Daily craft

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Lucifer Deity Candle
Celebrate Lucifer, God of Stars, with this custom deity candle! Lucifer (light-bringer in latin) was the name of the planet Venus in ancient Rome. He is personified as bearing a torch. He is the herald of the dawn. This candle contains the following herbs: - lavender - yarrow - sage - hyssop - black peppercorn For the candle variation with the crystal, it will come with a carnelian that can be tied to the candle (see picture).
Le retour d'affection, est la grande question qu'on pose a son voyant: la personne que j'aime encore, et qui a cesse de m'aimer, va-t-elle m'aimer a nouveau? Le retour d'affection est un rituel de sorcellerie par lequel on vous promet de réactiver envers vous et ceci grâce a la sorcellerie, les sentiments amoureux de celui ou celle qui ne vous aime plus et il ou elle serra a nouveau a toi. #Rituelsd'amour #Réconciliationamoureuse #Magieblanche #Médium #voyant #tradipraticien #Relationsamoureuses #Harmonieémotionnelle #Bougiesrituelles #Énergiespirituelle #Reconstruirel'amour #Guérisonémotionnelle #Rétablirlaconfiance #Communicationdanslecouple #Passionretrouvée #Positivité #relations #Intentionpure
This contains an image of: Магия Таро Медитации⛩ Сапфировая Кисть🔮 Sᴀᴘᴘʜɪʀᴇ Bʀᴜsʜ💎🖌
Магия Таро Медитации⛩ Сапфировая Кисть🔮 Sᴀᴘᴘʜɪʀᴇ Bʀᴜsʜ💎🖌
Spell with rue plant+ 27 83 846 0316
Spell with rue plant The rue is a plant with more magical qualities, which is attributed to it, not only to protect from negative influences. In addition, also to call the good external energies of the body. Therefore, for this spell, you must boil the leaves of the rue, once boiled, let it rest. Then take a bath with this rue water, only on full moon nights. You must also do so with a lot of strength and faith within you. Therefore, every time the water touches your body, imagine yourself prosperous and triumphant. Also, it's good to have this plant in our houses, in pots or gardens. Since this will attract all the good energies to your house.