Friday Cartoons
Friday cartoons…
Here are a couple of cartoons I saw this week that feel pretty representative of how things are going…
And this, by the late, great Sam Gross, is from the September 1, 1980 edition of The New Yorker.
Stages of Life Klaus Kremmerz
Klaus Kremmerz’s cover illustration for the NYTBR review of Playworld by Adam Scott
The cover of last weekend’s New York Times Book Review featured a lovely Klaus Kremmerz‘s illustration for Playworld by Adam Scott (the cover of which, designed by Oliver Munday, was in last month’s round-up). I like how the building looks like a row of books on a shelf.
Tom Gauld’s Winter Sun
I love Tom Gauld‘s latest cover for the New Yorker so much. We just had sleet and freezing rain in Toronto so that part is accurate. But it’s not just the weather. Everything feels pretty bleak at the moment and, like many others, I have found myself seeking solace in art too.
(I also have a dog. I should post more dog cartoons)
Recent Book Cartoons
Friday afternoon cartoons…
As it is Friday afternoon here are a few recent book-related cartoons that I enjoyed…
Asher Perlman‘s collection of cartoons Well, This Is Me was published last year.
Grickle‘s kids graphic novel Eerie Tales from the School of Screams is weird and fun.
Tom Gauld‘s new collection of cartoons Physics for Cats will be out in the fall.
Book Covers of Note, January 2025
January’s book covers of note!
Notable YA Covers of 2024
Starting off 2025 with a look back at some of last year’s Young Adult book covers!