Papers by Nicolás Olivares Bøgeskov
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Nov 30, 2018
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jun 1, 2021
Resumo: Sintetiza a argumentação histórica com que Christopher Dawson fundamenta em seu livro "Re... more Resumo: Sintetiza a argumentação histórica com que Christopher Dawson fundamenta em seu livro "Religião e cultura", que uma correta integração entre religião e cultura é necessária para que a cultura possa cumprir corretamente a sua função própria como sistema de vida comum. Os fatos históricos permitem determinar que uma integração orgânica é possível quando a religião reconhece, por um lado, os valores temporais presentes na cultura e, por outro lado, o caráter convencional e perfectivo das formas culturais em que são expressas as verdades religiosas. Toda religião deve considerar, ademais, como universalmente acessíveis à razão certas verdades fundamentais que os dogmas não podem contradizer.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 1, 2019
Resumo: Estuda a moralidade do projeto transumanista considerando o tipo de vida ideal que promov... more Resumo: Estuda a moralidade do projeto transumanista considerando o tipo de vida ideal que promovem os seus fins. Em primeiro lugar, mostra-se a conveniência de abordar a pergunta pela moralidade do transumanismo a partir da consideração formal dos seus fins. Em segundo lugar, determina-se o núcleo antropológico suposto pelos fins do transumanismo fazendo uma comparação com a antropologia tomista. Em terceiro lugar, mostra-se que os fins perseguidos pelo transumanismo frustram a aspiração de uma vida autenticamente feliz. Palavras-chave: Transumanismo. Natureza humana. Felicidade.
Brasiliensis, 2013
Through an analysis of a part of Thomas’ arguments on the rational soul’s subsistence, the articl... more Through an analysis of a part of Thomas’ arguments on the rational soul’s subsistence, the article exposes the reasons why it is necessary and possible to affirm that the human soul is a substance in its proper sense, even if it does not have the entire human essence when it subsists apart from the body. Thus the article intends to answer a question raised by B.C. Bazán. The analysis is articulated applying the principle nihil agit nisi secundum quod est actu in different ways in order to make explicit the reason why the soul is the suppositum of intellectual operations and faculties and therefore a substance; then the article reaffirms that the substantial form’s definition is related to the act of being in order to distinguish the “virtual” way in which any substantial form has the entire species, from the “real” way in which any substance has an entire substantial essence.
Brasiliensis, Dec 2016
The article analyzes the a posteriori argumentation for the existence of God present in saint Ans... more The article analyzes the a posteriori argumentation for the existence of God present in saint Anselm’s Monologion. It defends that the arguments in chapters I-IV are parts of a single argumentative way comparable with the fourth way of Thomas Aquinas. The only starting point for the argumentation is the evidence of the degrees of transcendental perfection (goodness and greatness) found in things. According to this single point of departure, the argument also has a single formulation of the principle of causality given in chapter I. By this principle, Anselm infers the existence of a single first principle (that which is through itself) from its effects (that which is through another). Contrary to what is usually held, it is shown that chapters III and IV do not contain arguments properly meant to demonstrate God’s existence. Chapter III’s specific goal is to demonstrate the impossibility that that which is through itself may be something multiple, while chapter IV aims to demonstrate the impossibility that the supreme nature through whom all things exist may be overcome or equaled in dignity by another. Both arguments depend of the principle of causality formulated in chapter I to be conclusive.
Essays by Nicolás Olivares Bøgeskov
Brasiliensis, 2021
This essay synthesizes the historical argument with which Christopher Dawson bases, in his book "... more This essay synthesizes the historical argument with which Christopher Dawson bases, in his book "Religion and Culture", that a correct integration between religion and culture is necessary so that culture can correctly fulfill its proper function as a system of common life. The historical facts allow us to determine that an organic integration is possible when religion recognizes, on the one hand, the temporal values present in culture and, on the other hand, the conventional and perfective character of the cultural forms in which religious truths are expressed. Every religion must consider, moreover, as universally accessible to reason, certain fundamental truths which religious dogmas cannot contradict.
Brasiliensis, 2019
It studies the morality of the transhumanist project considering the type of ideal life supposed ... more It studies the morality of the transhumanist project considering the type of ideal life supposed by it ends. First, it shows that it is convenient to address the question of transhumanism’s morality from the formal consideration of it ends. Second, it determines the anthropological core that underlies it ends making a comparison with Aquinas’ anthropology. Third, it shows that the ends pursued by transhumanism frustrate the aspiration of true happiness.
ANNOUNCEMENTS by Nicolás Olivares Bøgeskov
For research articles, notes and book reviews for the December 2023 issue.
Book Reviews by Nicolás Olivares Bøgeskov
Drafts by Nicolás Olivares Bøgeskov
It studies the morality of the transhumanist project considering the type of ideal life supposed ... more It studies the morality of the transhumanist project considering the type of ideal life supposed by it ends. First, it shows that it is convenient to address the question of transhumanism’s morality from the formal consideration of it ends. Second, it determines the anthropological core that underlies it ends making a comparison with Aquinas’ anthropology. Third, it shows that the ends pursued by transhumanism frustrate the aspiration of true happiness.
Brasiliensis, 2016
Resumen: Analiza la argumentación a posteriori de la existencia de Dios que se encuentra en el Mo... more Resumen: Analiza la argumentación a posteriori de la existencia de Dios que se encuentra en el Monologion de Anselmo, y sostiene que los argumentos de los capítulos I-IV son partes complementarias de una única vía argumentativa comparable con la cuarta vía del Aquinate. Se afirma que el único punto de partida de toda la argumentación es la evidencia de los grados de perfección trascendental (bondad y grandeza) que encontramos en las cosas. Se sostiene que, conforme a este único punto de partida, la argumentación cuenta también con una única formulación del principio de causalidad dada en el capítulo I. Por este principio Anselmo infiere la existencia de un único primer principio (lo que es por sí) a partir de sus efectos (lo que es por otro). Contrariamente a lo que sostienen al parecer todos los estudiosos, se demuestra que los capítulos III y IV no contienen argumentos propiamente demostrativos de la existencia de Dios, sino argumentos con los que Anselmo refuerza lo establecido por el mencionado principio de causalidad, del cual no pueden desvincularse para ser concluyentes. El capítulo III demuestra la imposibilidad de que lo que es por sí sea algo múltiple, mientras que el capítulo IV demuestra la imposibilidad de que la naturaleza suprema de la que proceden todas las cosas pueda ser superada o igualada en dignidad por otro.
Teaching Documents by Nicolás Olivares Bøgeskov
Papers by Nicolás Olivares Bøgeskov
Essays by Nicolás Olivares Bøgeskov
ANNOUNCEMENTS by Nicolás Olivares Bøgeskov
Book Reviews by Nicolás Olivares Bøgeskov
Drafts by Nicolás Olivares Bøgeskov
Teaching Documents by Nicolás Olivares Bøgeskov