Family and baby, kid, brother pictures we've taken :)

Baby picture / photo ideas Sibling, brother photo ideas Maternity photo ideas Family photo ideas Christmas, holiday, Easter, st. Pattys day, valentines day, 4th of July, halloween, fall photo ideas Birth announcement picture ideas Pregnancy announcements photo ideas including DVD announcement
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Sibling, brother halloween costumes! Burger + French fries. Home made in less than an hour. Old diaper box for the French fry + yellow pool noodles. Little dude's is all felt hot glued together.
An amazing line up of our kids at the pumpkin patch for a fall photo. This was a brave shot hahah
Baby boys first halloween - visit to the local barn with their stacks of hat and pumpkins
Gettin educated on your baby can learn while doing tummy time
Baby boys first taste of cereal, he's unsure lol
Baby boys first visit to the beach
Baby boy sportin his faux hawk
Friends. Simple as that.
Best friends since middle school! All were pregnant at the same time with boys- before and after shot. And no we didn't plan it, promise
Capturing some of those first big drools in preparation for teeth during tummy time
Baby boy rockin the outfit his dad came home from the hospital in
Just a baby boy and his elephant.
Sleepy baby reading his goodnight book in this fun picture :)