A downloadable game

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Released in 2014

Alien Breed inspired 2-player split-screen deathmatch fun!

Choose from one of 6 battle-hardened mercenaries to do battle in one of 20 arenas in a fight to the death!

Old-school Amiga action in the Amiga .ADF AND WHDload file format!


- Fake walls

- Jammed doors

- Randomised  pickups

I originally co-created this game back in the 90's but re-released it in 2014


If you experience any graphical glitches on the main menu or character selection menu (it should display in high-re+laced mode) then please change your Kickstart ROM.

A1200 with 2mb of memory
Kickstart 3.0
2 enthusiastic players equipped with beers...

The game will run on an A500 but it must have 1mb of extra ram, this will limit the machine to using only the smaller arena maps (which are still fun by the way).

INCLUDES CD32 .iso file for those lucky people with a CD32 and the original Renegades.adf from 1995.

I shall be including CD32 disk label etc in the future for those that wish to print their own, the same goes for floppy label :)

Now included is the special version I put together for Amiga Addict magazine, featuring some new graphics and changes, most notably the addition of collecting little floppy disks. 

Please read the readme file included in the zip.

Keep an eye out for news of a boxed edition in the coming months...

And remember, the game is free! But if you and your friends enjoy it then please feel free to buy us a coffee:
[email protected]


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Renegades - Renegades Deluxe in CD32 .iso file..zip 1.5 MB
Renegades_v1.0 WHDLoad.zip 669 kB
RenegadesDeluxe_v1.0 WHDLOAD.zip 614 kB
Renegades 1995.adf 880 kB
RenegadesDeluxe.adf 880 kB
Renegades Deluxe Amiga Addict 2023.adf 880 kB


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Boy, does the artwork ever bring back memories of the Amiga!  Great work on the artwork.

If you ever decide to sell the tile set, i would be all over it to try to do an Alien Breed-like game.

All the best!

Hey! :D
Thanks for the kind words!

I am still gutted we couldn't make the game we originally wanted to back in the day (it just wouldn't compile!).

I have been toying with the idea of using this tileset in a modern game using Game Maker, that still might happen yet so I don't think I will be selling my tileset unfortunately.

I am very flattered that you'd want it though :)


Thanks for getting back to me.

No problem on not wanting to sell your tile set at this point.  I totally understand.   Should you change your mind, do let me know.  I would not have time to do anything with it at this point anyways ( although I may have been tempted to stop my current game to try something with your cool tile set ha ha).

If you have a passion to complete your game in Game Maker, I would say go for it.  I am currently working on my first game in Game Make and only started learning how to develop/program with it at the end of  February.  With great tutorials on YouTube on how to do platform and above view games, there are lots of tutorials to help get a game engine up and running.  I am very impressed with Game Maker so far.

Too bad your game  had problems compiling.  Out of curiosity, what were you developing it in?

Years ago I was working on an above view explore/puzzle game on the Amiga, very much like Valhalla, but abandoned the game when it was evident the Amiga was dying.  I later converted it over to the iPad but because I was creating the engine from scratch I was not experienced in handling all of the resolutions that were changing on the iPad, iPhone, iPad mini, etc and stopped development again.

With Game Maker, I would not have had this issue.  I may still go back and convert the game over to Game Maker once I get my current game done since most of the graphics was done.  What took me a year to do in Blitz Basic would be done in a month or two I suspect to get my top-down engine running for that old game I suspect.

All the best!


I suspect we're kindred spirits here Tom!

My programmer back in the 90's was a dude called Kevin Darbyshire, I am still friends with him but I don't get to see him often as I don't live near any more (he was superb!). We decided to make the game in Amos Pro (of all things!). It was great for a while but once the program got *big* the compiler just wouldn't work. Ours was to be a 2-player split-screen Alien Breed inspired game, it became a deathmatch game after we salvaged what would work and moved on.

I am learning Gamemaker to help me realise a lifelong dream of making games (I have a couple lined up for RPG Maker MV too).I have a working prototype of my first ever game and the buzz is incredible...god knows where it will go but I am enjoying learning.

I remember Valhalla! That too was programmed in Amos if I am not mistaken?I am still very passionate about Amiga and the Amiga scene, I am not sure if you are a member of the various FB groups or a member over on E.A.B but I know that the Amiga still has it's fans and it's users andthey're as passionate as ever, especially about new games.
I am currently co-developing a game for Amiga called Scourge of the Underkind. Maybe yuou could reconsider returning to the scene oneday? :)

Great to meet you out here in the 1s and 0s of the internet.

(4 edits)

Hello Wayne,

As kindred spirits I agree, especially on the artistic side.  I am an artist myself, but it has been only recently that I have gotten back in to doing pixel art again.  Usually it has been pen/ink but mainly in Photoshop these days simulating pen/ink still and now dabbling in Blender.  I was working off/on on comic book and children's story projects but found it hard to get motivated to make it to the drawing table.  Once there I could draw for hours, but it was getting me to actually sit down and not procrastinate on other things that meant most of my projects are still on the go.

When I actually sat down on Feb 27 to learn Game Maker I realized making games is my real passion as I have not been this excited about a project in decades and have not missed a day on working on my current game.

I took a look at your youtube channel and facebook page on your Scourge of the Underkind game and think it looks fantastic!  It definitely has the Gods/Chaos Engine/Alien Breed Amiga vibe.  I see it has been a passion project for many years now, but the results speak for themselves.  I look forward to seeing it physically.

I take it your first game prototype in Gamemaker is different than Scourge of the Underkind?

I loved the Amiga but unfortunately I do not see myself returning to it, at least not for game development.  I could probably jump back into Blitz Basic on the Amiga to complete that Valhalla-like game, as the graphics for three levels were mostly done with the game engine almost fully complete and the first level fully working, but the last levels would still needed a lot of work as would remembering what story and puzzles were need for these levels.

Game Maker is allowing me to get a game up and running far quicker than I could in Blitz Basic and I like the options of being able to hopefully with few changes have the game run on multiple platforms (PC and (dream, dream) the Nintendo Switch are my current goals).  It still is in the early stage of development but I look forward to the challenge of making a Metroidvania inspired game.  I think the boss battles will challenge me the most.

Great to meet you too!   I will be following your Scourge of the Underkind with great interest.

I would love to see more of your artwork, do you have Insta or a website? My insta is: https://www.instagram.com/wayneashworthart/
Procrastination is one of my favourite things to do ;)

Working in Gamemaker is a lot of fun, quick results! I keep trying to learn Amos on the Amiga but I hardly ever have the time to concentrate these days. 

Thank you very much for the kind words on Scourge, all those games are inspirations for sure :) Dan Malone's pixel work is unrivalled on Amiga, the man is a genius and my personal hero/legend.

My first prototype game is a horizontal shooter, it might prove to be too ambitious haha, but I am having fun tweaking it here and there...it's a sort of Ghibli/Metal Slug type affair with you flying a plane. Looks quite nice (thankfully).

I am very keen to see whatever you create! If there's any way to connect with you on youtube etc I'd love to keep track of your projects. I am the same, I would like one day to release a game on Switch etc. I have a ton of ideas and only one lifetime in which to make them all in...I don't think it's going to be possible :D
We need 100hr days.

Visually really nice to look at. Unfortunately, I lack the long-term motivation. Since there are no bots and no 4 player duel mode exisitert. I think this would be really fun on an Amiga/CD32 with a 4 player adapter.

(1 edit)

Ahh man, thanks for the kind words on the graphics though!
yeah, there's only so much that we could do with Amos Pro...this is probably the best it's gonna get.I wish the programmer could come back to this to program bots...but that is extremely unlikely unless there's a miracle.
Thanks for downloading it though!
You can play this online via AmigaLive, in case you ever wanted to play it with a friend.

All the best!

Wayne Ashworth