Drafts by shahed rubel
Under the Maastricht Treaty (Article J.1 of title V), the European Union (EU) aims to cover all a... more Under the Maastricht Treaty (Article J.1 of title V), the European Union (EU) aims to cover all aspects of foreign and security policy including-
promotion of international peace, security and cooperation based on the notions of UN Charter (1945), Helsinki Accord (1975) and Paris Charter (1990) and ensuring rule of law, individual freedom and human rights by promoting democratic values.
EU started showing its concern in the crisis mitigation and conflict management since the beginning of Rohingya crisis in Myanmar. From time to time, it mixed up various notions of the ‘Carrot and Stick’ diplomacy in resolving the issue and accelerating the repatriation process.
Throughout the human history, revolutionary phase has a significant specialty. History specialist... more Throughout the human history, revolutionary phase has a significant specialty. History specialists and social researchers have contributed emphatically by documenting, analyzing and contrasting revolutionary events all these years. However, no thorough general hypothesis of revolution has constructed if the scholars looked for persuading clarifications regarding what, how and why things happened. Interestingly, none of the theories emerged on this past era has ever been absolute useful or posed without criticisms. That is why a critical analysis of the theories of revolution is needed to go about as a constant challenge to figure out patterns and procedures within the innumerous occasions.
Comprising of four major treaties and three additional protocols, Geneva conventions are actually... more Comprising of four major treaties and three additional protocols, Geneva conventions are actually a series of diplomatic agreements which aimed at establishing rules and conducts of warfare. It is regarded as one of the major sources of International Humanitarian Law (IHL). The first Geneva convention deals with the on field wounded and sick armed force personnel and their impartial, fair treatment while the second Geneva convention focuses on the wounded and sick personnel in seas and is concerned about their fair treatment. The third Geneva convention was adopted in July, 1929 that went through revisions and was finally adopted as a convention in 1949 as "Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War". This convention has 6 distinct parts, 143 articles and 5 annexes in total. Each part having several sections except parts- I, II and V.
The genocide in Rwanda occurred due to significant distinctions amongst Hutu and Tutsi people. Th... more The genocide in Rwanda occurred due to significant distinctions amongst Hutu and Tutsi people. These discrepancies were not predominantly cultural or religious but more financial. The Darfur genocide started with the civil war between the Khartoum national governments and two rebel groups in Darfur-- the Justice and Equality Movement and the Sudan Liberation Army who had kidnapped an air force general. The government responded brutally and involved militias to eliminate them.

According to Bangladesh Ministry of Home Affairs, in ten years (2001- 2011), nearly 27,595 people... more According to Bangladesh Ministry of Home Affairs, in ten years (2001- 2011), nearly 27,595 people died in a total of 36,439 incidents although the total number of accidents according to the Ministry of Road transport and Bridges was much higher (41,791). In 2017 alone, as much as 7,397 people died in road accidents according to the annual report of Bangladesh Passengers Welfare Association (BPWA) and which is 25.56% higher than 2016. There was also a staggering 15.82% increase in the number of road accidents. So, reckless driving, vehicle collisions or accidents were no ‘new normal’ in Bangladesh and many people had taken them almost as granted.
But some incidents were so tragic that forced the scenario to be changed and combined people from all walks of life which eventually led to a social movement. 2018 Road- Safety movement in Bangladesh was such a movement. It is to note that the initial six months of 2018, before the students took to the streets, saw the death of estimated 2,471 people in 2,353 road accidents all over the country.
Post COVID- 19 Health Strategy of European Union
The coronavirus pandemic has put European health systems under enormous strain, revealing gaps in... more The coronavirus pandemic has put European health systems under enormous strain, revealing gaps in the way public health emergencies are addressed. The European Commission's proposal for a new EU Health program, EU4Health, aims to fill these gaps. During the European Parliament's July plenary session, the Commission and the Council are to make statements on the EU's public health strategy after coronavirus, followed by a debate with Members
The recent (June, 2020) border skirmishes between the two regional nuclear powers, India and Chin... more The recent (June, 2020) border skirmishes between the two regional nuclear powers, India and China, over the disputed Himalayan borders have raised questions- why these incidents are occurring now in the midst of a deadly pandemic? Who is to blame for the incitements? What does it mean to other concerned state and can the agitations result into a full- fledged armed conflict?
American foreign policy is successfully shaped by the competition of four schools for influence a... more American foreign policy is successfully shaped by the competition of four schools for influence and among them Jeffersonian and Jacksonian schools have immense importance. Jeffersonian thoughts mostly evolved from the idiosyncratic elements of American culture and his policies have contributed to long- lasting peace and stability at a very minimum cost. Jacksonian political philosophy, on the other hand, is a cluster of sentiments and feelings rather than a set of ideas that are traditionally shaped and designed. Though it remains less- understood and less- favored by policymakers, it played a great role in US foreign policy history. This answer will discuss about the similarities and differences between them based on several key attributes and features.
This article will be divided into three parts. The initial part will discuss about the realist an... more This article will be divided into three parts. The initial part will discuss about the realist and constructivist assumptions while the second part will put light on US foreign policy towards Middle East. The final part will try to explore the process of foreign policy evaluation of US regarding Middle East by the two different streams and will also try to identify which theory has the better explanation capacity.
Since 1970, the NPT had experienced a rough journey but achieved significant success in different... more Since 1970, the NPT had experienced a rough journey but achieved significant success in different departments of non- proliferation and disarmament. To make an arrangement similar or more influential than this to this on an urgent basis is not to be happened in a short period of time. Thus, with growing tensions among the nuclear weapon states, this treaty needs to be redefined and restructured with more obligatory power and binding arrangements.

Critical Review of “Community engagement to tackle terrorism and violent extremism: challenges, tensions and pitfalls” by Adrian Cherney and Jason Hartley
Published in the Policing and Society journal from Routledge, this article by Adrian Cherney and ... more Published in the Policing and Society journal from Routledge, this article by Adrian Cherney and Jason Hartley was published in the year of 2015. Dr Adrian Cherney who is a future fellow of Australian Research Council (ARC), is currently teaching at the at the University of Queensland. He worked on community engagement programs, extremism and is also the supervisor of the research work- “Community Engagement to Counter Violent Extremism: The Bangladesh Experience”. Jason Hartley was an award-winning police officer who also served as cultural advisor, consultant and Islamic coordinator. He also has researched on counter- terrorism and community engagement programs.
The article initially tries to clear the concept of community engagement as a counter- terrorism approach. The reason of disbelief and mistrust amongst Muslim communities regarding the engagement process is discussed in the subsequent section. This also offers propositions to overcome tensions and build an effective mutual relationship. To terminate the discussion, lacking and loopholes of the suggested approaches are acknowledged.

According to Nyamutata, advance study of a ‘threat’ and readiness to combat probable risks from i... more According to Nyamutata, advance study of a ‘threat’ and readiness to combat probable risks from it is the way to effectively respond to a threat. Incorporating apt measures to put a hold on the spread or to prevent it in the first place is part of that readiness. A health hazard should have similar preparedness to contain the impacts of it in certain areas as per Witte, Meyer and Martell. Acting rapidly, providing medical assistance to the affected with an aim to contain the mortality rate, empathetic aid distribution towards susceptible groups, providing necessaries with utmost credibility—all these suggested by Reynolds focus on stabilizing situation. Sohrabi and many other experts believe that, COVID-19 is one health emergency like never before and developed states were not even prepared for this let alone third world countries like Bangladesh. Along with the existing prevention structures of the disaster management, Bangladesh started implementing instructions provided by WHO and developed a response plan which gives an overall image of Bangladesh’s response to the pandemic.
With the moto of ‘No one is left behind’ irrespective of social status or gender, the response plan incorporated members of around 500 committees from multisectoral levels along with RRCs. A six- level risk assessment plan has been introduced to reduce social vulnerabilities, improving competencies and maintaining suitable response. Government of Bangladesh initiated- earlier screening, cancellation of major events, emergency lockdown, distribution of financial aids as stimulus packages, sample testing centers and took up R&D measures to examine and further reorganize the response plan effectively. But it should not be denied that, government inability to act rapidly on different instances and lack of timely efforts resulted into major drawbacks of this plan generating mass criticisms. This paper analyzes the preparedness of government of Bangladesh in dealing with the pandemic- its success, failure and gives suggestions to complement the existing plan.

AFRICOM: An Apotheosis or Anathema, 2019
This study will predominantly focus on the United States role in Africa through AFRICOM, US- Afri... more This study will predominantly focus on the United States role in Africa through AFRICOM, US- African
Command which maintains military relations with fifty- three African nations. This paper will
show how the US is containing the African resources and exercising control over the socio- political
aspects of African countries in the name of upholding democratic values and strengthening economic
growth. This will also include a critical analysis of US neo- colonialist approach towards Africa under the
banner of curbing terrorism and maintaining stability. The overall research work will follow
contemporary and most relevant International Relations theories and will try to explain it within the
foreign policy framework of USA. Based on the work of Jeremy Keenan, this paper will try to
authenticate the data, information and statistics provided by him and will try to explore the newest
additions of AFRICOM and US policies towards Africa. Furthermore, this study will also keep an eye on
the US strategy in Africa to halt growing Chinese influence. Likewise, the paper will also investigate into
the US claim of being just and generous towards Africa. Interviews as primary sources and online
textbooks, magazine articles, journals, book reviews, commentaries, encyclopedias has been used as
Secondary sources and all kinds of plagiarism has been avoided while writing the paper.
Book Reviews by shahed rubel
1 2 3 4 5 6 R e s e a r c h F i n d i n g s
Papers by shahed rubel

White supremacy is not a recent phenomenon and neither Islamic terrorism. Both emerged at differe... more White supremacy is not a recent phenomenon and neither Islamic terrorism. Both emerged at different
times with different backgrounds and initially there existed no visible inter- relation amongst them. The
September 11 event of 2001 created suspicion amongst the Western countries towards Islam and the
Muslim community and that was the time when the idea of ‗White Separatism‘ started targeting
exclusively the Muslims. Apparently, the brutal killings by different terrorist organizations such asTaliban, Al- Qaeda, ISIL cannot be denied but they obviously do not represent a whole community or
religion. Nevertheless, after the 9/11 incident a new wave of white supremacy started promoting an antiIslamic rhetoric legitimizing racial antagonism and xenophobic violence. As far as Western domestic as
well as foreign policy apparatus was concerned, 9/11 incident introduced an especial attention to the
‗religious‘ element. Conversely, the Al- Qaeda attack not only changed the Western outlook and kindled
white supremacism or Islamophobia but also revolutionized the trends in Islamic terrorism. This paper
will unearth the abrupt shifts in the West soon after the Al- Qaeda attack. There will be a brief discussion
of the evolving trends of Islamic terrorism to draw a strong comparison between white supremacist
terrorism and Islamic terrorism. In addition, this paper will also work on major white supremacist attacks
to unleash how white supremacist terrorism solely earmarked Muslims over the years. In his way this
paper has tried to demonstrate how white supremacist terrorism and their targeted oppression enforced
deprived and marginalized Muslims to choose the wrong path of terrorism. Therefore, focusing on
Western double standards regarding Islam and Muslims, an attempt has been made to reveal the link
between Western mistreatment and Islamic outrage. This paper has not delineated Islamic terrorism as
an „end result‟ of white terrorism. Rather, it has portrayed white supremacist acts as a „reason‟ for
the sudden upsurge in Islamic radicalism in the post- 9/11 era and will demonstrate it‟s „cyclic
pattern of revenge‟.
Drafts by shahed rubel
promotion of international peace, security and cooperation based on the notions of UN Charter (1945), Helsinki Accord (1975) and Paris Charter (1990) and ensuring rule of law, individual freedom and human rights by promoting democratic values.
EU started showing its concern in the crisis mitigation and conflict management since the beginning of Rohingya crisis in Myanmar. From time to time, it mixed up various notions of the ‘Carrot and Stick’ diplomacy in resolving the issue and accelerating the repatriation process.
But some incidents were so tragic that forced the scenario to be changed and combined people from all walks of life which eventually led to a social movement. 2018 Road- Safety movement in Bangladesh was such a movement. It is to note that the initial six months of 2018, before the students took to the streets, saw the death of estimated 2,471 people in 2,353 road accidents all over the country.
The article initially tries to clear the concept of community engagement as a counter- terrorism approach. The reason of disbelief and mistrust amongst Muslim communities regarding the engagement process is discussed in the subsequent section. This also offers propositions to overcome tensions and build an effective mutual relationship. To terminate the discussion, lacking and loopholes of the suggested approaches are acknowledged.
With the moto of ‘No one is left behind’ irrespective of social status or gender, the response plan incorporated members of around 500 committees from multisectoral levels along with RRCs. A six- level risk assessment plan has been introduced to reduce social vulnerabilities, improving competencies and maintaining suitable response. Government of Bangladesh initiated- earlier screening, cancellation of major events, emergency lockdown, distribution of financial aids as stimulus packages, sample testing centers and took up R&D measures to examine and further reorganize the response plan effectively. But it should not be denied that, government inability to act rapidly on different instances and lack of timely efforts resulted into major drawbacks of this plan generating mass criticisms. This paper analyzes the preparedness of government of Bangladesh in dealing with the pandemic- its success, failure and gives suggestions to complement the existing plan.
Command which maintains military relations with fifty- three African nations. This paper will
show how the US is containing the African resources and exercising control over the socio- political
aspects of African countries in the name of upholding democratic values and strengthening economic
growth. This will also include a critical analysis of US neo- colonialist approach towards Africa under the
banner of curbing terrorism and maintaining stability. The overall research work will follow
contemporary and most relevant International Relations theories and will try to explain it within the
foreign policy framework of USA. Based on the work of Jeremy Keenan, this paper will try to
authenticate the data, information and statistics provided by him and will try to explore the newest
additions of AFRICOM and US policies towards Africa. Furthermore, this study will also keep an eye on
the US strategy in Africa to halt growing Chinese influence. Likewise, the paper will also investigate into
the US claim of being just and generous towards Africa. Interviews as primary sources and online
textbooks, magazine articles, journals, book reviews, commentaries, encyclopedias has been used as
Secondary sources and all kinds of plagiarism has been avoided while writing the paper.
Book Reviews by shahed rubel
Papers by shahed rubel
times with different backgrounds and initially there existed no visible inter- relation amongst them. The
September 11 event of 2001 created suspicion amongst the Western countries towards Islam and the
Muslim community and that was the time when the idea of ‗White Separatism‘ started targeting
exclusively the Muslims. Apparently, the brutal killings by different terrorist organizations such asTaliban, Al- Qaeda, ISIL cannot be denied but they obviously do not represent a whole community or
religion. Nevertheless, after the 9/11 incident a new wave of white supremacy started promoting an antiIslamic rhetoric legitimizing racial antagonism and xenophobic violence. As far as Western domestic as
well as foreign policy apparatus was concerned, 9/11 incident introduced an especial attention to the
‗religious‘ element. Conversely, the Al- Qaeda attack not only changed the Western outlook and kindled
white supremacism or Islamophobia but also revolutionized the trends in Islamic terrorism. This paper
will unearth the abrupt shifts in the West soon after the Al- Qaeda attack. There will be a brief discussion
of the evolving trends of Islamic terrorism to draw a strong comparison between white supremacist
terrorism and Islamic terrorism. In addition, this paper will also work on major white supremacist attacks
to unleash how white supremacist terrorism solely earmarked Muslims over the years. In his way this
paper has tried to demonstrate how white supremacist terrorism and their targeted oppression enforced
deprived and marginalized Muslims to choose the wrong path of terrorism. Therefore, focusing on
Western double standards regarding Islam and Muslims, an attempt has been made to reveal the link
between Western mistreatment and Islamic outrage. This paper has not delineated Islamic terrorism as
an „end result‟ of white terrorism. Rather, it has portrayed white supremacist acts as a „reason‟ for
the sudden upsurge in Islamic radicalism in the post- 9/11 era and will demonstrate it‟s „cyclic
pattern of revenge‟.
promotion of international peace, security and cooperation based on the notions of UN Charter (1945), Helsinki Accord (1975) and Paris Charter (1990) and ensuring rule of law, individual freedom and human rights by promoting democratic values.
EU started showing its concern in the crisis mitigation and conflict management since the beginning of Rohingya crisis in Myanmar. From time to time, it mixed up various notions of the ‘Carrot and Stick’ diplomacy in resolving the issue and accelerating the repatriation process.
But some incidents were so tragic that forced the scenario to be changed and combined people from all walks of life which eventually led to a social movement. 2018 Road- Safety movement in Bangladesh was such a movement. It is to note that the initial six months of 2018, before the students took to the streets, saw the death of estimated 2,471 people in 2,353 road accidents all over the country.
The article initially tries to clear the concept of community engagement as a counter- terrorism approach. The reason of disbelief and mistrust amongst Muslim communities regarding the engagement process is discussed in the subsequent section. This also offers propositions to overcome tensions and build an effective mutual relationship. To terminate the discussion, lacking and loopholes of the suggested approaches are acknowledged.
With the moto of ‘No one is left behind’ irrespective of social status or gender, the response plan incorporated members of around 500 committees from multisectoral levels along with RRCs. A six- level risk assessment plan has been introduced to reduce social vulnerabilities, improving competencies and maintaining suitable response. Government of Bangladesh initiated- earlier screening, cancellation of major events, emergency lockdown, distribution of financial aids as stimulus packages, sample testing centers and took up R&D measures to examine and further reorganize the response plan effectively. But it should not be denied that, government inability to act rapidly on different instances and lack of timely efforts resulted into major drawbacks of this plan generating mass criticisms. This paper analyzes the preparedness of government of Bangladesh in dealing with the pandemic- its success, failure and gives suggestions to complement the existing plan.
Command which maintains military relations with fifty- three African nations. This paper will
show how the US is containing the African resources and exercising control over the socio- political
aspects of African countries in the name of upholding democratic values and strengthening economic
growth. This will also include a critical analysis of US neo- colonialist approach towards Africa under the
banner of curbing terrorism and maintaining stability. The overall research work will follow
contemporary and most relevant International Relations theories and will try to explain it within the
foreign policy framework of USA. Based on the work of Jeremy Keenan, this paper will try to
authenticate the data, information and statistics provided by him and will try to explore the newest
additions of AFRICOM and US policies towards Africa. Furthermore, this study will also keep an eye on
the US strategy in Africa to halt growing Chinese influence. Likewise, the paper will also investigate into
the US claim of being just and generous towards Africa. Interviews as primary sources and online
textbooks, magazine articles, journals, book reviews, commentaries, encyclopedias has been used as
Secondary sources and all kinds of plagiarism has been avoided while writing the paper.
times with different backgrounds and initially there existed no visible inter- relation amongst them. The
September 11 event of 2001 created suspicion amongst the Western countries towards Islam and the
Muslim community and that was the time when the idea of ‗White Separatism‘ started targeting
exclusively the Muslims. Apparently, the brutal killings by different terrorist organizations such asTaliban, Al- Qaeda, ISIL cannot be denied but they obviously do not represent a whole community or
religion. Nevertheless, after the 9/11 incident a new wave of white supremacy started promoting an antiIslamic rhetoric legitimizing racial antagonism and xenophobic violence. As far as Western domestic as
well as foreign policy apparatus was concerned, 9/11 incident introduced an especial attention to the
‗religious‘ element. Conversely, the Al- Qaeda attack not only changed the Western outlook and kindled
white supremacism or Islamophobia but also revolutionized the trends in Islamic terrorism. This paper
will unearth the abrupt shifts in the West soon after the Al- Qaeda attack. There will be a brief discussion
of the evolving trends of Islamic terrorism to draw a strong comparison between white supremacist
terrorism and Islamic terrorism. In addition, this paper will also work on major white supremacist attacks
to unleash how white supremacist terrorism solely earmarked Muslims over the years. In his way this
paper has tried to demonstrate how white supremacist terrorism and their targeted oppression enforced
deprived and marginalized Muslims to choose the wrong path of terrorism. Therefore, focusing on
Western double standards regarding Islam and Muslims, an attempt has been made to reveal the link
between Western mistreatment and Islamic outrage. This paper has not delineated Islamic terrorism as
an „end result‟ of white terrorism. Rather, it has portrayed white supremacist acts as a „reason‟ for
the sudden upsurge in Islamic radicalism in the post- 9/11 era and will demonstrate it‟s „cyclic
pattern of revenge‟.