The subject of the Holy Spirit has always been very important
for the church of Jesus Christ. Thi... more The subject of the Holy Spirit has always been very important for the church of Jesus Christ. This is also true for the last few generations of believers. This book is basically a word study. It follows the use of the word "spirit" in the Old and in the New Testament as it points to the Spirit of God. It tries to cover all relevant contexts in an orderly and systematic way. The different bible passages are not only given as references but quoted fully so that the reader can follow the subject through the Bible in the words of the Holy Scriptures. Often the immediate context is included in the quotation to enable the reader's perception of the different meanings of the relevant phrases within their proper setting. Following this overview, it becomes very clear that the Holy Spirit was always very active in the salvation history of God's people. He also took part in creation and is still active in main- taining life on earth. The Holy Spirit is God. He is divine. As members of the New Covenant we can never be too grateful for the gift of the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ.
The New Testament is a great treasure, it is the gospel of
life, given by God’s inspiration in th... more The New Testament is a great treasure, it is the gospel of life, given by God’s inspiration in the first century and ever spreading since then. It is a joy to study and to teach it. Jesus Christ the central hero of the New Testament is out- standing. He is unique. According to the testimony of the prob- ably eight apostles and prophets or chosen ones who wrote the New Testament Jesus is the Christ, the Son of Man, the Savior of Israel and the world, the high priest in heaven, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, not only a prophet, but the Word of God in person whose Spirit was in the prophets of the Old Testament, the eternal Son of God who was the beloved of the Father even before the foundation of the world, that is the second person of the Holy Trinity. The purpose of this book is to encourage people to study the books of the New Testament, appreciate its contents and worship its hero.
In this book the following chapters are covered:
Chapter 1 Theology under the Word of God, p. 1
C... more In this book the following chapters are covered: Chapter 1 Theology under the Word of God, p. 1 Chapter 2 Theology - One God Revealed in Three Persons, p. 124 Chapter 3 Creation, p. 215 Chapter 4 Christology - about the Person and Work of Jesus Christ, p. 353 Chapter 5 Soteriology - about Salvation, p. 447 Chapter 6 Pneumatology - about God's Spirit, p. 631 Chapter 7 Ecclesiology - about God's People, p. 909 Chapter 8 Eschatology - about the Last Things, p. 1013 Appendices p. 1197-1344.
It is very easy to navigate through the pdf-file of this Greek gospel synopsis with the outline o... more It is very easy to navigate through the pdf-file of this Greek gospel synopsis with the outline open. I have often used it while preparing a sermon on a text in the gospels to get the picture of the combined statements of the gospels.
In dieser Arbeit zum Jesajabuch soll es sowohl um die Komposition des
Jesajabuches auf dem Hinter... more In dieser Arbeit zum Jesajabuch soll es sowohl um die Komposition des Jesajabuches auf dem Hintergrund des modernen Forschungstrends (Kap. 2.3) gehen als auch um eine spezielle geschichtliche Fragestellung in diesem Zusammenhang: Die geschichtlichen Kapitel Jes 36-39, die sich ganz ähnlich auch in 2 Kg 18-20 finden, spielen m.E. eine Schlüsselrolle bei jedem Verständnis der Komposition des Jesajabuches, sei es bei der älteren literarkritischen Forschung (siehe 1.2) oder auch bei der neueren (siehe 2.3). Je nachdem, wie das Zueinander der Jesaja- und Königekapitel gesehen wird, ergeben sich historische Konsequenzen als Ergebnis (Kap. 3). Ent- scheidet man sich nach einer eingehenden Untersuchung für eine wahr- scheinliche Priorität der Jesajakapitel vor den entsprechenden Könige- kapiteln mit einer Abhängigkeit der letzteren von den ersteren, so können dabei Hinweise auf die Entstehungszeit nicht nur dieser Kapitel, sondern auch ihres Kontextes im Gesamtaufbau (Kap. 4) gewonnen werden.
This is a very basic Old Testament Hebrew text book. The vocab-
ulary in the 20 lessons is less t... more This is a very basic Old Testament Hebrew text book. The vocab- ulary in the 20 lessons is less than 500 words. But these words are used very often and will make up 70 percent or more of any given text. The same approach has been used with regard to the verb forms. With the different forms of qatal we have given one example for the strong verb. The student who has mastered these forms has a good starting point to recognize other verb forms as well, for example the different weak verbs, examples of which are also given in the appendix. It is a minimalistic approach to introduce the student into Old Testament Hebrew. Much more has to be learned. But it is a start.
This is a very basic New Testament Greek text book. The vocab-
ulary in the 20 lessons is less th... more This is a very basic New Testament Greek text book. The vocab- ulary in the 20 lessons is less than 300 words. But these words are used very often and will make up 70 percent or more of any given text. The student who has mastered them can then gradually enrich his vocabulary by learning all the other words in the list of 1067 most often used words. The same approach has been used with regard to the verb forms. With the different forms of λύω we have given one example for the thematic conjugation. The student who has mastered these forms has a good starting point to recognize other verb forms as well. It is a minimalistic approach to introduce the student into New Testament Greek. Much more has to be learned. But it is a start.
The subject of the Holy Spirit has always been very important
for the church of Jesus Christ. Thi... more The subject of the Holy Spirit has always been very important for the church of Jesus Christ. This is also true for the last few generations of believers. This book is basically a word study. It follows the use of the word "spirit" in the Old and in the New Testament as it points to the Spirit of God. It tries to cover all relevant contexts in an orderly and systematic way. The different bible passages are not only given as references but quoted fully so that the reader can follow the subject through the Bible in the words of the Holy Scriptures. Often the immediate context is included in the quotation to enable the reader's perception of the different meanings of the relevant phrases within their proper setting. Following this overview, it becomes very clear that the Holy Spirit was always very active in the salvation history of God's people. He also took part in creation and is still active in main- taining life on earth. The Holy Spirit is God. He is divine. As members of the New Covenant we can never be too grateful for the gift of the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ.
The New Testament is a great treasure, it is the gospel of
life, given by God’s inspiration in th... more The New Testament is a great treasure, it is the gospel of life, given by God’s inspiration in the first century and ever spreading since then. It is a joy to study and to teach it. Jesus Christ the central hero of the New Testament is out- standing. He is unique. According to the testimony of the prob- ably eight apostles and prophets or chosen ones who wrote the New Testament Jesus is the Christ, the Son of Man, the Savior of Israel and the world, the high priest in heaven, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, not only a prophet, but the Word of God in person whose Spirit was in the prophets of the Old Testament, the eternal Son of God who was the beloved of the Father even before the foundation of the world, that is the second person of the Holy Trinity. The purpose of this book is to encourage people to study the books of the New Testament, appreciate its contents and worship its hero.
In this book the following chapters are covered:
Chapter 1 Theology under the Word of God, p. 1
C... more In this book the following chapters are covered: Chapter 1 Theology under the Word of God, p. 1 Chapter 2 Theology - One God Revealed in Three Persons, p. 124 Chapter 3 Creation, p. 215 Chapter 4 Christology - about the Person and Work of Jesus Christ, p. 353 Chapter 5 Soteriology - about Salvation, p. 447 Chapter 6 Pneumatology - about God's Spirit, p. 631 Chapter 7 Ecclesiology - about God's People, p. 909 Chapter 8 Eschatology - about the Last Things, p. 1013 Appendices p. 1197-1344.
It is very easy to navigate through the pdf-file of this Greek gospel synopsis with the outline o... more It is very easy to navigate through the pdf-file of this Greek gospel synopsis with the outline open. I have often used it while preparing a sermon on a text in the gospels to get the picture of the combined statements of the gospels.
In dieser Arbeit zum Jesajabuch soll es sowohl um die Komposition des
Jesajabuches auf dem Hinter... more In dieser Arbeit zum Jesajabuch soll es sowohl um die Komposition des Jesajabuches auf dem Hintergrund des modernen Forschungstrends (Kap. 2.3) gehen als auch um eine spezielle geschichtliche Fragestellung in diesem Zusammenhang: Die geschichtlichen Kapitel Jes 36-39, die sich ganz ähnlich auch in 2 Kg 18-20 finden, spielen m.E. eine Schlüsselrolle bei jedem Verständnis der Komposition des Jesajabuches, sei es bei der älteren literarkritischen Forschung (siehe 1.2) oder auch bei der neueren (siehe 2.3). Je nachdem, wie das Zueinander der Jesaja- und Königekapitel gesehen wird, ergeben sich historische Konsequenzen als Ergebnis (Kap. 3). Ent- scheidet man sich nach einer eingehenden Untersuchung für eine wahr- scheinliche Priorität der Jesajakapitel vor den entsprechenden Könige- kapiteln mit einer Abhängigkeit der letzteren von den ersteren, so können dabei Hinweise auf die Entstehungszeit nicht nur dieser Kapitel, sondern auch ihres Kontextes im Gesamtaufbau (Kap. 4) gewonnen werden.
This is a very basic Old Testament Hebrew text book. The vocab-
ulary in the 20 lessons is less t... more This is a very basic Old Testament Hebrew text book. The vocab- ulary in the 20 lessons is less than 500 words. But these words are used very often and will make up 70 percent or more of any given text. The same approach has been used with regard to the verb forms. With the different forms of qatal we have given one example for the strong verb. The student who has mastered these forms has a good starting point to recognize other verb forms as well, for example the different weak verbs, examples of which are also given in the appendix. It is a minimalistic approach to introduce the student into Old Testament Hebrew. Much more has to be learned. But it is a start.
This is a very basic New Testament Greek text book. The vocab-
ulary in the 20 lessons is less th... more This is a very basic New Testament Greek text book. The vocab- ulary in the 20 lessons is less than 300 words. But these words are used very often and will make up 70 percent or more of any given text. The student who has mastered them can then gradually enrich his vocabulary by learning all the other words in the list of 1067 most often used words. The same approach has been used with regard to the verb forms. With the different forms of λύω we have given one example for the thematic conjugation. The student who has mastered these forms has a good starting point to recognize other verb forms as well. It is a minimalistic approach to introduce the student into New Testament Greek. Much more has to be learned. But it is a start.
Books by Eddy Lanz
for the church of Jesus Christ. This is also true for the last few
generations of believers. This book is basically a word study. It
follows the use of the word "spirit" in the Old and in the New
Testament as it points to the Spirit of God. It tries to cover all
relevant contexts in an orderly and systematic way. The different
bible passages are not only given as references but quoted fully
so that the reader can follow the subject through the Bible in
the words of the Holy Scriptures. Often the immediate context
is included in the quotation to enable the reader's perception of
the different meanings of the relevant phrases within their proper
Following this overview, it becomes very clear that the Holy
Spirit was always very active in the salvation history of God's
people. He also took part in creation and is still active in main-
taining life on earth. The Holy Spirit is God. He is divine. As
members of the New Covenant we can never be too grateful
for the gift of the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ.
life, given by God’s inspiration in the first century and ever
spreading since then. It is a joy to study and to teach it.
Jesus Christ the central hero of the New Testament is out-
standing. He is unique. According to the testimony of the prob-
ably eight apostles and prophets or chosen ones who wrote the
New Testament Jesus is the Christ, the Son of Man, the Savior
of Israel and the world, the high priest in heaven, the King of
kings, the Lord of lords, not only a prophet, but the Word of God
in person whose Spirit was in the prophets of the Old Testament,
the eternal Son of God who was the beloved of the Father even
before the foundation of the world, that is the second person of
the Holy Trinity.
The purpose of this book is to encourage people to study the books of the
New Testament, appreciate its contents and worship its hero.
Chapter 1 Theology under the Word of God, p. 1
Chapter 2 Theology - One God Revealed in Three Persons, p. 124
Chapter 3 Creation, p. 215
Chapter 4 Christology - about the Person and Work of Jesus Christ, p. 353
Chapter 5 Soteriology - about Salvation, p. 447
Chapter 6 Pneumatology - about God's Spirit, p. 631
Chapter 7 Ecclesiology - about God's People, p. 909
Chapter 8 Eschatology - about the Last Things, p. 1013
Appendices p. 1197-1344.
Jesajabuches auf dem Hintergrund des modernen Forschungstrends (Kap.
2.3) gehen als auch um eine spezielle geschichtliche Fragestellung in diesem
Zusammenhang: Die geschichtlichen Kapitel Jes 36-39, die sich ganz
ähnlich auch in 2 Kg 18-20 finden, spielen m.E. eine Schlüsselrolle bei
jedem Verständnis der Komposition des Jesajabuches, sei es bei der älteren
literarkritischen Forschung (siehe 1.2) oder auch bei der neueren (siehe 2.3).
Je nachdem, wie das Zueinander der Jesaja- und Königekapitel gesehen
wird, ergeben sich historische Konsequenzen als Ergebnis (Kap. 3). Ent-
scheidet man sich nach einer eingehenden Untersuchung für eine wahr-
scheinliche Priorität der Jesajakapitel vor den entsprechenden Könige-
kapiteln mit einer Abhängigkeit der letzteren von den ersteren, so können
dabei Hinweise auf die Entstehungszeit nicht nur dieser Kapitel, sondern
auch ihres Kontextes im Gesamtaufbau (Kap. 4) gewonnen werden.
ulary in the 20 lessons is less than 500 words. But these words
are used very often and will make up 70 percent or more of any
given text.
The same approach has been used with regard to the verb
forms. With the different forms of qatal we have given one example for the strong verb. The student who has mastered these forms has a good starting point to recognize other verb forms as well, for example the different weak verbs, examples of which are also
given in the appendix. It is a minimalistic approach to introduce the student into Old Testament Hebrew. Much more has to be learned. But it is a start.
ulary in the 20 lessons is less than 300 words. But these words
are used very often and will make up 70 percent or more of any
given text. The student who has mastered them can then gradually
enrich his vocabulary by learning all the other words in the list of
1067 most often used words.
The same approach has been used with regard to the verb
forms. With the different forms of λύω we have given one example for the thematic conjugation. The student who has mastered these forms has a good starting point to recognize other verb forms as well. It is a minimalistic approach to introduce the
student into New Testament Greek. Much more has to be learned.
But it is a start.
for the church of Jesus Christ. This is also true for the last few
generations of believers. This book is basically a word study. It
follows the use of the word "spirit" in the Old and in the New
Testament as it points to the Spirit of God. It tries to cover all
relevant contexts in an orderly and systematic way. The different
bible passages are not only given as references but quoted fully
so that the reader can follow the subject through the Bible in
the words of the Holy Scriptures. Often the immediate context
is included in the quotation to enable the reader's perception of
the different meanings of the relevant phrases within their proper
Following this overview, it becomes very clear that the Holy
Spirit was always very active in the salvation history of God's
people. He also took part in creation and is still active in main-
taining life on earth. The Holy Spirit is God. He is divine. As
members of the New Covenant we can never be too grateful
for the gift of the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ.
life, given by God’s inspiration in the first century and ever
spreading since then. It is a joy to study and to teach it.
Jesus Christ the central hero of the New Testament is out-
standing. He is unique. According to the testimony of the prob-
ably eight apostles and prophets or chosen ones who wrote the
New Testament Jesus is the Christ, the Son of Man, the Savior
of Israel and the world, the high priest in heaven, the King of
kings, the Lord of lords, not only a prophet, but the Word of God
in person whose Spirit was in the prophets of the Old Testament,
the eternal Son of God who was the beloved of the Father even
before the foundation of the world, that is the second person of
the Holy Trinity.
The purpose of this book is to encourage people to study the books of the
New Testament, appreciate its contents and worship its hero.
Chapter 1 Theology under the Word of God, p. 1
Chapter 2 Theology - One God Revealed in Three Persons, p. 124
Chapter 3 Creation, p. 215
Chapter 4 Christology - about the Person and Work of Jesus Christ, p. 353
Chapter 5 Soteriology - about Salvation, p. 447
Chapter 6 Pneumatology - about God's Spirit, p. 631
Chapter 7 Ecclesiology - about God's People, p. 909
Chapter 8 Eschatology - about the Last Things, p. 1013
Appendices p. 1197-1344.
Jesajabuches auf dem Hintergrund des modernen Forschungstrends (Kap.
2.3) gehen als auch um eine spezielle geschichtliche Fragestellung in diesem
Zusammenhang: Die geschichtlichen Kapitel Jes 36-39, die sich ganz
ähnlich auch in 2 Kg 18-20 finden, spielen m.E. eine Schlüsselrolle bei
jedem Verständnis der Komposition des Jesajabuches, sei es bei der älteren
literarkritischen Forschung (siehe 1.2) oder auch bei der neueren (siehe 2.3).
Je nachdem, wie das Zueinander der Jesaja- und Königekapitel gesehen
wird, ergeben sich historische Konsequenzen als Ergebnis (Kap. 3). Ent-
scheidet man sich nach einer eingehenden Untersuchung für eine wahr-
scheinliche Priorität der Jesajakapitel vor den entsprechenden Könige-
kapiteln mit einer Abhängigkeit der letzteren von den ersteren, so können
dabei Hinweise auf die Entstehungszeit nicht nur dieser Kapitel, sondern
auch ihres Kontextes im Gesamtaufbau (Kap. 4) gewonnen werden.
ulary in the 20 lessons is less than 500 words. But these words
are used very often and will make up 70 percent or more of any
given text.
The same approach has been used with regard to the verb
forms. With the different forms of qatal we have given one example for the strong verb. The student who has mastered these forms has a good starting point to recognize other verb forms as well, for example the different weak verbs, examples of which are also
given in the appendix. It is a minimalistic approach to introduce the student into Old Testament Hebrew. Much more has to be learned. But it is a start.
ulary in the 20 lessons is less than 300 words. But these words
are used very often and will make up 70 percent or more of any
given text. The student who has mastered them can then gradually
enrich his vocabulary by learning all the other words in the list of
1067 most often used words.
The same approach has been used with regard to the verb
forms. With the different forms of λύω we have given one example for the thematic conjugation. The student who has mastered these forms has a good starting point to recognize other verb forms as well. It is a minimalistic approach to introduce the
student into New Testament Greek. Much more has to be learned.
But it is a start.