Papers by Carlo Heissenberg
Physical review. D/Physical review. D., May 20, 2024

The Journal of high energy physics/The journal of high energy physics, Mar 14, 2024
We revisit the amplitude-based derivation of gravitational waveform for the scattering of two sca... more We revisit the amplitude-based derivation of gravitational waveform for the scattering of two scalar black holes at subleading post-Minkowskian (PM) order. We take an eikonal-inspired approach to the two-massive-particle cut needed in the KMOC framework, as highlighted in [1], and show that its effect is to implement a simple change of frame. This clarifies one of the points raised in [2] when comparing with the post-Newtonian (PN) results. We then provide an explicit PM expression for the waveform in the soft limit, ω → 0, including the first non-universal, ω log ω, contribution. Focusing on this regime, we show that the small-velocity limit of our result agrees with the soft limit of the PN waveform of [2], provided that the two quantities are written in the same asymptotic frame. Performing the BMS supertranslation that, as discussed in , is responsible for the O(G) static contribution to the asymptotic field employed in the PN literature, we find agreement between the amplitude-based and the PN soft waveform up to and including G 3 /c 5 order.
The Journal of high energy physics/The journal of high energy physics, Feb 22, 2024
In this short note, we address the calculation of the contribution to the oneloop gravitational w... more In this short note, we address the calculation of the contribution to the oneloop gravitational waveform arising from the difference of the unitarity cuts associated to the s-and s ′ -channels recently pointed out in ref. [1], providing its explicit expression for minimally-coupled massive scalars in momentum space.
The Journal of high energy physics/The journal of high energy physics, Mar 7, 2024
arXiv (Cornell University), Feb 18, 2024
In the framework of the convolutional double copy, we investigate the asymptotic symmetries of th... more In the framework of the convolutional double copy, we investigate the asymptotic symmetries of the gravitational multiplet stemming from the residual symmetries of its single-copy constituents at null infinity. We show that the asymptotic symmetries of Maxwell fields in D = 4 imply "double-copy supertranslations", i.e. BMS supertranslations and two-form asymptotic symmetries, together with the existence of infinitely many conserved charges involving the double-copy scalar. With the vector fields in Lorenz gauge, the double-copy parameters display a radial expansion involving logarithmic subleading terms, essential for the corresponding charges to be nonvanishing.
Physical review. D/Physical review. D., Feb 5, 2024
arXiv (Cornell University), Dec 21, 2023
In this short note, we address the calculation of the contribution to the oneloop gravitational w... more In this short note, we address the calculation of the contribution to the oneloop gravitational waveform arising from the difference of the unitarity cuts associated to the s-and s ′ -channels recently pointed out in Ref. [1], providing its explicit expression for minimally-coupled massive scalars in momentum space.
arXiv (Cornell University), Jul 31, 2023
We study the renormalized action and the renormalized presymplectic potential for Maxwell fields ... more We study the renormalized action and the renormalized presymplectic potential for Maxwell fields on Anti de Sitter backgrounds of any dimensions. We then use these results to explicitly derive finite boundary charges for angle-dependent asymptotic symmetries. We consider both Poincaré and Bondi coordinates, the former allowing us to control the systematics for arbitrary D, the latter being better suited for a smooth flat limit.
Physics Letters B, Aug 1, 2023

arXiv (Cornell University), Apr 5, 2022
Observables related to the real part of the gravitational eikonal, such as the deflection angle a... more Observables related to the real part of the gravitational eikonal, such as the deflection angle and time delay, have been found so far to have a smooth post-Minkowskian (PM) expansion whose validity extends from the non-relativistic to the most extreme ultra-relativistic (UR) regime, which smoothly connects with massless particle collisions. To describe gravitational radiation, the eikonal phase has to be promoted to a unitary operator for which we motivate a proposal and start discussing properties in the softradiation limit. A convergent PM expansion is found to only hold below an UR bound (discussed in the GR literature in the seventies) above which a different expansion is instead needed implying, in general, some non-analyticity in Newton's constant. In this extreme UR regime soft radiative observables receive contributions only from gravitons and are therefore universal. This generalises the pattern discussed in [1] beyond the elastic case.
arXiv (Cornell University), May 10, 2021
The aim of this note is to explore the interplay between the eikonal resummation in impact-parame... more The aim of this note is to explore the interplay between the eikonal resummation in impact-parameter space and the exponentiation of infrared divergences in momentum space for gravity amplitudes describing collisions of massive objects. The eikonal governs the classical dynamics relevant to the two-body problem, and its infrared properties are directly linked to the zerofrequency limit of the gravitational wave emission spectrum and to radiationreaction effects. Combining eikonal and infrared exponentiations it is possible to derive these properties at a given loop order starting from lower-loop data. This is illustrated explicitly in N = 8 supergravity and in general relativity by deriving the divergent part of the two-loop eikonal from tree-level and one-loop elastic amplitudes.
Journal of High Energy Physics
We calculate the inelastic 2 → 3 one-loop amplitude for the scattering of two point-like, spinles... more We calculate the inelastic 2 → 3 one-loop amplitude for the scattering of two point-like, spinless objects with generic masses involving the additional emission of a single graviton. We focus on the near-forward, or classical, limit. Our results include the leading and subleading orders in the soft-region expansion, which captures all non-analytic contributions in the transferred momentum and in the graviton’s frequency. This allows us to check the first constraint arising from the inelastic exponentiation put forward in refs. [1–3], and to calculate the 2 → 3 one-loop matrix element of the N-operator, linked to the S-matrix by S = eiN, showing that it is real, classical and free of infrared divergences. We discuss how our results feature in the calculation of the $$ \mathcal{O} $$ O (G3) corrections to the asymptotic waveform.
The aim of this note is to explore the interplay between the eikonal resummation in impact-parame... more The aim of this note is to explore the interplay between the eikonal resummation in impact-parameter space and the exponentiation of infrared divergences in momentum space for gravity amplitudes describing collisions of massive objects. The eikonal governs the classical dynamics relevant to the two-body problem, and its infrared properties are directly linked to the zerofrequency limit of the gravitational wave emission spectrum and to radiationreaction effects. Combining eikonal and infrared exponentiations it is possible to derive these properties at a given loop order starting from lower-loop data. This is illustrated explicitly in N = 8 supergravity and in general relativity by deriving the divergent part of the two-loop eikonal from tree-level and one-loop elastic amplitudes.
Physics Letters B, 2021
Radiation reaction (RR) terms at the third post-Minkowskian (3PM) order have recently been found ... more Radiation reaction (RR) terms at the third post-Minkowskian (3PM) order have recently been found to be instrumental in restoring smooth continuity between the non-relativistic, relativistic, and ultra-relativistic (including the massless) regimes. Here we propose a new and intriguing connection between RR and soft (bremsstrahlung) theorems which short-circuits the more involved conventional loop computations. Although first noticed in the context of the maximally supersymmetric theory, unitarity and analyticity arguments support the general validity of this 3PM-order connection that we apply, in particular, to Einstein's gravity and to its Jordan-Brans-Dicke extension. In the former case we find full agreement with a recent result by Damour obtained through a very different reasoning.
Universe, 2018
We analyse the conservation laws associated with large gauge transformations of massless fields i... more We analyse the conservation laws associated with large gauge transformations of massless fields in Minkowski space. Our aim is to highlight the interplay between boundary conditions and finiteness of the asymptotically conserved charges in any space-time dimension, both even and odd, greater than or equal to three. After discussing nonlinear Yang-Mills theory and revisiting linearised gravity, our investigation extends to cover the infrared behaviour of bosonic massless quanta of any spin.
arXiv (Cornell University), Jun 28, 2023
Annals of Physics, Apr 1, 2020
The aim of this paper is to propose a criterion of spontaneous symmetry breaking that makes refer... more The aim of this paper is to propose a criterion of spontaneous symmetry breaking that makes reference to the properties of pure phases defined by a translationally invariant state. By avoiding any reference to the ground state, at the basis of the standard approach, this criterion applies to a wider class of models. An interesting application is the breaking of time translations. Indeed, we discuss explicit theoretical models which exhibit the prototypical features of quantum time crystals, without the need of a time-dependent Hamiltonian.

Journal of High Energy Physics, Aug 18, 2022
By following closely Weinberg’s soft theorem, which captures the 1/ω pole contribution to the amp... more By following closely Weinberg’s soft theorem, which captures the 1/ω pole contribution to the amplitude for soft graviton emissions (ω < Λ) on top of an arbitrary background hard process, we calculate the expectation value of the graviton’s angular momentum operator for arbitrary collisions dressed with soft radiation. We find that the result becomes independent of the cutoff Λ on the graviton’s frequency, effectively localizing at ω = 0. In this way, our result captures the contribution to the angular momentum that comes from the zero-frequency modes. Like the soft theorem, our formula has an exact dependence on the kinematics of the hard particles and is only a function of their momenta. As an example, we discuss in some detail the case of the 2 → 2 scattering of spinless particles in General Relativity and $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 8 supergravity.
Papers by Carlo Heissenberg