Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Jan 29, 2014

twist, loops and turns/THX and snow days

First let me thank the lovely folks who stopped by my place to see the Door Stop Hop item.  I had a ball making them, learned a few things along the way and reminded myself how much fun it is to make things that are more crafty than quilty.  These two critters just make me smile and if they elicited the same response from you, then so much the better!

You may also be aware that we had weather situation here in Alabama yesterday.  We don't get snow often but when we get anything collectible it is usually a problem.  I know my friends and family in the Midwest won't understand how 2-3 inches of snow could paralyze the state but it does. It started around 10 or so and kept up for 4-5 hours.  Dry powdery stuff, not the snowball packing kind.  Not that windy either but I think the sleet-y stuff froze and then the snow came.

The roads are often hilly and winding with  deep ditches and a ton of trees so it won't melt off quickly.  There are no snow plows to speak of either.  Or salt trucks like we had in Illinois.  They do spread some sand but they cannot get to all areas where there are slick spot quickly enough to spread it.  The weather dudes in missed the prediction of just where the bands of dusting/ 1-2 inches/3 or more were going to be by about 125 miles.  The kids went to school rather than cancelling to begin with.   People went to work.  When they realized that they missed the forecast and were going to send them home a few hours early it really was too late.  The interstates were iced over and turned into virtual parking lots. The parents left to pick up their kids--some did and some got stuck out on the interstates and secondary roads.  It was taking hours and hours for folks to get home if they did at all.  Some were stranded at work and some kids and teachers spent the night at the schools.  A real mess.  Believe it or not, it was worse in the SOUTHERN half of the state where there was less elevation a factor.  Who knows how many accidents?  I know there were some fatalities down near Montgomery, a good 100 miles south of us.

Here in Calhoun County---the midsection of the state roughly on a line from Birmingham to Atlanta and I-20--we were expecting a dusting and got 2 inches according to my crude measuring device.  That is a 6 inch ruler atop my car, right at the 4 inch mark.   While early on I was afraid that I might have jumped the gun on cancelling our Bama Belles meeting, I am so glad that I did go with my gut of "what happens if they get it wrong and the girls come anyway."  That line of demarcation they suggested was just below I-20 about 30 miles or so and too close for comfort to me!

The view out the kitchen window in early afternoon

This was taken around noon and the car was covered but not as much as it would be.  I about fell on the carport heading out to my pantry closet.

So today dawns with snow still in place though maybe clearing a bit on the road. The sun is out but it was only 11 degrees when we got up.  Only up to 19 now as I write this but the temps are going to rise to more reasonable, seasonal levels by the weekend.  If it does melt, is it going to refreeze or get slushy and still freeze?  Thankfully, we don't have to go anywhere.  DJ had a doctor's appointment yesterday but they called to cancel it but rescheduled for tomorrow.  Who knows?  I just wish I had picked up some eggs when I was at the store Monday.  Yeah the old cliche--stock up on milk, bread and eggs, LOL.  We are not going to starve but it may change my menu plan a bit for the want of an egg.

Moving on:
Susan from patchwork reflections emailed a pinterest link this morning and said that "this looks a lot like your block.  It is called Celtic Twist"  The link sent me to    The pattern is from McCall's Quilting and they do have a pdf file if you are interested.  The McCall's link will take you there.)   Apparently this chrissie's NYC Metro Mod Quilt Guild explored this last year as their February Bee block.

I told Susan I would draw it up in EQ to see what happens when you join actual blocks.  Let's contrast the two blocks---my modified version of Mr. Roosevelt's Necktie

Celtic Twist---okay draw a magic line horizontally and vertically separating into 4 quarters----looks like just an extended version of Roosevelt's Necktie to me.  An old block revamped.  I colored it the colors I might use if I were to make this for my challenge quilt.  You want rainbow colors then I'll share a coloring sheet with you--just ask.

And what happens with you join these things?  Really the whole quilt is just alternating Bright Hopes (twisti blocks) and Snowballs again---features of Around the Twist.  That is not new either only it is set horizontally, rather than on point.  Okay, 12 inch blocks 4 x 6 set 48 x 72 without borders but ugh, joining lines.

Then re -drawn in custom set and without lines using the two alternating blocks and half blocks as filler around the periphery.  Looks a little cleaner to me.  In my opinion, make a Celtic Twist block if that is all you are going to make---one block for a sampler or to learn a technique or something.  A whole quilt?  You may want to revisit your construction method and see the one below but I may be wrong, LOL.

Stay warm you all!

Jan 10, 2011

pay it forward

A local area friend mentioned something about an online quilt shop called Over The Rainbow that was sending out "pay it forward" fabric for one cent plus 5 dollars in shipping. They pick the fabric and it helps clear out the stuff they are tired of but that fabric will go for a good use as you are promising to use it in pro bono quilts. Okay, I can do that---and have been doing that since 1999.

The shop as apparently sold out of this promotion----TWICE! Laura mentioned just how many PIF kits they had packaged up 200 at one point and maybe that amount before?? Think of just how many people or children will be served by this!

This is what arrived on Friday---8 yard cuts of fabric in one of those " if it fits we ship" priority flat rate envelopes. Obviously none of it is really coordinated fabric so that might explain the note "good luck" on the shipping slip, LOL. This might be my own personal WTIL challenge for the year!

I do have ideas of how some of it could be used in separate quilts though by adding in my own stuff. That large sports print would work wonderfully in something like Prairie Windows or Right Angles where the fabric would not need to be cut up. The stripe, maybe a simplified Railroad Crossing where you don't have to piece the bands. Something two color for that large pink paisley? I am sure that I can come up with something cool with that lively yellow print---Mahjongg but re-sized perhaps since I don't have a lot of fabric to work with and that sweet blue and red might work with it but I have a lot of fabrics that will work with it anyway. Nothing immediate springs to mind with the two on the left end. The blue piece, I think, is like a cheater panel lightly marked with motifs in white---maybe meant to be embroidered over but one can always use the back side and it would go with the country feel of the fabric next to it.

Lastly, the wild bright print is a heavier, decorator print. Might work for cancer tote bags or something for the animal shelter or walker bags. HMMMM. Any other suggestions out there??

As a checking in note---I got my Winter piece bound on Saturday while sitting at the quilt guild meeting. But I still need to go back and do the embellishments on it---some buttons, beading and embroidery.

It was a fun day out with the group with lunch before we headed back to Calhoun County. The catfish/BBQ restaurant that DJ and I would stop at over in Pell City once or twice a year had undergone a total restoration including the name of the place, appearance inside and out and the menu. LOL, the prices reflected it.

Yesterday was laying in some groceries ahead of the anticipated winter storm and some other desk clearing tasks. Truthfully, it looks like less snow than we had on Christmas day though this time the driveway and lane was covered. Either the stuff blew off or we had a wintery mix. It looks like there was either ice under that snow or icing from the sleet that fell first. We don't have snow covering the bushes and shrubs either so maybe it was the more powdery, non-packing kind?? The roads are closed. I had to laugh when they were doing the closings on the radio a bit ago----"why don't you just say what is OPEN?"

Apparently we are not out the woods yet as freezing rain is in the forecast for today. Not good---ice means loss of power and a worse mess to wait to melt off. That is not apt to happen anytime soon with the temps we will be having. Hide and watch, I guess.

Of course, many in the state of Alabama want to be able to see the BCS bowl tonight since the national championship for football is finally on tonight. WAR EAGLE! (sorry, Pam---just want to see a good game without player injuries.) It would be nice to say that Alabama had two national champions back to back and the SEC well represented. We'll see.

Mar 2, 2010


I don't know if you can see it as well as Skyler is currently doing but it is snowing. What a winter we are having though it snowed this time last year too. I had just awakened a little after 7 a.m. As I opened the blinds, the rain turned to sleet and then to snow right in front of my eyes. The school bus picked up the child across the road so they didn't apparently call off school or close down the public offices in advance of the weather this time. So far the snow is sticking to the ground but not the driveway and lane. Guess we will see what happens as the day goes on.

Me? I don't feel like sewing so I won't. I will do some more redwork instead. These 12 days of redwork hearts are fun and work up fairly quickly compared to other projects I might pick up. I might change the setting blocks though when I am ready to make the quilt and goofed around with that in EQ a bit. I basically piddled the day away yesterday, I admit. Nothing got done but dinner on the table but some days are like that.

Feb 13, 2010

snow pics

I know this snowfall is nothing like what I experienced in all the years I lived in Illinois. Every time I talk to my parents on the phone, it seems like is or has been snowing this winter. It is pretty piddly compared to the East Coast recently. BUT snow doesn't happen often around my little corner of NE central Alabama. I would estimate that we got about 2-3 inches judging by how it is stacked up on inanimate objects----like my car!

It started in about 11 a.m. and kept it up in varying degrees till about 7 p.m. What seems odd to me is that the roads and driveways remained perfectly clear of the stuff----not that I am complaining, mind you, LOL. We saved our snow shovel when we moved South but have never had to use it. I guess we thought it was better to be prepared than have to replace it. The first picture---how things looked at 2 p.m.
Of course, school was cancelled ahead of time and some businesses closed. In the north we would wonder why. I believe that there might be one snow plow available from what I read in the paper?

We had tickets to a pancake breakfast this morning but it turned out they backed it up till NEXT Saturday. Still, the sun was out, everything looks sparkling and white. The roads are clean though I can see where blowing snow could get problematic--melt and refreeze/ black ice stuff. It just looked odd to see the familiar scenes we see when driving all glistening white!

I thought that the holly bush looked pretty this morning with its red berries in contrast to the green leaves and the snow. Those berries don't always come out on the bushes---cylical thing, I believe but what do I know? DJ has a couple books I got him about gardening in the south and one of them is specific for bushes and shrubs.

The view out the kitchen window to the back yard. The gardenia bush is covered with snow actually weighing it down and spreading it out in strange angles. Skyler is supervising from his perch on the microwave though if I were a bird I would stay where it is warm---barely 22 degrees at this point.

So I am going to stay inside, do the laundry and stitch binding on the 2nd heart themed quilt-let from Calendar Quilts and Stitcheries. A funny (more odd, than "ha ha") story--- DJ came in the sewing room yesterday afternoon as I was putting in some of quilting lines. "That's cute! Where did it come from?" he says. "Ah, my stash. I made the base, fused and appliqued it yesterday. Didn't you wonder what I was doing all afternoon?" Silly boy, LOL.

We aren't going to make a big deal about Valentine's Day. Not when we just had our anniversary was about two weeks ago. We celebrated then so no need to make a fuss again. Now it was different when we were single--Valentine's Day definitely. It would seem that so much of that day is for commercial interests---greeting cards, florists, restaurants with dinners for two specials. I DID put the heart stuff out to decorate but that's about it, adding this new piece to the "collection".

I do have a couple quilt tops to show you from the quilt meeting the other day but I will save them for a post in a few days. Till then, thanks for stopping by. Stay safe and stay warm wherever you are----------

Mar 1, 2009

0900 snow shot

about 90 mins after I took the snow pic in the last post from about the same angle

Maybe we will get what is predicted at this rate?

this and that

One of my friend's (Marilyn) had invited several of the girls from my quilt group to her home yesterday for a Twisted Sisters class. Her husband was out of town at a hunt club with their son so it was the perfect time for a bunch of us to come over and sew. Several people from her church came as well but they had not done quilt piecing before. Marilyn with Ada helping her worked more one on one with them through the process---how to cut, make a strip set and then proceed with the block.

She ordered the books and templates for us and there was some question about them coming in time for the class as things were in a reprint/revision mode. Had I had mine in hand prior to class time I probably gotten more than this one lonely block done, LOL.

You are instructed to cut the strip sets in 4 1/2 inch chunks but that seems to be an extra step in the process when you can line up the marked line on the seam and cut on all four sides. One of the girls was using WOF and found that she could get two extra blades out of the strip by NOT chunking it up first. She was working in patriotic colors with set colors through out---same print in the background and a stripe for the blades so it was important for her not to waste too much fabric. I can understand why you might want to do it as instructed but probably would alter my plans next time.

I cut too many strips! Not having the booklet ahead of time I just whacked up 4 strips for the blades in about 11 different colors. That will net me just about enough blocks for two donation quilts so I'll make one more strip set. I am still cutting wedges---with about 24 to go--because I want this project bag ready to roll when I pick it back up again. I'll go like fire chaining these things through. That Jem will be smokin'! Now I could have sewed a bit more at class yesterday but it was my choice to keep cutting. It was fun to watch the others and see their progress. Visit and see the different color combinations they picked and such. I am using the same colored background through---that kit fabric gold on gold that I love and a bright orange for all the centers with brights for the blades. One of the sewers brought her, I would guess, about 12 yr. old son with her; he guaranteed that kids will like those bright polka dots! Just the stamp of approval I needed then.

You see, I knew that I was going to have to set this aside for a few days while I finish up my March "Be Attitudes" block and my Cheese and Crackers borders. That means working on all three of my machines as each project was started on a different one. I want all the tasks done on each machine before I swap it out. The Viking I use for machine applique and quilting. The Brother was the machine of choice for CNC so I want to maintain the same seam allowance for the pieced border, for sure! The Janome Jem is my "haul around" machine so TwSis needs to be finished on it.

What else is going on? Skyler was in maniac mode and about to jump atop the fridge so he could get up on the passway. Silly boy! I have a bit of video of part of that. He got up there too quickly for me to switch the camera over to record.

Well, it is snowing and I will need to get a better picture that I posted with this an hour or so ago. I actually took some video and some stills. You can see some movement but little accumulation as the ground is too warm for it to stick at that point. Now it collecting everywhere but the lane and the driveways. Birmingham had the possibility of 2-4 inches.

I am from the North but have lived in Alabama since the summer of 97. Snow is not such a big deal in Illinois of course but down South? I know the kids are dreaming of sledding, making snowmen or snowball fights and no school on Monday, LOL. Fortunately we did do not have to be out driving in it today. I normally go on grocery errands on Sunday but it can wait a few days. I worry more about ice than snow and of course, there are no plows or salt trucks. Just sand.

This was taken about 7:30 when the snow started. I'll update later...........

It's making me cold just looking at this stuff. Hot chocolate anyone?

Jan 19, 2008

another Saturday check in

Well, here it is--another week has flown by and I have to wonder what I did all week, in retrospect. Early in the week I was finishing up my next row robin obligation--not due till the middle of February-- and got it out in the mail but can't show you that. I started on a Joined at the Hip pattern--one of those cute yard longs--but still need to do the borders so can't really share that yet either. All the machine embroidery is completed though/ Thursday was "lost day" as I was down in bed with a sick headache most of the day and yesterday I was knitting on my cardigan.

So what is a blogger to do? Well, Pippi was sitting up in an entirely new spot yesterday on DJ's bureau. I am used to her sitting on his desk looking out the window or his desk chair but up here made me do a double take and call him in to see. Later the goofy girl was up on the kitchen table sitting on the newspaper---now that is NOT allowed and she was promptly removed once she was spotted.

The biggest news flash is that it is snowing---rather an unusual event but that frigid blast of cold air from Canada is colliding just right with the warmer air from the Gulf. We had some sleet/flurries and rain mix on Wednesday and that did collect north of us about 30 miles and on Mt. Cheeha about 30 miles south and east-ish--it is Alabama's highest elevation and part of the Appalachian foothills to you would expect it in the higher elevations.

The weather wonks had predicted 1-3 inches for our band in the central part of the state from midnight last night till 7 but it didn't arrive here till about 9. By 11 this is what it looks like in my yard. Further south and towards Montgomery they said heavier snow was expected.

Now, I am from the Midwest, IL and some of my grade school years were spent in WI so snow is no big deal to me. DJ and I have been in AL now for about 10 1/2 years and this is only the 2nd (possibly 3rd) measurable snowfall and we weren't in the state for one of those. All the natives talk about the Blizzard of '93 and the weather wonks were being very careful to say that it would NOT be a freezing rain event.

The temps are going to drop to about 18 tonight so they are more concerned about refreezing, I guess though the pavements appear dry. It IS still snowing so who knows?

I took some video as well but my first attempts were sadly lacking in production value. First I forgot to turn the camera off standby and got nothing, LOL. 2nd round, I switched the camera position and all it did was make one of the bushes stand horizontally.

I'm staying home---maybe finish up my little wall hanging and find something to back it with though I doubt I'll quilt it today. I'm in sewing mode, after all and hate to change the feet and change horses in mid stream too. So I believe that I will instead finish up those Pioneer Braid strips that I started on NYD.

Ohhhh the mail guy just delivered some Christmas prints from Norma that I have been expecting all week. (Thanks, Norma!) Tempting to just veer off on another tangent. I told Cher earlier today the t-shirt quilt has got to be tackled next week. I best stick to that as I want that done and outta here! My version of the Christmas Patience Corner will be my reward for doing that perhaps? No shortage of choices, that is for sure!