Showing posts with label umbrella. Show all posts
Showing posts with label umbrella. Show all posts

Sunday, November 6, 2016

A Cold Day in November, King and University

12 x 12 oil on panel
Steam rises from a subway grate at King and University on a chilly November day. This painting will be available at The One Of A Kind show Nov. 24 in Toronto.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Rainy Saturday at Tiff

9 x 12 oil on panel
I had a great day taking reference photos about two weeks ago. It rained all day and into the evening. Plus, the Toronto International Film Festival was on and there were lines of people with umbrellas waiting to get into different venues. This group of people was waiting to get into the Princess of Wales Theatre on King Street.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Rain at Bay and Richmond, Toronto

8x10 oil on panel
Another study. This scene features the corner of Bay and Richmond in Toronto's financial district.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Boldbrush painting competition, Fav 15%

12 x 12 oil on canvas
I'm pleased that my painting, "Heading Home 510 Spadina Streetcar", was selected as part of the FAV15% (jury's favorite 15% of the entries) in the March 2015 BoldBrush Painting competition. Still hoping to get into the top winning category...just have to keep trying!!


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Winter Rain, University Ave, Toronto

12 x 12 oil on board
I toned down the colour in this scene and returned to a more subtle palette.
A young woman heads home from work during a winter rain.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Just Walking in the Rain No.1

8 x 8 oil on canvas
I really enjoy taking photographs. They aren't always the best quality, but I don't need a lot of detail to use them as reference for painting. I find so many interesting people in the background of these pictures, and I have often thought of compiling them into a group of paintings called "Just Walking in the Rain".
I really enjoyed this picture. The young woman appeared to be out for a fitness walk while the Basset Hound looked completely dejected. I guess we don't all like walking in the rain.
This woman and her dog are walking  in front of the Gooderham building preparing to cross Front Street.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Promise of Spring

8x8 oil on canvas
When I was taking photos in Toronto a couple of days ago, it was windy, rainy and cold. We haven't had a very nice spring here in southern Ontario, but we are hopeful that the nice weather will arrive. I took this photo in front of the Hudson's Bay store on Bay Street. The young lady was walking by the display window full of spring blossoms and pastel dresses.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Rainy Night at the Theatre, King and York

36 x 48 oil on canvas
The colours were quite different in this piece. I like this corner at King and York. The colours of all the surrounding elements change with the light on the Standard Life Building. The building across the street changes from mauve to blue, depending on the reflecting light. I have to admit it was challenging.
This couple heads home after an evening at the Theatre on King Street. The Standard Life Building is on the right, its yellow lights glowing in the night rain.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Silhouette, Night Rain on King

30 x 30 Oil on Canvas
This young woman is silhouetted against the traffic and streetlights on a rainy night on King Street West.

Thanks to Ben Roffelsen for this photo reference.

Monday, August 12, 2013

En Plein Monitor

8x8 oil on canvas paper
I am hoping to get into the city to do some plein air painting. I think it is important to have some idea how we will approach a scene when we are out there. There are many ways to start a painting. We can do a monochrome value study, draw it in, or block it in and paint from there. In my "Plein Monitor" painting, I chose to block in with thinned paint and a large brush and work from there. I kept to a limited palette of ivory black, viridian, yellow ochre, cad red, and white. (I often use this for rainy scenes). I also worked from a black and white photo to get my values right. (I won't be able to do that out doors).
How do you approach a painting? I would love to hear some thoughts and opinions.
I will be doing the other 8 x 8 in a less limited colour palette and will post that one shortly.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Crossing the Bathurst Street Bridge

24 x 24 oil on canvas
I'm finding working out color temperature in  night scenes is quite difficult. In a sunny scene, one can default to warm light and cool shadow and have the picture work. Even if the photo reference tells me an object is warm, I need to work with the picture and use my own judgment. I had to use the black and white photo reference most of the time after I had of my color mixes. I decided to get out the knife to add interest.
 It was a much more difficult picture to do than I originally thought.
Thanks to Ben Roffelsen for the photo reference.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

City Lights on Wellington Street, Toronto

24x24 oil on canvas
This is the same scene as the previous post, but on a larger scale. I used the same color palette as the small study. At this stage, I need to leave it around for a bit and see if it is done. Sometimes its good to leave it before I start adding more details.
Thanks to Ben Roffelsen for the photo reference for this painting.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Night Rain in Blues

8 x 10 oil on board
I still want to do some night scenes on a smaller scale, experimenting with different night time color palettes before I attempt a larger one. For this scene, I used ultramarine blue, ivory black., cadmium red, yellow ochre, and white. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Busy Saturday at St. Lawrence Market, Toronto

16 x 20 oil on board
I like these busy scenes, with lots of people and activity. St. Lawrence Market in Toronto is an amazing place. There are vendors outside and inside providing lots of variety. And as their website states, " Be inspired by locally-produced products and dabble in new foods and traditions from across Toronto’s vibrant cultural tapestry. Or simply come for the people watching!"
On this Saturday, there was a soft rain falling, making it a perfect day for people watching and capturing all those reflections that I love.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

St. Lawrence Market Rain

12 x 12 oil on board
St. Lawrence Market is a wonderful place to shop in downtown Toronto. I was there on a busy rainy Saturday. Beautiful planters dominated the scene, and Beck taxis showed up in every photo I took. I was tempted to leave out the taxi in this scene, but it just didn't seem right. This scene shows Front Street with the market in the foreground, and the Flat Iron Building in the back ground.