A. | jocs | sist. | |
2004 | Final Fantasy i | i900 |
- El 1989 —fa 35 anys!— Face estrenà als Japons el Hany in the Sky (はにいいんざすかい) en PC Engine.
- El 1991 —fa 33 anys— Human Entertainment estrenà als Japons el Final Match Tennis (ファイナルマッチテニス) en PC Engine.
- El 1997 —fa 27 anys— Nintendo publicà a Europa el Super Mario 64.
- El 2001 —fa 23 anys— Konami estrenà al Japó el Zone of the Enders Z.O.E. (ゾーン オブ エンダーズ) en PlayStation 2.
- El 2012 —fa 12 anys— Bandai Namco estrenà al Japó el primer One Piece: Kaizoku musō (ワンピース 海賊無双) en PlayStation 3.
- El 2016 —fa 8 anys— Ubisoft Montréal publicà globalment el Far Cry Primal en Windows.
- El 2018 —fa 6 anys!— Bandai Namco estrenà a tot el mon el Tekken Mobile en Android i iOS.
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Sex 227 Years Ago (1996)NEC PC98(Japan)
Yoshi's Story25 Years Ago (1998)Nintendo 64 Need for Speed: High Stakes24 Years Ago (1999)PlayStation Bloody Roar 322 Years Ago (2001)PlayStation 2(Japan) Fire ProWrestling D22 Years Ago (2001)Dreamcast(Japan) Zone of the Enders22 Years Ago (2001)PlayStation 2(Japan) N+20 Years Ago (2004)PC Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 3019 Years Ago (2005)Xbox Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening18 Years Ago (2005)PlayStation 2 Super Robot Taisen W16 Years Ago (2007)DS(Japan) Mabinogi15 Years Ago (2008)PC MLB 10: The Show13 Years Ago (2010)PSP Major League Baseball 2K1013 Years Ago (2010)PSP Mega Man 1013 Years Ago (2010)Wii Supreme Commander 213 Years Ago (2010)PC Fight Night Champion12 Years Ago (2011)PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 Rift (2011)12 Years Ago (2011)PC One Piece: Pirate Warriors11 Years Ago (2012)PlayStation 3(Japan) Persona 4 Arena11 Years Ago (2012)Arcade Games(Japan) The Simpsons: Tapped Out11 Years Ago (2012)iOS (iPhone/iPad) Deponia Doomsday8 Years Ago (2016)Linux, Macintosh, PC Return to PoPoLoCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale8 Years Ago (2016)3DS Dead or Alive 64 Years Ago (2019)PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One Pirates Pinball4 Years Ago (2019)Nintendo Switch Amore Girls2 Years Ago (2021)Macintosh, PC ELEX II1 Year Ago (2022)PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X GhostWire: Tokyo1 Year Ago (2022)PlayStation 4 Shadow Warrior 31 Year Ago (2022)PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One A Fox and His Robot0 Years Ago (2023)Macintosh, Nintendo Switch, PC Expeditions: A MudRunner Game0 Years Ago (2024)Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X Ufouria: The Saga 20 Years Ago (2024)Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X |
23 Years Ago (March 1, 1998)