Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Offering

watercolor on paper 6x6 "Spring Offering"

Hi Everyone,

Oh, what a week this has been.  So many exciting events have taken place.  It started off as a fabulous week last Sunday.  I won 1st place in the LWS (Louisiana Watercolor Society's ) Captial Waters Art at the Archives show.  My painting "Venetian Canal" was the winning entry.  I also recently found out that my painting "Urban Abstraction" was juried into the LWS' International Show.  I'm shocked and amazed that I got in first time, it's very competitive.

Venetian Canal
I also had several e-mails come rolling my way congratulating me on my article in the "Military Spouse" magazine.  A month or so ago I was interviewed by the magazine, I had put it in the back of my mind, but it's out for those who subscribe.  I'm still waiting to get my copy so I haven't seen the article yet, but I've heard its good.  It was fun getting e-mails from other military spouses that art artists.  Good to know I'm not the only one out there:)

Mid-week I got my acceptance e-mails from Randy Higbee.  I am absolutely thrilled that 2 of my paintings will be in the Higbee show in April.  Some stiff competition let me tell you!!  He received 1200 entries and only accepted 400.  Thank you again for all of you that helped me decide which paintings to enter.  "Dinner at Eight" and "Nostalgia" will be in the show:)
Montgomery Museum of Fine Art
Friday my wonderful and supportive in-laws drove in from Baton Rouge to spend the weekend and babysit the boys so that Brian and I could attend the opening reception for the Montgomery Art Guild's museum exhibit.  I was fortunate enough to have a painting juried into an exhibit at the Montgomery Museum of Fine Art.  It is a spectacular museum, one of the top fine art museums in the US, and I have a painting hanging in that beautiful space.  I'll post some pics soon.  The exhibit is terrific.  Saturday the juror held an art talk.  I wasn't sure if I wanted to go, I wasn't sure I could handle super critical feedback.  I decided to go and I'm glad I did.  The talk was very beneficial and I learned that the judge isn't a fan of literal art.  I am flattered that she chose my painting to be part of the exhibit since it's really not her style. She predominately chose abstract pieces as the award winners.  I'm not going to change my style, because I like representational art but I did take from that, that I'm going to strive to have more of an emotional meaning to my work.  It was a bit nerve wracking to give a spontaneous presentation about my work, especially since I followed an abstract piece and the artist ended his presentation with the statement that "literal art annoys him" such a great intro for me:)  I restrained from beginning my talk with and now for some "annoying literal art"

 Sunday, Brian and I attended the reception for the Energen art competition in Birmingham, AL.  I have to say it was the swankiest reception I've been to so far, the Montgomery Museum of Fine Art's is a close second.  Energen had live music, terrific food, beautiful decor and an open bar.  It was a very fun afternoon.

I hope everyone has a fabulous week!  I'm completely inspired after my super arty weekend!!  I'm off to paint:)

Happy Creating,


Monday, March 21, 2011

Artists Helping Japan

'All My Eggs In One Basket'  6x6 watercolor on paper All proceeds going to the Japanese Red Cross BID HERE
Hi Everyone,

This week I'm participating in an on-line art auction where all proceeds will be donated to help the crisis in Japan.  My heart has been heavy hearing about such devastation, I can't imagine going through something so terrible.  When I heard about Daily Paintworks auction I jumped at the chance to donate a painting for the cause.  There are close to 200 paintings right now.  It is a win win for everyone, the buyer gets a piece of original art and the proceeds are donated to such an important cause.  So visit the site and bid on your favorite painting:)

I also want to give everyone a huge THANK YOU for helping me make my decision on which paintings to enter into Randy Higbee's 6x6 exhibit.  I was really surprised at the results and it actually swayed my decision from what I originally thought I would enter.  So wish me luck!  Oh, and I entered A, B, E and F. 
1st Place 'Venetian Canal'
Also this past Sunday my painting 'Venetian Canal' placed 1st in the Louisiana Watercolor Society's Capital Waters State Archives Exhibition.  I am humbled and so grateful.  Just when I'm having some doubts something like this happens and renews my motivation and determination.  Check out their site, my painting rests on the LWS home page until the next competition!

I also want to give a big Thank You to my in-laws Debbie and Steve Waller and Amy Palmer (aunt).  They schlep my art all over Louisiana to get my paintings into exhibitions and they attend receptions in my place. It's terrific to have such support:) 


Saturday, March 19, 2011

I Need Your Help--Vote for your Favorites


Hi Everyone,

I've just finished the last of my 6x6's for the Randy Higbee contest.  I'm titling this one 'Nostalgia'.  This chair is my Grandma's chair.  It has been sitting on her back porch for as long as I can remember.  The last time I visited, I decided to photograph this chair because I love all of the age and layers of paint.  My Grandma asked me why I wanted  to take a picture of that old chair, she said she's been meaning to refinish it.  I told her I thought it was beautiful and to please not refinish it, I'm hoping one day to own this chair.  I photographed it in front of her hydrangea bushes.  These also remind me so much of my Grandma's house.  I thought it was fitting that the blooms were at the end of their life, very fitting for the chair.

Now I need your help, I'm going to enter 4 out of the 6 and I really need your opinion.  I have each one labeled with a letter, please choose your top 4 and let me know.  You can leave a comment below, e-mail me at [email protected] or leave me a message on facebook.  I value your opinion:)

Thanks everyone!  Hope you have a fabulous weekend.  Oh and the deadline is Monday, so please respond in a timely fashion,  I'm very grateful for your opinions and comments!  Please Vote:)


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lavender Tulips

original watercolor on paper 6x6 Reserved
Spring is in the air!  Flowers are blooming and the weather is starting to get warmer, at least in Alabama.  With all of these lovely days I was very excited to paint some beautiful tulips.  I chose lavender, because it is a pantone color for 2011.  If you saw the Oscar's there were a lot of lavender gowns on the red carpet.  Since it is such a popular fashion color it will be popping up in home decor also.   I just loved painting with this palette, so fresh and Springy:)  So I'm sharing a little glimpse of spring with you.

I'm trying to crank out a couple more of these 6x6 paintings before Randy Higbee's deadline.  Can't wait to have all of you help me decide which ones to enter:)


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dinner At Eight

original watercolor 6x6 Reserved
The table is set, Frank Sinatra is playing in the background and a gourmet meal is waiting for you.  You are cordially invited for 'Dinner At Eight'!
I love pulling out my fine china and entertaining.  After my husband and I got married we moved to Germany.  We move with an old lazy boy and a fully stocked kitchen (wedding gifts), but we did not have any wedding china.  It didn't take me long to stumble onto the Villeroy and Boch outlet store on the border of France and Germany.  It was love at first site and we frequented  the outlet A LOT!!!  We bought our china a few place settings at a time until we had service for 12.  I love my china and I hope you will too:)


Saturday, March 12, 2011

All My Eggs In One Basket

original watercolor on paper 6x6 Reserved
Hi Everyone,

I'm continuing to work on my 6x6 series for the Randy Higbee contest.  I'm going to put my entries to a vote and see what you all have to say.

My Mom bought this crystal basket at a thrift store and made the mistake of letting me borrow it.  She may never get it back because I just love it.  With this still life I wanted to paint a contemporary twist to a traditional Easter basket.  I always love a limited palette and of course a little dramatic lighting doesn't hurt either.

I will be posting a little more frequently because the contest deadline is the 21st of this month so I have to get busy and get some 6x6's under my belt, so stay tuned!!!

Thanks everyone for stopping by and I Love, Love, Love your comments.  They give me motivation and support and lots of similes.  So I want to thank each and everyone of you because you make my day:)  Have a Great Weekend!!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Glasgow Abbey

Original watercolor on paper 6 x6  Reserved
This week I'm starting a series of 6 x 6 paintings in preparation for Randy Higbee's 6x6 show.  I plan on painting several and maybe having all of you help me decide which ones to enter.  I think I'll put them to a vote when I'm done.

Today's painting is a 6x6 of an abbey in Glasgow.  I took this picture when we were visiting Scotland.  We were walking through the town and we stumbled on to this abbey.  It was one of those Kodak moments.
Alabama Camelias framed
Pomegranates and Cranberries framed
Brian was on a trip for work last week, so the boys and I packed it up and headed to Charleston, South Carolina to visit my Mom.  We had a great time and conveniently my Mom owns a frame shop, sooooo while we were there I framed some pics.  I framed my entry into the Energen competition in Birmingham and my entry headed for the Montgomery Museum of Fine Art.

Hope you have a great week and check back I should be posting paintings more frequently.

Thanks so much for stopping by!
