classroom
The principles of design are a bit abstract which can be tricky for kiddos. Once they view them as tools to organize the elements of art it gets easier!
Rembrandt Art Lessons for Children
Rembrandt van Rijn, Self Portrait with Beret and Turned-Up Collar, 1659, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
grace(ful things)
Clever. The cracked egg in the family is usually the one who has had the courage to be open and colourful in peacefully inane, colourless surroundings.
Elements and Principles of Design
Principles of Design: Proportion, Harmony (Unity & Variety) Rhythm, Emphasis, Scale (MISSING), Balance
The ABCs of Art- Learn about the principle of emphasis in design and art.