Oh, they are beautiful birds, grackles.
Until they mob everything.
You can't see the hanging feeders, but I have gone through 15 cakes of
suet this week because the grackles have taken over.
Very few other birds are getting into the yard.
There were a few cardinals, but they usually eat after the grackles go home.
A few sparrows and chickadees... and some red-winged blackbirds.
Starlings are few and far between, the grackles have run them off.
We have had a few other visitors that don't come really close.
I hope to put a nesting box up for them this year.
So, I have been watching for the Big White Bird.
Everyday when we go down this gravel road, I look for it.
Remember, I thought it was a pelican or something?
I took the big lens on my way to church last night, and LOOK!
It is a huge white hawk... I have never, ever seen them, and they appear
to actually be from the southern U.S. and Mexico. What it is doing here
I do not know, but it is out there again today, we saw it.
It has a much larger wingspan that the red-tails and red-shoulders that are around here.
If anyone thinks it is anything else, please tell me. It is just a beautiful bird.
On my way home from church, I saw him again.
Okay, picture this. I have a HUGE lens, a gift from Keith for my birthday... it is huge...
I follow two professional photographers on Facebook and youtube... and they
rarely use a tripod. I have a beautiful tripod... but I got out of the
car with this humongous lens on the camera, and I'm in the middle of
a gravel road, snapping pictures as fast as I can. I don't take a lot anymore,
but this bird is too unusual.
I took a series.
I'm sure anyone who could see me from a quarter mile away thought I was nuts.
It ended up in the top of this tree.
Oddly enough, the red shouldered hawk is in this neighborhood too, but I have not seen it now for ten days.
I HAVE seen the northern harrier.
He is so elusive!
He has that distinctive white spot on his tail.
Let's not forget the cheerful little harbingers of spring, either!
I just looked more at white hawks... here is what I think I am seeing:
A Leucistic Red Tailed Hawk that has moved into the neighborhood, however, the wing span IS huge.
It looks almost like this picture from the web.