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The Wind Blew - Book Spotlight (Free Lesson Plan Resources)
"The WInd Blew" is a fun book to include in any wind or weather lesson plan theme. This blog post offers fun and simple ideas to help plan your wind unit lessons. Included is a read aloud of the book for your listneing centers. #readaloud #books #lessonplanning #kindergarten #1stgrade #2ndgrade #homeschool #wind #weather #TPT #freebies #stemhax #stem #science
Rain Cloud in a Jar Science Experiment with Printable Recording Sheets
Rain cloud in a jar science experiment. This spring science activity is perfect for preschool, kindergarten and early elementary.#scienceforkids #scienceexperiments #STEM #preschool #weatherunit #scienceactivity
Weather Themed Sensory Bins for Spring - Just Reed & Play
If your preschoolers are doing a spring theme or a weather theme, then this rain themed sensory bin is perfect! The materials are cheap, and it's so easy to prep. Add this weather themed sensory bin to your preschool activities today!
Free Weather Coloring Pages and Printable Weather Game! ⋆ The Hollydog Blog
Free Weather Coloring Pages and Printable Weather Game! ⋆ The Hollydog Blog
Lightning Leap Weather Alphabet Activity (with free printable)